i'm sorry Mul3y_CraZy_



LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-08 AT 10:03PM (MST)[p]I sent you a PM, but i'm not sure you know what that is so i'll say it here.

-Maybe i was a little harsh on you in the mule deer forum, and to be honest it wasn't pointed at you directly, although i see how it could be miscontrude as such. there are a lot of guys doing the exact same thing in here, and i swear i dont mind helping when i can.
-Some of us here on MM, like to have a bit of fun sometimes...always, and i hope you will stick around and continue to post, as this is a great place to pick up ALL kinds of info. Some you'd like to know some you'd rather never know.
So i hope you're not too offended and you will continue to add to the great diversity here at MM. Thats all i have to say about that......JD McPhie(tageater)

hey Tag I think you are doing a great job of pissing people off in your next thousand posts. keep up the good work, stay focused and you will be back up on the stage giving another heroic spill in no time!
Ransom.......get your azz back into the chat room...the Mrs. is really talking some smack. and i aint sorry about anything i eversaid to you alabama a-hole!:)

One_dry......you know if you read the thread in mule deer you get a pretty good understanding of what i was trying to say...i just said it with a bunch of sarcasm. And new kids dont know that i'm the smart ass that means no harm. well he does now. and yes i'm on a tear to get my next 1000....

Kilo, i dont drink at work...but if you wanna know how many beers i've had since last night at midnight....4...then i went to bed for 6 hours, got up went to work(where i'm at tonight) and in about 1 hour i'll go home and have 6 more beers!

I'm not lonely...just trying not to run any one off. I'm sure FOUNDER wouldn't like that! Its the whole "your nice to the cat so he'll come around, and then you kick him, then your nice to it again" thing.

I aint such a hard ass that i cant say sorry if i'm wrong...Its called Southern Manners. If you're wrong you're wrong. admit it. I might have been a little out of line as i was trying to be (and i think i was) funny! I shouldn't be picking on the new kid.


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