I'm tired!!


Long Time Member
I worked a grave Thursday night/Friday morning and immediately after getting off work, I drove directly to Wendover to play a LONG session of poker. At 11am yesterday I sat down at a holdem limit $2/$5 table at the Rainbow...played there til 4pm. I was up $135 at that point. Drove a few minutes down the road to the Nugget and played another limit table until 5am this morning...my swings were HUGE there!!

In the first hour I had flopped 3 sets with dueces and lost and then flopped 9's full and lost and then had AA cracked by 9/4 offsuit...I was down $220ish in what seemed to be no time at all. I rebought $150 and began grinding for hours and hours. The last two hours I went on an awesome heater consisting of a 7 high straight flush, winning good pots with AA, KK, QQ, 99, AK, ect. In 18 straight hours of poker I ended up winning $330 ($18.33 per hour)...not a huge amount but it's definitely enough to help with Christmas and was a lot more fun than actual work :) I just barely got back home, driving through the blizzard from Wendover to Tooele this morning sucked hella, couldn't see the road most the way and my eyes were burning from no sleep!!

Anyways I like writing down or making a journal of my longer poker sessions right away so I thought I'd just tell ya'll about it because you and I and everyone else knows you had nothing better to do with your time than read this lol...I'm going to sleep now cuz this dude is tired!!

Have a great weekend!!

So that's how you get you Christmas money?:D

Does it work for Huntin Money too?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
B_BOPPER...that works for any kind of extra money!! Anyone who tells you that $$$ doesn't equal happiness is FOS or doesn't have enough of it!! X-mas is flat out expensive!!

Rugster if you're down to play nonstop poker for long periods of time then I'll be sure let you know when I'm going back!! I'll definitely be in the near future...good times for sure!!

Way to win Never_Catch. I figured this out a long time ago. Figured I didn't like the no sleep head ache. Every year Jan 1st I write a check to Wendover to pay my part of the light bill. That way I save myself the abuse of going over there. lol

~Z~, It's been a good while since i've been to a casino to play in a good "Live Game". If on vacation or the rare trip to Reno though, i find it, other than not playing anything at all, about the best way to stretch out a guys gamboling dollar. Usually in a 2-4 or 3-6 game, a $100. can last a long time if not even put a guy on a decent winner.

I find that the money they rake off the table from each pot to be one of the reasons i don't care to play that often. You're not only playing against the other players but the "house" gets it's cut, each and every hand, and though they must pay the "light bill" it still bugs me.

Still though, Poker sure can be fun and nice to hear of your adventures in that endeavor!!

BTW, i'm 3 for 3 winners in our home games so far this winter, about $100. up! :)

RELH, I'm keeping it! :)

One Day, i'm sending you a letter stuffed with winner $20.'s. Ever since i saw that beautiful knife that you made for Kilo, i've had a strong hankering for one similar.

Without that deck, it's going to take a lot longer!! :)

OK, keep the deck. sounds like you are winning more with it then I ever did. Must be those tight fisted A.H.s I play with.


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