I'm moving to Kona


Long Time Member
I got up this morning and it was 30 degrees out! This is total BS!!! About one more day of this and I'm outta here!

34 degrees down here Eel, the snow never showed like the forecast said it would.
Hey Eel...come down here it was ONLY 25 when I went out to get the paper at 6am today.


I feel your pain Eel those inland boys don't understand it's a wet cold theirs is a dry cold, they just don't get it! ;-)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-11 AT 11:13AM (MST)[p]you are obviously way smarter than me with figuring out where to live,
-14 this am in Donnelly , Idaho
i agree with the dry cold vs wet cold, i grew up in Grants Pass ,Or
there sure is a difference.
Holy Chit -14 !

You grew up right up the road from where I grew up md ,Crescent City.

I was kinda being sarcastic about wet/dry cuz you always hear it as an excuse when it is VERY HOT! or VERY COLD! and someone says oh man I couldn't handle that and the other guy usually says well its a dry heat/cold.

There is a distinct difference for sure but when your talking extremes such as minus anything or anything past 110 you can safely say it is extremely fuggin hot/cold whether wet or dry.

md how long ago did you leave your hometown and how do you like ID I have been thinking ID,NT,WY etc.


I'm moving to Kona too. Just stay away from my turtle honey holes and we'll get along okay.
You could PM 45 and JB if you want the directions to the gentlemens social club.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-11 AT 11:36PM (MST)[p]i live half way between eel and kilo this morning at 6 it was 19 degrees at my house the doors were froze shut on my truck i had to pour hot water on them to get them open i live at about 900 ft. elevation we got about 3 inches of snow yesterday then it melted and froze it was a clod s.o.b. that for sure and yes it is a wet cold for sure chills you to the bone

p.s. my brother in law and his family are in hawaii he said yesterday it was 86 degrees i told him to F@CK OFF
Well Eel I think my wife and I just might pack up and go to Kona and maybe become your neighbors. I went outside this morning and it was 34 bone chilling degrees and that is totaly unaceptable down here in southern CA. I'm about about done dealing with this nasty, harsh, cold weather. Why just yesterday it even rained!! Can you imagine that?

Ready to move.
25 degrees yesterday set a record for this time of year and this morning it was 28 when I went to get the paper at 6:30am.

I can't believe none of the Eastern Montana or North/South Dakota boys on here haven't come on this thread and raked our nuts for being a bunch of PU$$IES! LOL!

It's amazing how climatized the body becomes.

Thanks for the support guys!

Kilo, you went out to get the paper when it was 28 degrees???? Only an old man without all his facalties would do that.:)

Bill, all the Montana and Dakota boys are huddled up to the wood stove away from their computers, I guess.

Yes and it is a DEMOCRAT NEWSPAPER THAT RANSOM WON'T BUY and many times I agree with him.....but I need to see if my name is in the Obituary Column and then do the crossword puzzle....LOL
Monday thru Saturday I need my SUDUKU PUZZLE to figure out.


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