If you are married...............

Dean Parisian

Active Member
Most married couples seldom compliment each other on anything. Every time they talk to one another, it's to criticize or simply to pass on information. This isn't how love is supposed to be. How often do you encourage your wife? Tell her she's a great mother? Or how about how good she looks in that outfit?

Make a mental note to compliment her at least once every day on something different. You'll find the whole tone of your conversations with her beginning to change, and, as a result, your marriage will experience a rekindling of affection. Try it for a week.

This nugget came via: www.allprodad.com

What a great site to make a guy a better dad.

It has sure helped me to be the best Dad I can be. You also might subscribe to the daily emails. They are great.

Dean Parisian
Chippewa Partners
Team Muleys Pro Staff
Wow!! What a great post. I, for one, don't compliment my wife enough. She is a fantastic person and I know she doesn't receive enough "atta-girl"s from me. We take a lot of things in our lives for granted. Our wives should not be one of them. They can be gone in a heartbeat and most of us would be lost without them. I am going to show this post to my wife because it is so ironic to see it today. We've had this same conversation over the past couple of days. It's funny how things pop up in the most unexpected places. Great post!! and THANKS!!!!

See my reply to the "looking for a girl in a red ford" post over on the general forum.

I bought my wife a new pitchfork and a pair of gloves once. :)

Seriously, my wife is my hero and I tell her that often. Maybe not often enough, though. But I really did buy her a new pitchfork once. And seven purebred heifers that she considers to be her diamond ring. She was thrilled with both.
>But I really did
>buy her a new pitchfork
>once. And seven purebred heifers
>that she considers to be
>her diamond ring. She was
>thrilled with both.

How sweet of you!

Aim Center Mass
I bought my wife laundry baskets for are first Christmas...
Big mistake

I was out pike fishing when my first child (daughter) was born....
Bigger mistake

But I am still maried. I am taking my daughter bow hunting for elk this year.

I go hunting with my whole family. All five of us. My wife stays in camp and cooks and cleans. lol And my kids go with me hunting. They do the calling for me. It is hard but I love it.

that is some good stuff you posted, thanks for sharing it with us. I think its easy for all of us to get carried away or take for granted the most important people in our lives.....well said man!
I subscribed to the daily e-mails. They are great, it has changed who I am at the end of the day when I go home. What a great tool. Thanks for the info.

Aim Center Mass

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