Important Event?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON May-19-11 AT 08:06AM (MST)[p]So Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords went in for brain/skull surgery yesterday while her husband Mark Kelley was on the Space Shuttle during a mission.

The question is, what event, if any, would trump being in the hospital at your wife's side?
Good question......sort of like leaving your wife at a gas station, if you ask me...LOL!

I couldn't help myself!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON May-19-11 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]Not that simple of a question, IMO...... ;-) According to doctors, yesterday's surgery was not that significant in the grand scheme...... Sounds HUGE, given that a portion of her skull was being replaced with plastic, but the reality was it was a relatively minor proceedure for these 'brain surgeon' types....

Also, surgery or not, I think it's clear that Gabby has been getting very strong support from her husband all along the way. Watching her husband launch into space likely provided a significant amount of inspriration to her, and hence likely has contributed to her overall recovery in a positive way.

Given the circumstances, I think that I would have gone on the mission! To answer the question of what would have trumped my being at my wifes side? Just don't know...... Would need to be case by case. Can't answer that. ;-)


My only thought on it was that I would personally be distracted by what's going on back home when I should be concentrating on flying the shuttle.
Depends on the guy:

Arnold - Any opportunity for a lil somethin somethin.
BCB - a perceived need to administer a high country tune up.
Bill Clinton - Some quiet time with a cigar.
YKWYA - one on one time in the MM clubhouse.
I'm sure Cpt. Kelley would have given up his spot on the Shuttle if the surgery on his wife where life threatening. No doubt she gave her blessings for him to be on this mission. Good to know Mrs. Giffords is making great strides in her recovery.

I know it was relatively minor surgery, as brain surgeries goes and there'd be nothing he could have done if he was there and something went wrong... but living with the guilt of not being there when it happened would be tough. People die in surgery every day for procedures that are much more minor. Heck look.... we almost lost never_catch the other day and all they were doing was minor brain surgery.
>My Wife will be alone if
>she needs surgery this September.



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