If a Democrat wins


Long Time Member
If our next President is a Democrat, I would say there is a 90% chance it will be largely because of voter fraud caused from illegal immigrants. Am I wrong?

How much longer are the American people going to put up with this???

Homeland Security's proposed National ID Card looks dead in the water.

In 2004 Kerry only got 16% more of the hispanic vote than Bush did and that's counting the legal ones . unless the election is alot closer than I think it's going to be those numbers aren't going to matter much.
HDude, the illegals seem more "organized" (if that's the right term) than any time in the past. I look for voter fraud to be a much larger factor from now on.

That is the reason alot of polititions want the illigals to be able to get drivers license, then they could all vote for who ever kisses theis ass. Dem. or Republican they are all worthless !!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-08 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]Hey Eel,

Happy New Year to you and yours buddy! I hope you been slaying the birds, there should be a lot since I am not hunting this season.:)

I haven't researched it thoroughly but isn't Huckabee the only candidate with a chance that is proposing amnesty?

Rub birds down with olive oil
Season with Garlic Pepper and Paprika in and out

Line bottom of roasting pan with baking powder

Pre-heat to bake at 500

Teal 16-18 min.
Widgeon/Sprig 20-22 min.
Mallards 24-26 mins.

Poke breast with toothpick, if the juice runs clear for a second then turns rose (rosay) pull em, place bowls under your elbows and have at it!!!!

Thank godness my buddies have been dropping off birds to me this season.

We have tons of geese and quite a few ducks on the place but I won't shot them unless someone else eats them. a few years ago I asked a Mexican friend of mine if he'd eat a few geese if I brought them to him, he said with enough hot sauce and salsa anything taste good. so I took him a couple geese and a few ducks, I asked him a few weeks later if he wanted some more, he said no thanks senior. I've seen this guy kill rock chucks with a sling shot and take them home for dinner , but he doesn't want anymore ducks. geez I can't beleive you guys eat those things.
Dude......."Sky Carp" for sure. Nephew has turned out some pretty fair goose jerky....my dogs seem to like it anyway.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-08 AT 07:35PM (MST)[p]My dad left me a little ranch ... his old homestead ... anyways there is a little slough out in the meadow! in the fall/winter it attracts geese, swans, ducks etc. before dad passed he made me promise .. NO! Hunting on the slough! He used to sit for hours and just watch the birds on that little pond!

He told me ... RUS ... i've milked enough cows, ate enough ducks, sage hens, & sucker fish for both of us ... no need for you to worry about carrying on that tradition.

I've decided, dad was right. Those critters are a bunch funner to look at than to eat!

Post Script: Dad was a democrat ... probably the only one in Garfield County!

FTW, Happy New Year to you too!

I hammered the Brant this year, then things turned a little crazy in our family, so I haven't been able to get out at all.

I made the assumption that illegals would vote Democrat based on the 30 or so non citizens that I know personally. To a man, they are fearful of conservatives in general. They see the Democratic party as more sympathetic to their plight.

Maybe I'm wrong......

"How much longer are the American people going to put up with this???"

I doubt if anything will be done. Americans have become complacent and want immediate gratification and self satisfaction. They want Uncle Sugar to care for them. They don't want to call it socialism but its coming to that.
JimNv, that's kind of how I see it too. Fred Thompson is strong on illegal immigration, and he is almost done as a viable candidate.
WTH??? I agree with BOTH dude and RUS! RUS, it sounds like your dad was a wise man.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I don't know about the illegal vote but I do know that if the ducks and geese are tasting bad that you just don't know how to cook them.

I have had them lots of different ways and have found some to edible and some not so good but with practice waterfowl can be good eats.

MEMont. You are correct growing up on the Missouri River goose and duck was a staple of our diet marinated and not overcooked it is very tasty.
I've been eating ducks and geese for 45 years. I grew up on them. I've also enjoyed watching them for 45 years.

Not as long as we all are drivin gas and diesel pick-ups................Dont matter who's in office. The dems will just make em more expensive with all the smog crap! I'm more worried about my GUNS :-(

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!

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