I'm headed to the Wilderness!


Long Time Member
I know it's illegal to use motorized vehicles in Wilderness areas, but this thing is quiet enough no one will know, especially if I ride in/out under the cover of darkness.

I could easily ride in 5-10 miles on a trail, stash it, hunt until dark, and ride out!

At my age I'm back in the game! I no longer have to look for Bobcatbess over my shoulder.

The trails I use to get back to my areas are just barely wide enough to walk on even is I wanted to use one of those there is no way to get it back to where I hunt. Pretty good Idea for the flat landers though.
I didn't see any cup holders. Does it come with cup holders? I don't think I could get one if it doesn't come with cup holders.

I'm not one for telling my grandson how big of turd I had to pinch off from having to eat so much meat. I want to give him the antlers that hang from my wall and tell him the unforgettable experience that came with each and every one.
Eel be careful. I heard that Bess has located some more ammo for his tune them up 50 cal. rifle. He is ornery enough to come after your new ride.
You may have to pull a hillbilly trick and backtrack on your trail in and lay in wait and ambush old bess.

>Eel be careful. I heard that
>Bess has located some more
>ammo for his tune them
>up 50 cal. rifle. He
>is ornery enough to come
>after your new ride.
> You may
>have to pull a hillbilly
>trick and backtrack on your
>trail in and lay in
>wait and ambush old bess.

Thanks RELH. It's good to have a Hatfield on your side. I never would have thought of covering my backtrack.:)


That'd easily fit on the QUAD Queer Trails they've Blazed around here!

If I find one STASHED on my Hike Out I won't TUNE it until I get back to the TrailHead/Truck!:D

You ever wondered where you'd locate a Spare Lithium Battery at 12K?:D

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
get the two seater with a sissy bar/gun rest and a plug for my spot light and am in...
When you crash on that thing, the first person that comes to your aid, will have to remove your "crank" from your watch pocket!"

Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
I just ordered 2 of them.....just in case Bess finds one and I'm still bustin' trail on the Wasatch.

Yes Mickey, they come standard with a 64oz cup holder. I wouldn't have it any other way. I got the leather covered heated seats too! They're a little pricy but what the hell.

I just still wonder how they'll do in that White River gumbo mud??? ha


You take that off the road in Cali and those dope meisters will own you. I'm surprised they don't already have a model out with a marijuana leaf decals on the sides for sale in Cali only.
Hey Eel!

Best order you a set of Shin/Leg Guards for them Rosy Legs!:D

Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
It just might work for those midnight raids on Kali pot farms.

It's even named after you Bbop! QuietKat!:)


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