


So is Idaho going with bonus points this year, or are they going to be putting it off another year? With Wyoming's points going up to 100 bucks it may be time to get out before I get too much invested and get in on the "bottom floor" somewhere else. What do all you guys out there recommend a guy going into the WY draw with 3 points to do? NDHunter.
I have three points in WY as well. Will not be buying sheep points, probabbly 30 years before I'd draw. Debating on yhe moose
I only have a couple points in WY also........and I won't be getting anymore. $100 a year for something that I don't know if I will ever get, is not worth it to me. I wish I would've started earlier, then I might've stuck with it.

If Idaho goes to bonus points, IDFG said they will not be doing it for Moose, sheep or goats. They are only planning on bonus points for Elk, deer and antelope.

Hope this helps with your decisions.
I talked with Brad Compton this week. He is the person the Idaho F and G commission put in charge of the bonus point system. It appears that most hunters would "accept" a bonus point system but did not want to pay for a system like Nevada where you have to pay an additional $11.00 for administration of the points. Therefore it appears that for deer, elk, antelope and moose. Yes they will include moose. That if you are unsuccessful in the current year you will have two chances at a lower number the following year. You will never have more than two points going into the draw. The reason this is appealing to them is that they already track to see if someone drew an antlered deer or elk tag the previous year. As you know if you draw an antlered tag you have to sit out one year before applying again. Also they may extend the sit out period to two years if you draw a controlled antlered hunt tag. Of course none of this applies to moose as it is once in a lifetime. I am not saying this is what they will do but this is the way they are leaning.
If a lot of folks drop out of Wyoming because of the $100, I am hoping that my odds will go way up!
I would expect the odds to get a lot better with the 100 dollar points for sheep. If a guy were to opt for all the points in WY (deer, elk, goat, sheep, moose) it would cost almost 295 bucks...that is if you went points only for everything. If you actually threw in for the chance at drawing a tag you would loose another 12 bucks per species or 60 dollars for those mentioned above...That is 355 dollars! Plus stamps, which are going up to 39 cents soon. 355.39!! Imagine if you were having someone else fill out your apps for you too (TAGS, Carters, or Altimus?) I think that they charge $50 per state and $10 per species or something crazy like that (who the heck does that anyways). That would be ANOTHER 100 dollars! Warren, I think your odds just increased by 1 person (myself) at least.
Idaho always has had better 'odds' for drawing sheep or goat than Wyo.. About the same score quality in both states and in Idaho you don't have that dumb ass law about needing a guide to hold your hand in the Wilderness areas.

You do have to buy the hunting license to apply in Idaho, and it is a little more expensive than the 'point price' in Wyo. and atleast ya get something out of it... a point in Wyo....

Ya can't do all species in Idaho like sheep and elk, ya gotta pick one side of the house to apply for and with no points on sheep or goats, I'll go for elk/deer this comeing year and get a point or a tag......

Keep the faith,
Ya gotta apply to draw...
I too have only 2 points for sheep in WY....bye bye sheep points. I am sticking with the moose. I will try for a lesser quality unit when I have 4 or 5 points, then I will be done with WY. They will have enough of my money by then.
I am one point off the top sheep pool, thinking I will let them have the $100 for a year or two, just to see where the dust settles. I bet it takes a couple of years for it to settle down. If a bunch in my pool do not drop out, I will the following year. I guess all those in the top pool will try to draw, not buy points. Start adding up $100 a year for years plus an already expensive $2000+ tag, and the B.S. guides in the wilderness rule, and it is too rich for my blood. I bet the points required to draw moose go down this year too, as everyone will either get in the draw or drop out. I sure hope Idaho does not go to a points system.
You guys are correct. Most states make a person buy a hunting license to get points but Wyoming has upped the ante greatly. $295 plus the $12 application fee, then pay for the tag. I think they are higher than any other state now to get points in.

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