Identify this Snake...



This little snake ended up on my door step in Las Vegas. What kind of snake is it?


It didn't have a rattle on it but it did try to bite me. I know nonpoisionous snakes try to act venomous also purely as a bluff. Here is another photo.


Any ideas?
maybe a variation of a great basin gopher snake? you live in a neighborhood where it could be an escaped exotic ???....surely las vegas has lots of critters that aren't native to southern NV

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

D13er, anything is possible in my neighborhood. Since the mortgage meltdown, my neighbors seem to get more "exotic" by the day with each new foreclosure. I have 10 illegals in one home down the street and a white supremacist one street over. I paid a $h!+l0@d to live in a good neighborhood but that fell apart all around me.
That there snake is what we call a "GOOD" snake. Dead as hell.
If it bites it dies.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I would agree that it's a gopher snake of some kind and if it's dead... well, that makes it a very good snake as far as I am concerned. I don't give a damn what kind they are... the deader the better.
After studying and taking notes from the outstanding nature series, Man vs Wild, religiously, for years now, i can without doubt or hesitation say that it is a EDIBLE snake! :)

a spotted condor gopher snake ...its on the endangered species list ...
dude your in trouble!

rackmaster is a Lyre snake.

Ya'all don't get out much, do ya?

Fairly common in the deserts of southwest Nevada and Ca. They are aggressive but harmless. Get their name from the Lyre shape on their head.
Don't know if Lyre is another name for a night snake or not but here in NM we DEFINITELY call it a night snake. They eat lizards and other small snakes. That is about as big as one gets. Not a gopher snake. Is venomous although fangs are located in back of mouth so it is relatively dificult for him to inject unless he gets hold and works himself onto victim like a hognose....not deadly but will leave you in serious pain if he gets that far.
I guess you'll just have to look it up.

Night snakes and Lyre snakes are different and since this one has the "lyre" shaped design on the head/neck.......

They are BOTH indigenous to the Vegas area, however. Call it what you want.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-09 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]Western Lyre snake

this one must be wearing a disguise....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I'm going to say Prairie King Snake. Very similar to the Gopher but the spot pattern is different. The pattern here is more like the PKS.
Don't get cookie started. He's touched a lot of snakes..............................uh I'll leave it at that!

If it's cookie its definitely not a trouser snake in his draws. It's probably trouser trout!


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