If this decision gets affirmed by the Supreme Court we should all scream!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-09 AT 01:13PM (MST)[p]Yeah this is just stupid - meaningless punitive litigation. Some things should just be left alone.

Arlington National Cemetery should be next - most of the markers there remembering the veterans are crosses or the Star of David and they are on federal land too.

If they tear this down they should go after the petroglyphs next because many of them have religious significance and they are not only on federal land, but protected as well!

Isn't this was TOLERANCE is all about?? We "tolerate" the religious and cultural observances of others. Why can't a few people "tolerate" looking at a cross as they drive acros the desert for a few minutes. The ACLU doesn't want it both ways, they are the biggest forked tongue group ever conceived.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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