
OK MM What would you change if you could go back in time.

Anything goes such as,,,,,,
1- getting married
2- taking that job
3- investments gone bad
4- waiting to long for buying points.... I am guilty of that.
5- Puting in for a tag just because the odds were good..Guilty again on that one, right Foundation?
6- Not picking on Stinky,,,, Not guilty on that. lol

I am 39 and just 3 years ago pulled my head out and started buying points in Utah,,,,, What was I thinking??????

I did buy property finally so that was a good choice. Hmmmm just not sure of any more? lol

MM lets hear from ya!!!
Never woulda married that dirty pirate hooker from whore island!! That about covers it for me lol...

Seriously you've only been building points for 3 years rug?? I can understand that though, I have zero deer points since all I've ever had is northern and statewide archery tags...


I would have had a better plan during my high school and college years instead of not really knowing what I would be doing later in life. I'm 34, things have turned out pretty well but maybe could have been better...
Oh boy...where do I start. I could go on and on about the 1st three for sure.

A guy should put sh!t behind him, move on and not sweat it...but, that is harder than you think...
There was this one time at band camp...

Seriously, there were many times in my life where lust, greed or short term satisfaction caused me to make poor decisions. However, I've turned out OK and try to live by the motto "No regrets". You can't change it anyway.
Where I am now I would not change. I would have done some odds and ends differently, but truly I have no regrets. I wish my dad would have started building points for me when I was 12 instead of 20:) I tell him that every spring when apps are due and every time we dont draw a tag.

Money,you can always save a more!!

Spent more time with elders of the family, Yes their house smells and they are boring, but do you remember their maiden name, their fathers origin, etc.

Family trees are being lost more and more with every generation!
I would have rented for another 6 months and bought a bigger newer nicer house when the market fell! Now I'm stuck for a while.


Nothing.. It's the game of life and it's full of peaks and valleys. Nothing is worse when everything goes wrong and you are in the "valley of despair" but things always have a way of working out and I know that no matter how bad things are in my life there are countless others that have it much worse so no matter how tough the circumstances I always look on the bright side. I know a lot of folks and myself included are facing tough times but nothing lasts forever. One thing I would do if I could go back would be to better appreciate time with family that is gone now. They were a very important part of my life.
+1 NVBighorn & 70_guy... Good posts!

One thing that i'm most proud of was the great times, camping, hunting, and fishing, or just hanging out a lot... with both set of Grandparents while they were still with us.

Tough Question! I've long wished that i could have kept all the guns and rifles i've owned instead of trading or selling them to acquire others. Actually, same thing with the Girls. :)

I would have pulled out.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Instead of trying to get a muzzy shot between two aspens on a 190" black antlered massive buck at 70 yards I'd wait for a better shot opportunity.

The power belt imbedded into one of the aspens. I've had to watch that awesome buck run off hundreds of times in my mind.
>Never woulda married that dirty pirate
>Seriously you've only been building points
>for 3 years rug?? I
>can understand that though, I
>have zero deer points since
>all I've ever had is
>northern and statewide archery tags...

LOL that dirty pirate. 10-4 I have more points out of state than I do in Utah....
>Wait for my wife to get
>in the truck before leaving
>the gas station.

Was that an Eastbound and Down reference?

That's more of a "Hey I'm a badger but I really like ponies and rainbows too" smile. - mtnmayhem
One thing that I have not done is a fishing trip to Alaska. I am still building points for it, or should say saving my pennies. A-lot of good answers and I agree that things in the road of life can't be changed. Learn move on and create the future... Now if anyone has some extra Utah points they want to send my way go for it!! lol
There was a time in the 5th grade I should have taken her behind the bushes and forget about the others playing tether ball and coped a "feel", but I made up for it in 7th.

I wouldn't have been the "nice" guy in school when it came to the ladies. I went out with a few ho's in school and never tried to get naughty with them because I wanted to show them I was different than the other guys. What did that get me? Maybe not as many cases of crabs....but a whole lot less fun, that's for sure!

If I could go back I would bust the chap in the jaw who told me about using alternative fuels in my diesel. With the money I saved in fuel I did almost break even after paying off the service department but now my garage has 600 gallons of fry oil in leaky barrels I need to get rid of. I've thought about using it like linseed oil on my cedar fence.
I would have:

1. Not married EVER until I was 30 or 40 or 50.

2. Bought every acre in Mesquite, Nevada for 100/ac. in 1990

3. Not missed that ONE buck in SE Idaho and then the next year not passed up a shot on him at 100 yards when I couldn't quite see his one side.
If I could go back , I would remember ear plugs for every camping trip I have been on with rugarm77 , so I wouldn't have to listen to him snore .
1965 - Buffalo, Alberta - jumped out of the car faster.

1976 - Boulder Mt. - let the yearling pass.

1977 - Monroe Mt. - thrown in a can of black powder.

1979 - Parker Mt. - held lower - both shots.

1989 - Ariz. 4B - shot first.

1989 - Ariz. 4B - held my draw for 10 seconds more.

1993 - Applied for Utah Moose.

1995 - Pauns. - let him stop.

1996 - Applied for Utah Moose.

1998 - Tusher Mt. - put a second ball in him.

1999 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer
2000 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer
2001 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer
2002 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer
2003 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer
2004 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer
2005 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer
2006 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer
2008 - Applied for Colorado Mule Deer

Foundation, still mad about our shed hunting trip a couple weeks ago?? LMAO !!!! I told you to bring you hearing protection. After 6 days in New Mexico you still did not learn... Besides I am not that loud, I never hear a thing...
Go back to 1996, take out a $30,000 loan and buy Google stock for a buck a share.

2006, sell said Google stock for $430 a share

the rest would just fall into place me thinks!
Sold my house 3 years ago and then brought it back this year and maked 200,000 dollars. Next time LOL

Now at nights I when I pray it goes like this:
Lord please give us another contruction Boom and I promise not to piss this one away like the last one Amen.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Saw Foundation tonight, seems he is still pissing and moaning about forgetting his hearing protection. One would think he would learn but then again he did get lost the first night out shed hunting in Nevada 2 weeks ago and had to leave his wheeler on the mountain. Maybe there is a connection to his anger???

On a side note hey Foundation tell all of MM world why you spent money on a Rhino GPS, left it at the cabin, and then got lost????/

LMAO !!!!!! I cant wait for this reply !!!!
This is a great topic, it always comes up when all the guys are at hunting camp. I #1 would be not being the nice guy in college take advantage of college girls. Wait a while longer to get married. Oh ya should have taken the off hand shot at a 35 inch muley at 20 yards. Mainly just chased more tail back in the day.

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