

Long Time Member
What if you get a call while your at work from your wife. She says some guy just called and threatened her. Told her where you lived, her job and a few hobbies.

What would you guys do, or how would you handle it?

What kind of threat ? I would be tellin her to lock the house up until I got home . Then its just kind of waiting game till I figure out who the guy is , or if he shows up .
>I don't see this thread lasting
>long . Can we say
>that word on here 84
>? LOL

LOL sometimes they sneak by! Dont nuke the whole thread though, I dont wanna have to retype it!

My wife wouldn't call me. She would just simply tell the guy to come on over, she and the Remington will wait.

Besides that, anyone seriously intent on harming someone is probably not going to call and threaten them.
Call the police and file a report. Your phone should have the number. See if it can be traced. You didn't say you knew who it was. Is there more to this story? Make sure your wife has a carry permit and know how to shoot. Get a good big dog, not a mean one but one that knows what protect means. Have him slapped with a stalking charge. If you're found guilty of stalking, I think it becomes illegal for you to own guns. Good Luck!
Cops will be your best bet, there is too much at stake to go any other route. If that isn't up your alley, give me a call, I know some guys...
There is only so much the cops can do . They are not going to provide around the clock protection . If the phone number was from a cell phone it takes a warrant or court order to find out who the cell phone is registered to .

Like it was said before , pretty unlikely that some body that really wants to hurt a person is going to call first . These deals are usually some jerk trying to get a rise or scare some one .
My wife can definitely handle herself, and I would kinda feel bad for anyone that tried to mess with her. They WOULD regret it!

I'm just wondering what you guys would do in that situation.

If they knew that much about her, she probably knows them somehow. Teach her how to tell if someone is following her then have her drive by where ever you are. That seems to work for the girls I stalk.

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