if they are trespassing, shoot!



does anybody have this story link? I guess some hunters stumble upon somebody elses good spot so they got shot that...
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-11 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]http://www.abc4.com/content/news/top_stories/story/Iron-County-man-arrested-for-shooting-at-hunters/k_LV1vpnZ0-LHXjFYi7AVg.cspx

They were on public and the idiot thought they were trespassing so he shot at the couple......... I guess that's how they roll in cedar city.

Even after being yelled at, he continued to shoot. Yet, he's not being charged with attempted murder. Go figure.

boy, if that happened to me, and say my kid...i think after yelling at them and them still shooting....I might have returned fire...wow how strange....never want to be in that situation though.
Woodruff said, "Are people really this stupid???"

Even lately, people ask me why i won't hunt in Utah!

So the guy going nuts made a huge mistake and fired at that couple. What doesn't surprise me one bit is how many here in these pages responded that they would shoot back, some to kill.

Ever hear of two wrongs don't make a right? Nevermind, there is no reasoning with some people!!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-11 AT 03:07PM (MST)[p]Sage,

I'd disagree with you on this one. If he were actively shooting at you there's a good chance that he could hit you or your kid. Runnings good but if you are still in the line of fire you would be well withing your rights to shoot back.

However, I think the best course of action would be to get out of there as fast as possible. Its not worth getting hurt or hurting someone else.

respect my authorita
You have the right to protect yourself and if bullets are hitting within a few feet I would shoot back... But it is hard to say how each one of us would react in this situation..

Sage said"

"Even lately, people ask me why i won't hunt in Utah!"

I have heard you complain about Utah on a few occasions. Yeah, it gets on my nerves a little bit but after seeing some of the things that go on here, I can't really argue with you.

Its hard to believe that there are people out there like this. For this reason I apply for a lot of LE hunts. My hope is to avoid these type of idiots and situations with my kids. I know its sad, but true.

I have met a lot of great people/hunters in my home state. Too bad there are people like this walking around with guns.

If this guy gets anything less than a long prison sentence, it will be pathetic..
funny nobody said that they dont want to hunt in the state where the guy was killed by the bear hunter. quit complaining about utah you little girl!!

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Travis, if you were near me i'd ##### slap you into next week and we'd find out soon enough who the little girl is! Real brave of you over the net!

Woodruff, Thank you! I've also said that i know that there are a lot of really nice People in Utah! It's just that i have yet to actually meet any of them out there in the field. By now,, i'm sure i've gotten my view across and i'll try and back off some. I don't mean to be so negative, it's not my style but some impressions are very lasting and i keep being reminded daily in these pages.

Sage et al,
Why would you lump all of Ut and Utah general hunters into the same pot?
I've hunted big game in Ut for 43 years and have never had anything, even close to this, happen to me or mine.
I hope we don't all generalize when we hear of isolated events.

The only real problem I've had is when a guy and I cross-shot the same bull elk and spent a few minutes arguing that the OTHER ONE SHOULD TAKE IT! He's another great sportsman from Spanish Fork, UT.

No worries Joey! You are welcome at our deer camp anytime!

You wouldn't believe the antics of a couple of jokers me and Bobcatbess ran into on my BookCliffs deer hunt. It was unbelievable, but the hunt still turned out great.

I guess it's just one of the battles...
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-11 AT 04:16PM (MST)[p]Ruff, i'll admit that you tempted me with your kind offer a couple years ago and i'll not ever forget that. Thank You Again!! :)

Zeke, i don't lump in everybody. There are many Utah guys in these pages that have shown me much kindness. I just refer the gang in general because of the rudeness and inconsiderate behavior shown to me in past hunts there. Through no fault of my own, other than a Kali license plate, I was made not welcome! So, this is the repercussions of then and there!

Is this thread about my opinion? I didn't think so...

Sage, so you'd assault someone for calling you a girl over the net and you're telling me Im the one in the wrong. hope we can be civil, but Utah hunters get so much crap on this site and Im just calling you out for not saying it about EVERY other state that has incidents like this.

I am sorry for calling you a little girl.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-11 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]Travis, Where did i tell you that you were wrong? I never said that you were wrong, i said that if you were near me and said what you did, i'd bitchh slap you into next week. Who's Right or wrong would have to be for you to decide after you picked yourself up off the ground. I'd put money that you would come to realize that YOU said the wrong thing and we could be friends.

If you really believe Utah is not way Different from most of the other western states, i fear that i can do nothing for you!

Again, this thread is not about my opinion.
LMMFAO..... Joey, I hope we never get into it :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Sage, how old are you? cuz the second you touched me you'd be assaulting an officer and I'd arrest your ass. No need for me to get into a pissing match with either a retard or a dumb retard.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
lol, So you call people that you don't know Girls then you hide behind your badge. Where i come from, one guy insults another and they settle it. No need for the law.

First you use the net to name call and then you use your badge to protect you. As i said, we,d find out soon enough who the girl is.

I'm 57 years old and plenty busted up. That don't mean that i can't stand up to an insult and that don't mean that i still can't get in a pretty good minute or two if need be. I've retired from street fighting years ago and i like it that way but those who know me here, know to leave me be.

Your calling me a retard or a dumb retard over the net and hiding behind your badge just proves what kind of a Utard, dumb Puzzy Utard, you really are. No wonder i have had such a hard time with folks from Utah. I rest my case!

>Sage, how old are you? cuz
>the second you touched me
>you'd be assaulting an officer
>and I'd arrest your ass.

Geezus puzzy.... crap like that makes good cops look bad.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Sage says, ".......through no fault of my own".....but should have added, "except the fact that ANY TIME a conversation does not go my way, I threaten to kick the crap out of everyone"...

I am simply shocked! How could anyone take offense to a kind, gentle, mild mannered soul, such as yourself?

Funny stuff!....I know, I know, I have an ass whippin' comin' soon!

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
I knew this topic would. make for a good read when I have nothing better to do!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-11 AT 09:28PM (MST)[p]Nickman, have i ever threatened you? ever? I didn't think so. And, might you be exaggerating just a bit? Yeah, i have a hard time with insults and i will stand up but i have, with over 6000 posts, been in a ton of very good/heated debates in these pages and not a bad word said.

So are you still against rangefinders and believing that, "anybody that needs a rangefinder is a piss poor hunter"? You say the strangest things at times, like the present, but nice of you speak up, why i'm not sure, totally off topic.


you have to come to a complete stop at a stop sign

you can not beat your wife (If you are married and not gay I don't know you so I won't guess one way or the other)

You must remain at the scene of an accident

If you slap an officer you will be charged with assaulting an officer

Now I ca go on here and find dozens of posts where people inform others of the law. I don't see how that makes me a puzzy or how that makes "good" cops look bad...

Go hit a cop and see what happens.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Getting back to the topic and from the info given, the couple that were being shot at by the old guy were able to get away and call the cops. The old guy was arrested and posted bail. He'll have his day in court and may serve some jail time. Nobody got hurt.

My thoughts were about the guys that posted that they would, in the couples situation, shoot and kill the old guy. Why not do as the couple did? How hard would it be to get behind a rock and then shoot to kill the old dude. Maybe he was off his meds, maybe he's in the beginning stages of dementia, maybe he was in a lot of grief for some reason. Shooting and killing the guy just does not sit well with me unless there was no other way yet i heard none of that type of talk.

Pretty unbelievable. It's hard to say what I would do if put in that situation. But I would guess that if some clown shoots at me he better hit me. Otherwise there would be 100 grains of hot barnes copper headed right for his thinker...and I'd make it a point not to miss. What an idiot
The same situation happened to me and 4 of my friends.We were hunting in Calif. Mendo. County we where on a horse trail when the land owner up above us started shooting. We finally got him calmed down and went up to talk to him, asked what the hell w3as going on he said he was tired of trespassers. We had been hunting that country for years forest service trails went through this guys property. We called the sheriff's dept. nothing ever happened as this guy was a big political in the county. It's real easy to say you would shoot someone in this situation, but believe me it makes you think.
"i know that there are a lot of really nice People in Utah! It's just that i have yet to actually meet any of them out there in the field."

Hey Joey! You come spend a couple of days on the mountain with me my friend. I'll show you a whole slew of good Utards. I will personally introduce you to the "good ol boys" club!:D

It's always an adventure!!!
Bull, I believe that you would! :D

Don't know that i can hang anymore with a bunch of good hard hunters. These days, i'm probably better suited as camp cook... with my rifle and glass nearby.

Thanks Bull! It's guys like you, and many others, that have eased the bad thoughts of those general season hunts long ago.

You're welcome anytime. In fact, I would take it personally if you didn't take me up on that offer in the future! Don't worry, I know a trail or 2 that's good for worn out knees and bad backs.:)

It's always an adventure!!!
I think it's funny that whenever you, Sage, get into an argument on here you usually make physical threats. How do you know that you are bigger and tougher than the guy you are threatening. You sound like a teenager that needs to get their azz kicked.
So much for those that said that i was a retard! How many hunts did you get invited on today?? :)lol j/k

Thanks again Bull those kind of trails with 4-5 ibuprofen in me sound great, might just get me there one day!

Aw Jeez, what do you want, a list? I just don't like to be insulted, lied to, made fun of in meanness, or called names. I've stood up way more times than i can remember, was just raised that way, but i'm an old guy now. Funny thing about getting older, your mind still writes checks that your body can't cash.

Are you the guy for the Job? Send me your list! lol :)

Hang in sage, your take on the Cedar City incident resinates with me.

Most of the news we get on MM and other media forums is lacking details and cool thinking and attempting to take a couple of breaths is 99% of the time the best advice. This coming from me then a few months ago you had to remind me to settle down when I was over the top bitching about a guy that ran me off the freeway in Nevada and I was in the frame of mind to want to do him bodily harm and took to venting on this public forum. You were right to tell me to check my desire to act irrationally, I had it coming and I appreciated it, even though at the time I did not let you know.

It seems we can all do with a little less ranker and a lot more "wait and see". We all need a tiptoe up to WholeLots hunting camp.

>you have to come to a
>complete stop at a stop
>you can not beat your wife
>(If you are married and
>not gay I don't know
>you so I won't guess
>one way or the other)
>You must remain at the scene
>of an accident
>If you slap an officer you
>will be charged with assaulting
>an officer
>Now I ca go on here
>and find dozens of posts
>where people inform others of
>the law. I don't see
>how that makes me a
>puzzy or how that makes
>"good" cops look bad...
>Go hit a cop and see
>what happens.
>It was a big bodied 2

In the context you are using, actually you're wrong bud. In the context of Hardway's conversation, yes you are making cops look look bad. Please cease and desist.

Old man would have made the worst mistake of his life shooting at me. I would absolutly shoot back if I knew he was shooting at me on purpose.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
>In the context you are using,
>actually you're wrong bud.
>In the context of Hardway's
>conversation, yes you are making
>cops look look bad.
>Please cease and desist.


BOHNTR )))---------->
As I sit here and read this thread and ponder, my knee-jerk reaction is, Fire back. In reality I would not because I think that most folks are just doing the best they can and everyone blows a cork every once in a while.

I also wouldn't hit someone, nowadays, for calling me a name. I can usually think of a few name to call them instead.

I guess it's a bit of perspective based on age and experience.

Joey, I still have a lot of respect for many of the things you say and stand for but I will always take exception with you when you lump everyone together and say there are no good sportsman in Ut.

It's too bad that situations, like this, happen in any State.




The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Zeke said, "... but I will always take exception with you when you lump everyone together and say there are no good sportsman in Ut."

Zeke buddy, Thanks but as far as your taking exception, I never once in my life said that because i don't believe that! Never!

It's been the actions of "some" that have "caused me to be negative to/about the group in general". There is a major difference between the two statements and i give you plenty of credit to know that.

I promise not to beat anybody up today if you guys promise not to shoot anybody! Have a big day today, finishing up the rough-in, and top out plumbing on a new house. I really need to hire a helper one day as these bigger jobs kick my butt. Have a good one, :)

Fair enough Sage.
Now get back to work! I'd throw in a days work with you if I was any where close. We "old dogs" could have a good time together.

Where is SlickRUS on this one? Might be one of his neighbors, maybe an old drinkng buddy. I am sure he can give us the Iron Couny perspective on this one.

very entertaining post.......wow

back to the OP. this stuff happens a LOT more than is reported.i gave up bird hunting on private or anywhere remotly in the vicinity of private property in idaho years ago because even if you had permission to hunt a parcel there freeking neighbors/ranch hands would come charging out on a atv, dirt bike , truck whatever, swinging guns, hyperventilating and making threats.

after about a 15 year bird hunting hiatus a co worker insisted i go dove hunting on a ranch by nampa idaho. i was told there would be no issues with land rights ect..........ya right

i was enjoying a fine outing had one more dove to harvest then it happened......some idiot in a brand new chevy truck came PLOWING AT HIGH speed right thru a corn stand and was litteraly jumping his truck over the uneven field then made a power slide and jumped out of his truck with his trusty marlin lever and started in on me. he said he saw me through bino's i was shooting in the direction of his house. and i was ! his house was at least 1/2 mile away from me and 7 1/2 low base 20 guage shells wont go that far. we all know this but he didn't !! i told him he could take my shotgun i would stand at the edge of the corn field and he couldn't touch me even if he aimed at the moon. then he went on and on about me shooting at the direction of his house he has a disabled daughter ect...... then he leveled his marlin at me. i told him if he didn't drop the rifle his disabled daughter would be fatherles as i would decapitate him. he drove just like he arrived to his house. 30 minitues or so later the sherrif arrived and wanted to arrest me !!! the guy said i threatned his life and i did but of cource he failed to mention he leveled off his 30-30 at my chest. long story short i got out of the charge. i oiled my beloved ithicas and put them in the safe. only time they get any action is on blm land chucker hunting.

didn't mean to hijac the thread. just wanted to show this happens quite a bit.
ya know, i havent heard from RUS in a while. maybe it was him doing the shooting. fits his description, old, partially senile, off his meds, mentally unstable and hunting with some young filly by his side. i think we solved this one


>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.


Joey your always welcome at my camp.
>As I sit here and read
>this thread and ponder, my
>knee-jerk reaction is, Fire back. >

Looking back, it looks like I was the first fire back post. My post wasn't knee-jerk. If someone if firing at me at I yell at him in a manner that cannot be ignored and they continue to fire, their actions indicate they mean to kill me. I will defend myself.
That is exactly what my feelings on this article are. You yelled at the dumb guy, then he continued to shoot. Sure maybe he did have a bad day, maybe he is off his meds, maybe, maybe, maybe.

The truth is that a crazy man's bullets kill just as well as my bullets. After the initial contacting yell, if he continued to fire at me, he WOULD be dead.
>In the context you are using,
>actually you're wrong bud.
>In the context of Hardway's
>conversation, yes you are making
>cops look look bad.
>Please cease and desist.

BOHNTR )))----------> "



Later, Brandon
>>In the context you are using,
>>actually you're wrong bud.
>>In the context of Hardway's
>>conversation, yes you are making
>>cops look look bad.
>>Please cease and desist.
>BOHNTR )))----------> "

>Later, Brandon
+3,,,,, And I hope Sage gets a chance to b!tch slap the b!tch.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-11 AT 10:42PM (MST)[p]"come punch me internet warrior! Give you 5 bucks for trying"

Wow! What a fine example of a public servant! I'll bet you're the kind of cop who beats the shyt out of people AFTER you handcuff them. Hide behind your badge because it's all you have. There's obviously ZERO integrity for you to stand behind.

Sage, I must agree with you about a lot of the Utah hunters. Being from Cali myself, I've experienced it but it's really only from the actual hunters themselves. The store owners, restaraunt owners, etc. all love to see us out-of-state hunters because we feed them our dollars. The Utah hunters however, think that we're killing all of THEIR deer or elk. Of course it's not all Utah hunters as I have met some good ones but I can't tell you how many times I've been run off the road driving back to camp. We had our ice chest (with California beer in it) stolen a few years back only to find it behind the tent of some Utah hunter's camp. Hell I even had one guy tell me we should stay in Cali where we belong only to say that he only goes to Cali occasionally to take his kids to the beach. WTF? So... you can use our beaches but I can't use your mountains?

The difference is that I won't let it stop me buddy. I love to hunt in Utah and no Utard is EVER going to keep me from doing it.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
LOL...You gonna cuff him and stuff him Roscoe ?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Just like all Utah folks are not Utards , not all of are LEO's are badge heavy . So just remember travishunter is just one person that may be having a bad day .

On a side note travishunter , may not be a bad idea to quite digging such a big hole .
I can relate to that deal beavis . The last time I went bird hunting some knuckle head threatened to shoot me .

About 18 years ago rugarm took me pheasant hunting and we are waiting for the legal start time at one of the few places that had some public land . There was a guy waiting at the acess point , but I observed hunters could go North or South .

I went and asked the dude which way he was going to hunt , and we would go the other way . I was quickly informed he was hunting booth ways . I just shrugged him off and said we would go the other way from what ever way he went .

Dude tells me " I'll F"in shoot you " . I tried to ignore him , but he said it again even louder . I notice is shotgun is leaning up against his ride , and mine is at port arms . I'm also packing my .45 in a holster under my coat .

Well we had a little lesson in why its not wise to threaten a armed man . We ended up hunting booth directions after knuckle heads life lesson was learned .

Last time I ever hunted birds , just too much drama for me .
"On a side note travishunter , may not be a bad idea to quite digging such a big hole" .

foundation, it might be to late. :)
Travis I betting right now MOST LEO are hoping you will just STFU. Wow I love UT and I'm from California, I have had run in with other hunters in states other then Utah. LOL

Have you hugged a cop today. Travis I believe you should maybe go and get laid and your outlook will change. Good Luck with that.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-11 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]Yes he is LEO... I found a pic of him in hot pursuit!!



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
When I read this, my first thought was to get behind some cover. If that knot-head kept shooting after I yelled to stop, I would seriously consider ending the threat with a well placed shot to the center of mass.

However, after thinking this, I had an after thought. I, like most of you have never killed a man, and I never want to. Can you put yourself in this possition and try to feel what it would be like to shoot this guy in self defense, and then realize that you had just killed him? Not wounded, KILLED! There was a really good chance that you could have gotten out of there without being injured, obviously, that's what actually happened in this instance. They got out of there and called the cops.

I don't ever want to kill a human......I couldn't handle the guilt for the rest of my life.
Brandon I am guessing he is not a sworn officer of any sort.

Any Officer that would challenge someone over the net and offer their home address?? I think that gives it away?

Now if he is, it would be interesting to see who he works for.
travishunter I wish you would just back down , and leave this alone . Your really embarsing the badge and the profession .

Judging from your pictures you appear to be fairly young and if your a cop you have to be inexpercienced . When you get some gray wiskers and some time under your belt your going to understand some fights are not worth fighting , and some things are better just thought and not spoken out loud .

I don't think it was right that you where offered a slap , but you brought this mess on yourself when you brought the job in to play .

Just my two cents .
This was funny when it was just about mere "fisticuffs over the web", but it ain't all that humorous anymore!

Sorry I fed the flames.......

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
I'm not a cop or defending Travis, just to be clear. He is a hunter who is posting his opinion on here, just like everyone else. Right or wrong!! Now he has pissed some of you off, you want ot know where he works. Let's not try and get someone in trouble with their company or dept they work for. I sure most of you guys have said things you wouldn't want family, friend or employers to know you said. Geez.... lighten up.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-11 AT 05:51PM (MST)[p]I just did some checking and your not a cop . Dude , that is pretty pathetic and plain azz lame claiming to be a badge heavy cop .

When picking a fake profession you may try some thing a little cooler like astronaut or doctor or indian chief .

I guess you can get away with playing cop on the internet though .
>AT 09:28?PM (MST)

>Nickman, have i ever threatened you?
>ever? I didn't think so.

SERIOUSLY?.....only me and about ***?*** other guys...this year!
Travis, Impersonating an officer is a federal crime and now I'm gonna have to arrest you.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
>I just did some checking and
>your not a cop .
>Dude , that is pretty
>pathetic and plain azz lame
>claiming to be a badge
>heavy cop .
> When picking a fake
>profession you may try some
>thing a little cooler like
>astrounaught or doctor or indian
>chief .

Dog catcher maybe??

What a moron! I now think the whole thing is Very Funny. Granted i was mad and my knee-jerk reaction would have been to b!tch slap the guy if he was next to me having a refreshment at the local watering hole, but, i soon got over that.

Hopefully Travis will have learned a lesson not to pick fights on the net. He's not bright enough for one thing, as his posts have shown, and also that he learns a lesson not to impersonate a peace officer, i hear that doesn't go over so well in some places.

For all you guys that spoke good of me or at least partially in my defense, Thank you!

dleonard3, +1, my thoughts exactly!

Sometimes, when I don't log on for a few days, I see a thread with a bunch of posts. I always hope I don't waste my time reading them all. I just wasted some time. mtmuley
Neighborhood Night Watch doesn't count.... Chill out McGruff


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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