If my hunting pictures offend you.....


Active Member
I recently got rid of my Facebook account but while I was on there I would get a few complaints about my "cruel" hunting pictures. So, I started a little game with my statuses. I would do one about once a week or so that would start by saying "If my hunting pictures offend you...." and then I would put something up that would classify those people. My last one was:

"If my hunting pictures offend you, you probably enjoy that digital techno crap they call music and secretly wish you were from Europe so people would understand your passion for soccer."

It was really fun. Lets hear some of your own versions.

Here is another one, "If my hunting pictures offend you, you probably had a hard time deciding this morning if your Tapout or Affliction shirt went better with your Ed Hardy shoes."

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
Haha this is great!

"If my hunting pictures offend you...You probably are a male, weighing in at 105 lbs. and wearing Jeans that fit like a speedo"
If my hunting pictures offend you....you probably should spend less time reading my posts and spend more time shopping online for "COEXIST" bumper stickers.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-11 AT 06:31PM (MST)[p]If my hunting pics offend you ,STAY THE ____ OFF MONSTER MULEYS AND YOU WONT HAVE TO SEE THEM!!!!!
If you stress about offending other people with your hunting photos you probably shouldn't post them!


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
>If my hunting pictures offend you....you
>probably should spend less time
>reading my posts and spend
>more time shopping online for
>"COEXIST" bumper stickers.


Nice HH....I've never seen that one!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
If my hunting pictures offend you don't worry. This animal didn't suffer. I shot him in the leg and beat him w/a shovel for about an hour. One shot one kill.
This is the kind of stuff that turns everyone against us hunters.

>I recently got rid of my
>Facebook account but while I
>was on there I would
>get a few complaints about
>my "cruel" hunting pictures. So,
>I started a little game
>with my statuses. I would
>do one about once a
>week or so that would
>start by saying "If my
>hunting pictures offend you...." and
>then I would put something
>up that would classify those
>people. My last one was:
>"If my hunting pictures offend you,
>you probably enjoy that digital
>techno crap they call music
>and secretly wish you were
>from Europe so people would
>understand your passion for soccer."
>It was really fun. Lets hear
>some of your own versions.
>Here is another one, "If my
>hunting pictures offend you, you
>probably had a hard time
>deciding this morning if your
>Tapout or Affliction shirt went
>better with your Ed Hardy
>Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean.
>Apologize to No One.
Who gives a shaaaat if it upsets some peta luving, sausage hiding anti hunting fools, Mike?

They're gonna hate what we stand for regardless of what little posts we come up with that makes fun of them. There isn't one thing on this whole website that doesn't.

>Who gives a shaaaat if it
>upsets some peta luving, sausage
>hiding anti hunting fools, Mike?
Where exactly do they hide the sausage?
>This is the kind of stuff
>that turns everyone against us

Oh.......Bull S@%#$
what should he do, say he's sorry? Political Correctness sucks.
"Where exactly do they hide the sausage?"

-im not exactly sure, but I thought in their ears???

If anything i post offends you please feel free to hit the un-friend button. I have too many friends , looking to get rid of a few anyway.
"If my hunting pictures offended you, then.....

.....don't worry, they went well with the mash potatoes and vegetables".


If my hunting pictures offend you, you think the Ten Commandments in schools will hurt the children but "Jimmy has two Daddies" wont.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
If my hunting pictures offend you then yo probably have some slivers in your v*g*na from all your tree humping.

It was a big bodied 2 point.

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