I'm sorry, Utards!!!!!!


Long Time Member
I recently traveled I-80 from Kali to Wyoming. I had to go through SLC both ways. I very seldom look in my rear view mirror while driving, but I made a point to glance a few times while going through that great city. I noticed two pile ups behind me. I certainly hope no MM members or their families were injured. It's kind of your own fault though. You people drive way too fast, especially with people like me driving 50 mph trying to figure out which lane to get in. Those signs are confusing.

I get frustrated when I think I'm on I-80 and see a sign that says "Not A Through Street".}>}>

Thanks to the nice lady at the Subway sandwich shop, and to the guy at the brake shop for giving me directions to get back on the freeway. A special thanks to the State Trooper(?) who finally escorted me to the Nevada border. I would like to buy him a donut some time! Maybe next time!

Lol wouldn't expect anything less from you!

What did ya get?

I told you many times if I've told you once!
The trick is:
You harvest a Trophy!(Not a PISSCUTTER!)
Then you 'SPORT IT' where everybody can see it!
This slows them down & You'll feel more secure!
Of course You'll be a SCENE,but an admired SCENE!
And Remember to smear mud on the KALI plates!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Rump, I didn't get a buck this year. Lots of really nice people from Wyoming were pointing me in the right direction though. I saw a couple huge bucks too.

Bbop, I had the mud over the license plate. I brought half of Wyoming home with me.

I know I sound like an old man but this is honest to god. I ran out to the city the other day and I was going down parleys canyon "I-80" no shiz was doing 90 mph and could not keep up with the flow of traffic thats not exaggerated at all. Can you freeking beleive it 90 mph in the slow lane! Crazy Makes me appreciate my little house out in the sticks.
Right on, Eel--
Figure a good time had anyway? And are you thinking about a return trip next year or don't know?

need to speed up!!

Hey Sloper?
Who in town drives a Blue & Silver Dodge with a cattle/wood rack?
Seen them one morning during the General Elk Hunt with a wheeler in the back?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
You can send it to me Fedex Eel. I always like to go the extra mile(s) when it comes to helping out our senior motorists. :)
>You can send it to me
>Fedex Eel. I always
>like to go the extra
>mile(s) when it comes to
>helping out our senior motorists.
> :)

OK. but you have to share with Rugburn!

southslope understands!

Rump, I'm out of deer points but have 3 'lope points, so I hope next year.

I hosed my truck off today in 72 degree weather. Little sage brush plants have already germinated in my drive way.:)

Well B BOP Sounds like my Ol mans ride your talking about he has the wood rack and everything. The wheeler in the back throws me off,, he has a dirt bike? For the majority of the elk hunt though we were in Wyo huntin deer. No general rifle elk tags for us. Mighta been someone else?? Was it good or bad news seeing em??
Well sloper!
Whoever it was?
They pulled out in front of me early one morning just as I got in to town!
Then they tried making me inhale(Ya it was probably an older 12 valve Cummins!)
It Smoked perty good,but not good enough!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
eel these roads are deadly. Seems half of the state's roads are under construction.

I look forward to the donut. Send it to me not 45 and I will make sure he gets whats left ! lol
MY "Parley's Canyon story" was on a Saturday evening in the summer....on a motorcycle.

Saying Utah drivers are speeding and drive like ... .... would be an understatement.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
boy now i feel like an ass cause im one of thoae slc folks doing 90 in parleys up and down with my big enclosed trailer at that. sorry for the smoke yall but time is money so sooner i get there the more i get done which means the more i make then thw more time hunting i can afford.. ;) sorry slowpokes!!!
I used to think I drove fast. 70-75 mph. Hell, that's slow anymore. I still drive 70-75 but I'm getting passed right and left. ell, I think those signs you are referring to are meant to be viewed at no less than 80 mph. They just don't blurr right at 50. :D

It's always an adventure!!!
Eel- Stay in the middle lane and you'll do just fine. If there's only two lanes, stay in the middle and you'll do just fine.....

T&A Inspector
Damn I missed you again. You forgot to stop by and get the cake I made you 2 years ago. It might keep till next year. Dose the Spotted owl hood orniment still have feathers? Glad you made it home safe. That Wyoming mud is not much good for growing patatoes that is unless it is in your ears. But it might be used for paper weight once it dries.
Get that elk tag next year. I know a spot in Nv that don't have any elk, mud or ugly girls.

I know exactly what you are talking about. My Utard daughter in law drove home from the beach yesterday and made 20 miles in 15 minutes with 6 stop lights on the way. Fastest posted speed on the island is 55 MPH. The islanders haven't seen driving like that since 1911 was banned from driving here anymore.

I was hoping with all the money on roads they were spending down there that they would just make a big over pass say from brigham city to provo Just a nice one lane bridge LOL
Last month on the way home after talking with you we decided to take the "straight across" shot of I-80 instead of the southern route like we usually do on 215. It was a breeze and a few locals were moving out of the way of the "Mack" truck my friend drives.
He drives a 2001 FORD F-350 with more lights than a Xmas tree and drivers think a Mack Trucker is on their hind ends and move over...LOL

Brian, next time I'll follow right behind you. (if I can keep up).

Rutnbuck, I probably drove past your house at least once while I was lost. Next time I'll stop for sure. I love cake.


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