Immigration where do you stand

Immigration is the number one issue our country must deal with as far as I'm concerned. Don't even bother me with Iraq anymore. our country will cease to exist as we know it if tide of illegals is not stemmed. Legal too for that matter (tougher criteria for those seeking citezenship). America is THE ONLY country that allows such ease off passage into our land. We flat out cant afford it any longer, from any perspective you wish to look at it. It's time to get real and let the bleeding hearts bawl......
Lets see. The building boom has ceased, yet the only people working is illegals. The illegal contractors are working for less than we did in the 80's. But all of the state contractor licensing BS has done nothing to make things right. Get another job, some of you will say? How do you do that when you are competing against people who live 15 to a household and share all of the bills? Me being the income provider, I cannot afford to work for $12 an hour and feed my family.

I bid against these guys and they beat me, big time. If I worked for their price, I'd lose money. I try to pay my guys a livable wage. They pay their taxes and I pay mine, but we sit at home while Jose Illegal and family thrive with their new Escalades. There is a lot more people to blame than the Mexicans. The laws set forth need to be enforced.

Get rid of all illegals. Hell, right now I know several people willing to clean houses and hotel rooms, and they are legal.
>Lets see. The building boom
>has ceased, yet the only
>people working is illegals.
>The illegal contractors are working
>for less than we did
>in the 80's. But
>all of the state contractor
>licensing BS has done nothing
>to make things right.
>Get another job, some of
>you will say? How
>do you do that when
>you are competing against people
>who live 15 to a
>household and share all of
>the bills? Me being
>the income provider, I cannot
>afford to work for $12
>an hour and feed my
>I bid against these guys and
>they beat me, big time.
> If I worked for
>their price, I'd lose money.
> I try to pay
>my guys a livable wage.
> They pay their taxes
>and I pay mine, but
>we sit at home while
>Jose Illegal and family thrive
>with their new Escalades.
>There is a lot more
>people to blame than the
>Mexicans. The laws set
>forth need to be enforced.
>Get rid of all illegals.
>Hell, right now I know
>several people willing to clean
>houses and hotel rooms, and
>they are legal.

+1....If the illegal mexicans all end up here wont this place (Ca) end up just like the place they are trying to flee???? I have no problem with legal immigrants but this is way outa hand and has been for some time.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
Yep I posted this a few months back. Numbers USA here is their web site

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Give me one of those "can" tags, and also let me try out one of those new "vaporizer DX4" electronic guns.

I'm sick of the Iraq stuff myself, we have a "real war" right here we need to fight!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
If you guys think tags are hard to come by now just wait. How many tags do you think go to illegals now?
>If you guys think tags are
>hard to come by now
>just wait. How many tags
>do you think go to
>illegals now?

I know here in Ca they get plenty. I've seen more and more during deer season every year. Alot of non english speaking asians too. I also have been hearing for the last few years that the enviro-wacko's have been buying as many otc tags as they can and even putting in the draws!!!!!!!!

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
I'm all for land mining the entire southern and northern borders in a 5 mile wide strip. Lets start with the south. Problem solved.
The really sad part about all this immigration is that it is our own faults for hiring them just to save a few bucks for ourselves.

They need to tighten the lynch around the necks of the people who hire them illegally!!

I heard a scary statistic a while back, don't know how true it is or not, but it wouldn't surprise me-
I heard that if they made all the illegal's citizens and made them pay taxes, we could pay off our national debt and also put back the lost money in the social security account.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Fine the employers, put the employers out of business. No Jobs without being legal. Then they will go home.

>I heard that if they made
>all the illegal's citizens and
>made them pay taxes, we
>could pay off our national
>debt and also put back
>the lost money in the
>social security account

2 wrongs dont make a right...LOL :)

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
RUS What the heck is wrong with you. I have no clue what you are tring to get across. If your for the illegals comin across? If so where do you live? If somewhere where this is a none issue for you ok. Get on a plane come out here and i'll take you on a little tour. I wont say one word. You can take it all in and tell me what you think. You comments go way over the line. You may end up joining JB. Did you have issues with the # in the video. If you really mean what you said, then good luck to you. Your going to need it.
> It's called humor ( I
>think ), I like it.
>Dude do you live with your head in the sand? Do you and Rus think I'm a bigiot? if you do go fk yourself
Lizard ... take a DEEP BREATH ... good! breath through your nose.

Just trying to point out how far you can go with intolerance!

You think my comments are outta line???? Hitler convinced an entire nation that his were Ok.

Im sorry for that last post . you two have no clue or choose not open your eyes and look around. Maybe you just live someplace where this has no effect on you, if so give it time it will. If it gets to that point dont look at me for answers.
Holy Cow!!!!! Too hot for me in here. Let me just say this though, I live in central Ca. Ag is the #1 buisness around here and the immigration deal is a double edged sword. The farmers have become dependent on immigrant labor period, The way it goes is a farmer needs large crews of workers for certain crops at certain times of year usually only a week or two at a time. So he calls up a local labor contractor and he supplys the men. I think this is where the problem begins, These labor contractors are doin whatever they can to get these guys here and then helping them stay here. They own the shacks that they stay in, launder their money so they can get paid in cash and so on. But whats the farmer supposed to do? If he pays more money to get legal workers because all the immigrants get deported he goes out of buisness. And then where does our food come from? I think Immigration reform is long over-due, and I'm for it. As much as I hate saying it......we need them and I dont like it but thats the way it is. Immigration is alot more complicated than just sending them home. JMO...And I respect yours....Ryan

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-07 AT 11:04PM (MST)[p] You're 100% correct.

I might add even if you offered twice the money most Americans are too good to do the work the Mexicans do.

I guess guess we'll just get our food from China, better order unleaded if they have it.
I stood on the Border between Douglas and Naco in 05', I was one of the original Minute Men...guess that makes me a redneck, so be it.

Funny note, around midnight the first night I was by myself, the Mexican authorities were patrolling their side of the border about a quarter mile in and were blasting Kid Rock's Cowboy as they went by. So I opened my doors and gave them 1000 watts of Cowboy right back. They stopped and lit me up with their spot light, so I lit them up with mine...

I guess you could say it was a Mexican stand off for a bit...
If i understand the video, and use my little thinking tool, this goes way deeper than just who's doing the migrant work.

If its not a problem now, it will be in 15,20 years. If we fail to address the issues until then, its to late! Its called preventive messures! Lets NOT let the population grow so much that the government sells land just so it can house the people that it let get in illeagally, or legally.

If current trends continue the unemployment rate will get larger, the welfare #'s higher, a bigger burden on the gov to provide, how will they afford this? higher taxes......?On who? the legal workers and natural citizens(as illegals dont pay for the infrastructers they use)

It may be a southern US problem now but garuanteed, if there isn't a change,it will be a problem everywhere!

Just my thoughts.........
Dude and Rus one of the reasons I got so upset with you two last night is the fact that u to not care what this is doing to the land. Go to the azgfd website and look at the leftover pig tags. South of I-10 no one wants to hunt there and thats where the best WT MD and pig hunting is. I uderstand you two dont know me and could care less where i hunt but this is your land too.
Lizard, I know there is a real problem in this country with illegal immigration. Hysteria is not going to slove the problem. The goof ball in the video gave me the creeps. He wasn't offering any solutions just whipping up unreasonable fear. Look at the faces of the suckers listening to him. That kind of retoric causes people to do irrational things.

I knew that nasty post was going to get nuked ... all I was trying to do is demonstrate how paranoia can get people to believe unreasonable things.


In a way I agree with you and Hardway. We need them not because Americans are too good but because our government makes it a little too easy for those who choose not to work. There is a choice for those at the bottom rung, start out working on the farms for a small pay check, climbing up the ladder as they age or draw a welfare check while sitting on their rear. Most prefer the latter. It doesn't just stop at the bottom either for people who will not work.
I have many Mexicans that work for me. All legals and good men in all aspects. Many have been with me for ten years or more. Most have went on to gain their citizenship. These men came in legally, the only right way, and are enjoying being new Americans. Wouldn't trade these men for any other workers as these are some of the most loyal men I have encountered.
I do know exactly what Monster is talking about. The illegals, thats where I would draw the line. Reform the law in such a manner that summer worker shortages are solved.
The habit of ignoring the Mexicans coming in illegaly but enforcing the law on most all of the other nations people is just not right.
There has to be a better solution than what we have now.

Well if they come after Indians I want it know the Dude is more Indian than me. So he should go first, especially if the come in shooting.

If that big eared wingnut and his goobers had their way as soon as all the Mexicans were run out somebody would be next. hard to say how they'ld handle the Indians, probably send us back to Asia since that's where most think we illegally imigrated from.

I understand full well how the illegal Mexicans are making a mess in the southwest and the draws they put on our social services. I resent the way they expect us to adapt to them rather than they assimilate to our culture. the jobs they're taking from Americans is the only argument against them I take issue with. a couple years ago during harvest I got desparate because I needed more help than the few Mexican families around here could provide so I went to the unemployment dept. Oregon minimum wage is 7.80 and I pay $10.00 to try and get anyone I can. what did I get? after two days a stoner guy and his girlfriend showed up, they worked for two hours and said they needed to go get better gloves, I never saw them or anyone else again. like it or not Mexicans do our not so fun dirty work. don't tell me to pay $20 an hour unless you want to pay $8 a gallon for milk and even then most Americans wouldn't do the work.

Bush has had one good idea since he took office, the worker visa program, and it's shot down. if we ever get the Mexicans out of this country a worker program will be approved within minutes, we'll have no choice.
I know for a fact that here in central Ca its far worse than most places. My dad has a friend that grows winter veggies down in El Centro which is only 20 miles or so from the border. He has a harder time finding help down there than we do and he's right there. He say's its because down there the Mexicans are to afraid and try to get more north before they start working. The labor contractors here get about 9$ per hr per guy.....Min wage is like 7.50 or 8 bucks, how does that work? Because it's all profit for the contractor which probably does'nt even give them the min wage in the first place let alone pay any workers comp or ssi. Like I said we need them but more important we need to find a way to make it work! I'm tired of non english speaking, I'm tired of them taking over whole parts of town and turning them into (little Mexico's) with there gangs and crime that come's along with it!!!! Its time to get control or they will completley take over certain parts of this country. Here in my town the whole sw part of town is mexican, I'm talkin maybe 5-10,000 residents with there own grocery stores, travel agencies, tire shops, you name it. About twenty years ago I remember this part of town being mostly middle class white people, and now it has been completley taken over.Like I said earlier I have no problem with people coming here legaly to make a better life, but they need to remember that it's because of OUR culture that we have it so good......The mexicans are coming here, depleting our rescourses, and trying to convert as much as they can to being like it was "back home". Pretty soon it will be just like the place they left and we will be stuck with it. They are already having their legal born kids buying property to harbor them, relatives and supporters are being elected to public office, We need to do something before it's too late.

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
""""The mexicans are coming here, depleting our resources, and trying to convert as much as they can to being like it was "back home". Pretty soon it will be just like the place they left and we will be stuck with it. They are already having their legal born kids buying property to harbor them, relatives and supporters are being elected to public office, We need to do something before it's too late."""""

I'm not sure if any truer words have been spoken? I live in Nevada for instance, was born here, and have watched the state grow for the last 40 yrs. I would say that 80% of people that move here come from California, especially in the north. They are leaving high taxes, high cost of living, high population, and a host of other problems. Now in their new home they try to recreate the very same thing they left! Its mind boggling to watch! I have a friend that lives in Beaver Utah and he says they come to Beaver and try to do the very same thing. Course the town council in Beaver won't allow it and has basically told them if you don't like the way things are here, MOVE!

But the point is Mexico is a socialist country guys made up of rich and poor - the elite and peasant, there is no middle class. And the middle class is the back bone of America. If that video is true there might come a day where the American middle class is a minority and a thing of the past. They will vote themselves a new Mexico because we will be out numbered. Now it will be up to us to assimilate into their culture, their new country.

Lets not talk about the once extinct diseases in this country that they are now bringing back.

Hopefully I'm wrong.
Gila, now this is funny, you must not have taken your "chill pill" today!! I agree 100% with you. I know it seems funny even to me to agree with you, but you are right for once! This problem should have been addressed and taken care of many decades ago, actually, before you were born son. You get to inherit a growing monster that can not be contained, it is TOO LATE! People can not see past today and their own needs to help something that is destroying some of our economy. My wife has worked in the medical field for some time now, and if you are an illegal, you get way too many freebees that tax payers are paying for. It has been an epidemic in the schools and is taxing our educational system in a negative way. Marijuana farms maintained by illegals on our public lands have also been costly to us in many ways. Many illegal aliens commit crimes and little is done to them. The demand for free public service from illegal aliens is sky rocketing with no end in sight. On the other hand I realize that many illegal aliens have contibuted to our society in positive ways, but I would rather they get their immigration paper work so they can pay these cost with us. Then again, non-resident fees for tags and points is robbery in my opinion and nothing can be done and residents laugh all the way to the bank. Gas prices are robbery, and politians do nothing! So what is your priorty to take care of first?
Boy, The 1st place where we need to start is to close the border. After that I really have no answers. The flood has got to be stopped. I need to stay away from my own post ill check it i a couple of days. I dont want to join JB just yet!

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