I leave for a day & I get bent over on MM from 3 different directions!
While I'm gone there are more FRICKEN pictures posted of me than ever posted in MM history,WTF?

And that T-Shirt pic,well you gotta see the rest of it to appreciate it!

I asked stinkbug at least 1,000,000 times not to post my SJ camp meat Buck on MM but GEEZUS!

I thought the 'EXTREMELY NICE GAL' down at the 4-Point Meat Locker in Monticello would take care of the Un-Tagged Camp-Meat Pisscutter for me without calling the DWR,but Hell I never even left before they showed up!

And by the way GATOR,that nice Gal told stinkbug it was gonna be a 1.00 a lb and she didn't give a sshit how he wanted it quartered up,glad we left the Head,Hide,Legs,Horns & Guts on/in that Bull,She must know stinky?:D

Then comes the day c3 waltz's in to town mid-day for a Burger,ya I kept thinking I know that guy driving that LEZBARU but do you think he'd say Hi?Oh Hell No!:D

And for Alp's comment on another thread,I like the Hell out of ya Alp,but don't start the BS with me,You & several stick Flippers took damn nice Bulls(Yes I said:DAMN NICE BULL THERE Alp!)in LE units,yes I was in 2 different LE Units & yes them Bulls were tearing it up during your LE Archery Hunt,DON'T Try & tell me different!And one more thing Alp,As a matter a fact I Archery hunt too,never said it was easy,but don't even tell me it ain't fair for Archery hunters,bet your Archery equipment is way better than mine also,again Damn Nice Bull!

I was gonna post a pic of QTPie's Bull but looks like stinkbug already posted it,He was a mean Bull,A heard Bull also,busted up really good from keeping the smaller satellite Bulls from taking the only 3 Cows left on that Unit.

More to come.....................

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Hey Livetahunt,

No,it's a SJ Camp-Meat Buck!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
camp meat? Is that what that was?

I guess a coffee can full of elk meat don't go far.

You're excused BBop!

I hope that "nice gal took care of you guys, She one of the sweetest gals I know, If it was Stinky's bull it would of been 5 dollars a pound, but it was Qtpie bull so she got the good rate. LOL
Bunch of great people run 4-point meat locker.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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