if u love to hunt oregon u better watch this video

LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-16 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-16 AT 04:11?PM (MST)

U know hunters live in a state of denial I'm 59 n so much has changed it scary but you keep saying everything is ok

People like u remind me of the frog in the pot of water, there were red flags all through this video...but what ever...n I don't mean the hammonds listen between the lines...

Besides this wouldn't effect the privileged hunter just us simple people..
Where is the BLM stopping hunting. and what percentage of the BLM does it represent? be specific.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I asked for specifics and you give a 16 year old wingnut article.

I would say that proves there never was a land grab.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
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