Idiot Sea Shepherds lose another boat!


Stupid greenies! Looks like they are trying to blame the Japanese ship of ramming them but the authorities are not buying it! Hilarious. They are going to be dry-docked before they know it if they keep this crap up. All futile too because where is they evidence that they have even saved one freaking whale anyway?? Bob Barker should have saved his money...

Boat damaged in anti-whaling clash
Conservation group says Japanese ship rammed them

The Associated Press

updated 1:29 p.m. CT, Wed., Jan. 6, 2010

SYDNEY - A conservation group's boat had its bow sheared off and was taking on water Wednesday after it collided with a Japanese whaling ship in the frigid waters of Antarctica, the group said.

The boat's six crew members were safely transferred to another of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society's vessels, the newly commissioned Bob Barker. The boat is named for the American game show host who donated $5 million to buy it.

The clash was the most serious in the past several years, during which the Sea Shepherd has sent vessels into far-southern waters to try to harass the Japanese fleet into ceasing its annual whale hunt.

Clashes using hand-thrown stink bombs, ropes meant to tangle propellers and high-tech sound equipment have been common in recent years, and collisions between ships have sometimes occurred.

The society said its vessel Ady Gil ? a high-tech speedboat that resembles a stealth bomber ? was hit by the Japanese ship the Shonan Maru near Commonwealth Bay and had about 10 feet of its bow knocked off.

Locky Maclean, the first mate of the society's lead ship, said one crewman from New Zealand appeared to have suffered two cracked ribs but the others were uninjured. The crew was safely transferred to the group's third vessel, though the Ady Gil's captain remained on board to see what could be salvaged, he said.

"The original prognostic was that it was sinking, but at this point it is flooded with water but it seems to still have a bit of buoyancy," Maclean said by satellite phone from the ship, the Steve Irwin.

'Stopped dead'
The group accused the Japanese ship of deliberately ramming the Ady Gil.

"They were stopped dead in the water when the incident occurred," Maclean told The Associated Press of the Ady Gil. He spoke by satellite phone from the ship, the Steve Irwin.

"When they realized that the Shonan Maru was aiming right for them, they tried to go into reverse to get the bow out of the way but it was too late. The Shonan Maru made a course correction and plowed directly into the front end of the boat," he said.

Glenn Inwood, a New Zealand-based spokesman for the Institute of Cetacean Research, the Japanese government-linked body that carries out the hunt, disputed Sea Shepherd's account, saying video shot from the whaler showed the conservationists' boat moving toward the whaler just before the collision.

"The Shonan Maru steams to port to avoid a collision. I guess they, the Ady Gil, miscalculated," Inwood said. "Sea Shepherd claims that the Shonan Maru has rammed the Ady Gil and cut it in half ? its claim is just not vindicated by the video."

Japan's Fisheries Agency said it was still checking details about the clash. Spokesman Toshinori Uoya said there were no injuries on the Japanese side.

It was not immediately clear what would happen to the Ady Gil. Sea Shepherd said in a statement posted on its Web site that the boat was "believed to be sinking and chances of salvage are very grim."

Sea Shepherd sends boats to Antarctic waters each southern summer to try to stop the Japanese whaling fleet from killing whales under what it calls a scientific whaling program. Conservationists and many countries say the program is a front for commercial whaling.

Each side routinely accuses the other of dangerous activity during what has become a cat-and-mouse chase in one of the world's most remote regions.

Australia and New Zealand ? which both have Antarctica territories and are among the closest nations to the waters where the hunt goes on ? have urged both sides to show restraint, warning that they are far away from rescue if anything goes wrong.

"Our strongest condemnation applies to any violent or dangerous activity that takes place in these remote and inhospitable waters," Australian Environment Minister Peter Garrett said Wednesday. He said he could confirm the collision, but that details were still unclear.

Wednesday's confrontation with whalers marked the first for the 1,200-ton Bob Barker, which rescued the crew. Sea Shepherd only recently bought the ship after its namesake, the former host of the "The Price Is Right" game show and a longtime animal rights activist, donated the money. Barker met Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson through a fellow activist and said he was instantly impressed.

"He said he thought he could put the Japanese whaling fleet out of business if he had $5 million," Barker recalled. "I said, 'I think you do have the skills to do that, and I have $5 million, so let's get it on,' so that's what we did."

Barker, 86, said he was "genuinely proud" to be associated with Sea Shepherd.

The Ady Gil, meanwhile, clashed earlier Wednesday with another Japanese ship, the whaling fleet's mothership, the Nisshin Maru.

Provocative actions
The Institute of Cetacean Research, the nonprofit organization that conducts the hunt, said the Ady Gil came "within collision distance" of the Nisshin Maru's bow and repeatedly dangled a rope in the water that could have entangled the ship's rudder and propeller.

The Ady Gil's crew lobbed small projectiles designed to release a foul smell, and the whalers responded by firing high-powered hoses to keep the Sea Shepherd vessels away, the institute said in a statement.

"The obstructionist activities of the Sea Shepherd threaten the lives and property of those involved in our research, are very dangerous and cannot be forgiven," it said.

Maclean confirmed the earlier clash.

Japan's whaling fleet left in November for its annual hunt in Antarctic waters. Uoya said that for security reasons, details of the fleet's composition, the number of whales it hopes to take and the number of crew members are not being released to the public.

The Ady Gil is a 78-foot trimaran made of carbon fiber and Kevlar in a design meant to pierce waves. It was built to challenge the record for the quickest circumnavigation of the globe and can travel faster than 46 mph.

Sea Shepherd unveiled the Ady Gil last October saying a California millionaire with the same name had donated most of the money for it. At the time, the group said the boat would be used to intercept and physically block Japanese harpoon vessels.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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? 2010

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I want to hunt whales....Is a 308 win enough for whale?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Check out the video - that big boat had NO time at all to miss that small boat. That is like stopping your VW sideways on the Freeway 50 yards in front of an eighteen wheeler. Sorry but not the bigger boat's fault!

Freaking morons.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
about time something like this happened. Suprised it was not worse, or better depending on how you see it.

I have watched that show a few times and find my self wondering jsut what the hell they actually hope to accomplish... If they really had any balls they would have just rammed the whalers boats and lived with the consequencese. bunch of wann-a-bee doo-gooders if you ask me.
I will admit to taking the whalers side, but I haven't researched to see if the whales they kill are in anyway endangered?

If they truly are endangered, the greenies are even dumber than I give them credit for (almost impossible to be that stupid) I mean, what the hell do they think they are gonna accomplish? Throwing those chemicals to taint the whale meat makes sense, eh? that way the whalers can ditch the carcass and kill more, since the ruined one wont count.

Their stupidity is priceless.
Lucky they didn't get killed.

This story reminds me of the Earth Firsters who came to our area to stop logging of Redwood trees. One day they were trying to stop a tree from getting fell. The loggers accidentally fell the tree right on one and killed him. The Earth Firsters wanted the place to be set aside as a memorial, so us locals renamed the place "Dead Hippie Ridge". We will never forget the spot.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Remember when they staged their blowhard captain getting shot with a rifle?

That whole boat could go down and the world would be a better place. uuhhh I guess that wasnt nice.
>Remember when they staged their blowhard
>captain getting shot with a
>That whole boat could go down
>and the world would be
>a better place. uuhhh
> I guess that wasnt

aahhh but it was true..........
My mother-in-law is kind of a new age/back to nature/world peace type character and one night I had a few to many scotch and waters. Whale Wars came on and I was dogging the show laughing at Nishin Maru dragging whales up the loading dock and she got pissed. We got into it and finally my wife came and took the remote and told us to stop. I still laugh everytime I think about that night! I dont think I am her favorite son in law anymore(by the way I am the only son-in law)LMAO
Thats good stuff. I like how even after they ran them over they still shot them with that water cannon.
Looks to me like the Whalers turned away a hair too soon. About time they ran those jack asses over.
2.5 million down the crapper.
The first video is from the eyes of another nutter :)

The second is from the crew on the whaling ship. Gotta love the Japs hosing the nutters down with their water canon as they come in to slice the dh's in two :)


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