I'm pissed...


Long Time Member
I post an honest salmon question in the general hutining forum, and not only get delted but get an ass chewing from Brian (Founder). Yet, it is OK to talk wresttling there? What happened to the second amendment BRIAN?? pc
just think how mad you'd be if cussing was allowed.....

Soooo PC, if your second amendment rights (or first for that matter) apply to a privately owned and operated internet forum... shouldn't that same amendment (whichever one it is) apply to cussing in a chatroom?
Quit your whining! The wrestling post was deleted too. Geeeez!! Why can't you just post the fishing question in the appropriate forum? There is a forum for fishing talk!!!!
You're arguing/complaining just like my 10 and 13 year old kids do. So picked on.........

PS - In addition to also removing the wrestling thread, I also deleted another fishing thread tonight. I hope that makes you feel "less" picked on.

Please people, post in the appropriate forums, and don't belly-ache when your thread, that is posted in the wrong forum, is deleted. I don't have time to move them. Just post where it should be, and all will be wonderful.


Wish I had a dollar for every post or thread I've had nuked on here in the past...til that money shows up I guess I'll just have to keep whining :)


Drink 2 more Budweisers!

Then Scroll down to the KALI Forum!

That Thread ain't been NUKED,Yet!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LOL....Next time just say one of the fish was from Utah and it'll be ok.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Go hunting! Go fishing! Go to a Titty Bar!

Take your mind off being pissed about something so silly anyway.....especially when you drink

Or be like my ex-wife....go shopping and spend a bunch of money you shouldn't have.

It was all FireMarshmellowBill's fault anyway!.....or mine?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-11 AT 08:01AM (MST)[p]OK, you've had enough time to get over it, so.....

What's your salmon question?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-11 AT 08:22AM (MST)[p]PC did it hurt your feeling. Here I will give ya a group hug.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
GEEZUS......come on FRIDAY so I can get away from this damn complaining and NO PUTER and just relax. Then too, that won't be easy with two others from here will have laptops and keep stiring the pot....LOL

Ahhhhhhh, all is good in "Monster Muley Land". I didn't think it was possible, but I actually got Brian to lose his temper. Life is good.....pc

PS I also can't believe I typed 2nd Amendment, though. Maybe I shouldn't have had that 15th Budweiser.
CAels, I don't remember what the question was!!!! Hmmm, go check the Great Outdoors and CA forums. I THINK I put the question there, too. pc
PC, I remember the salmon question perfectly. "Are we going to have a salmon season this year?"

The answer would be, "maybe, but not in the General Hunting Forum."

Come on, PC! Just think of Bluegills!
Season never closes, limit is huge and they're bigger than Delta Smelt!!!
I really hope Founder makes a "Salmon only" Forum.... Anyone that posts' anything about bass, steelhead, trout etc gets nuked and banned from the site!! I think letting you (PC) be the moderator is only the right thing to do and it would show Founders good faith in taking care of his faithful followers!! LMAO this is great stuff boys!!! Thanks for asking about Salmon PC!!! :)

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