Idaho won't manage wolves under ESA


Active Member
BOISE, Idaho ? After talks with the federal government over a public wolf hunt collapsed, Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter ordered Idaho wildlife managers Monday to relinquish their duty to arrest poachers or to even investigate when wolves are killed illegally.

Otter rejected the wolf management Idaho has conducted for years as the federal government's "designated agent" after a federal judge in Montana returned wolves to Endangered Species Act protections earlier this year.

This means Idaho Department of Fish and Game managers will no longer perform statewide monitoring for wolves, conduct investigations into illegal killings, provide law enforcement when wolves are poached or participate in a program that responds to livestock depredations.

With U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy's ruling in August, Idaho and Montana have had to cancel public hunts. That's especially irked Otter, who contends the first legal harvest that started in 2009 and ended earlier this year demonstrated that states could manage wolves responsibly.

In an angry letter to U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, the Republican governor said withdrawing from wolf management will keep Idaho hunters and their money from subsidizing the federal program.

"History will show that this program was a tragic example of oppressive, ham-handed 'conservation' at its worst," Otter wrote. "Idahoans have suffered this intolerable situation for too long, but starting today at least the state no longer will be complicit."

Otter also accused the federal government of foisting wolves upon Idaho - he calls them "your wolves" - and promised to quickly submit plans asking for special permission to kill dozens of wolves to protect big game herds.

A spokeswoman for Salazar said the Interior Department would continue to work with states but the court ruling in August restoring protections left its options limited.

"We cannot currently authorize the resumption of sport hunting of wolves," said Kendra Barkoff. "Up to this point, we appreciate the states of Idaho and Montana who have been working responsibly to manage wolves; nonetheless, we must follow the court's ruling."

It's unclear just how Idaho wolves will be managed now. Between 1995 and 2005, the Nez Perce Tribe in north-central Idaho managed the predators, before the state stepped in. Keith Lawrence, a Nez Perce wolf manager, didn't immediately return a phone call.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks spokesman Ron Aasheim said his state's approach has not changed, despite Idaho's move.

"We continue to look for ways to get management responsibilities returned to the state of Montana," Aasheim said.

Idaho has about 850 wolves and insists the species is recovered in the northern Rocky Mountains after its reintroduction to the region in the mid-1990s.

Molloy in Missoula restored Endangered Species Act protections following a lawsuit from environmentalists who argued Idaho and Montana wolves could not be under state control while Wyoming wolves remained under federal control.

Douglas Honnold, lead attorney with Earthjustice who represented the environmental groups, said Otter's decision goes in the wrong direction.

"Instead of throwing up their hands and walking away from the wolf issue, Idaho should be getting to work on a wolf management plan that complies with the law," Honnold said from his offices in Bozeman, Mont.

Otter's advisers had been negotiating with Salazar and other federal officials since September on a plan for Idaho to continue to manage wolves within its borders.

Among other things, Otter wanted to hold a public hunt and insisted on provisions giving state managers more power to kill wolves that prey on elk, moose or deer in areas where the state says big game herds are suffering.

"Today I join many Idahoans in questioning whether there is any benefit to being a designated agent without the flexibility of a public hunt," Otter said, adding he's doubtful continuing as designated agent would speed up the delisting process.

Republican U.S. Sens. Jim Risch and Mike Crapo separately have introduced a bill that aims to exempt wolves in Idaho from federal protections that were restored by Molloy's orde

The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.
it's good to see someone take a stand...i hope it doesn't hurt their chances of normal management in the future.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-10 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]....perfect response, Montana will soon pull it's head out of USFWS's ass and join wyoming ....and now Idaho in a strong "GTFO" response to the feds...

Anyone that believes it is wyoming's fault that the hunts were stopped is a fool.

Utah is hopefully still denying they have any and is ignoring any need to acknowledge wolves.


Kewl So if Idaho fish cops are not going to site you for killing a wolf? Then who will? Dose this mean open season? Hmmm
Good for Idaho. Rutnbuck
Way to go idaho!
The feds put them there, the feds wont let the state manage them
and then wants the State to enforce the federal law...geez.
Perfect response.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-10 AT 08:53PM (MST)[p]I posted a couple of times years ago that I wanted to see Wyoming's legislature do the same and create a bill stripping all Wyoming law enforcement agencies from investigating wolf kills. Something to the effect if someone calls in a wolf kill to the WY G&F, they simply say thanks and hang up.
We are now getting substantial momentum on this issue

join us at and help us get Congress To finish the job and take wolves of the Endangered Species List - PREVENT future litigation, and allow each state to manage wolves as they see fit.

one hell of a fight with the anti hunters comign up, get on our team, help us win this most important issue, then we can have a little internal family fued over a bunch of other issues

Don Peay
If Idaho isn't going to enforce it, and all of SFW's talk about taking care of the wolfs, why don't SFW put their money where their mouth is and hire as many goverment trappers as they can right now to take care of as many wolves as they can right now while they are not enforcing anything to do with wolves?

Every hunter in idaho should shoot everyone they see for the rest of the hunts while they can. I am going to be going through Idaho here in a few weeks, would love to stumble across some and thin a herd out.

I am not a member of SFW and never have been. What you are asking is for SFW to open themselfs to arrest by Federal wildlife officers for violating FEDERAL laws on indangered species. Then after the feds get though, every clambake enviro group would sue SFW trying to put them out of business.

Just because the state will not investigate wolf kills, that does not pertain to Federal wildlife game officers.

The Governor of Idaho went far enough to inform Idaho hunters that if you shoot a wolf, Idaho fish and game will not investigate it, but you better keep your mouth shut because the Feds may come after you.

The governor has just told the animal enviro groups if you want to go back on your word and try to stop any hunting or management of the wolfs, this is the game we will play and see just how many more wolfs get killed. He called their hand and now they have to ante up or fold.

SFW and our friends have put up more than $1 million, and now it is looking more and more likely that the US Congress who wrote the ESA is going to tweak the ESA and allow states to manage wolves. That is money where the mouth is. a

after Congress changes the ESA, Hunters can then kill wolves legally, according to state mangement plans.

SFW does not condone illegal activity, as frustrating as it is.

Congress changes the law, Anti-hunters can no longer then use teh courts to corrupt and hijack the ESA in regards to wolves, states can manage them and protect and rebuild game herds

SFW is on record, reduce wolves to the levels everyone agreed to 150 in each state of ID, MT, and WY. NOt 2,000 plus.

After law is changed, states will have the right to manage.

there is HUGE momnentum, Otters letter is just one more example.

while hunters were out hunting, i was in DC fighting like hell to get this ball rolling i certainly would have rather been hunting with my friends and family.

for just once, it would be nice to see all hutners get aboard a train, and help us get it done, now.
>We are now getting substantial momentum
>on this issue
>join us at and help
>us get Congress To finish
>the job and take wolves
>of the Endangered Species List
>- PREVENT future litigation, and
>allow each state to manage
>wolves as they see fit.
>one hell of a fight with
>the anti hunters comign up,
>get on our team, help
>us win this most important
>issue, then we can have
>a little internal family fued
>over a bunch of other
>Don Peay

Just joined, Thanks Don, Tony
DKPeay I hope you guys get it done. We're fighting down here in AZ just to get protective legislation in place and the antis' negative ad campaign is giving us grief! Getting the wolves removed from the esa will be a huge step in the right direction and then we can follow. Think how many jobs will be saved and the economic benefit to the communities and the long term benefits to the wildlife and the states Game and Fish departments! That's some nice work and something you should be proud of!

THis effort, now fully on board and supported by RMEF, MDF, SFW, Big Game Forever, Congressional Sportsmen Foundation, and others will help you all down in AZ and NM in the wolf war as well.

Unfortuntely, hutners are going to have to spend some money fighting the anti-hutners, who the media has proped up as Conservationist - BS. That mask is coming off soon, and HSUS, PETA and Destroyers of Wildlfie will be known as the groups that almost destroyed the Wildlfie of the WEst and upper Midwest.

Hopefully, after this resounding victory, the politicians and media will know these eco terrorists for what they are, and we can focus our energy on habitat, transplants, fencing highways, etc.

This is our fight sportsmen - eveyone should want to be on this team.

Utah Wildlfie Board and Utah Agricultural and Fish and Game had special meeeting today, and UNANIMOUSLY supported this legislation.

More and more Congressmen and Women are coming on board each day.

It is time to take our country back from the Federal government that is out of touch and bankrupting our country and destroying our wildflie.

Help pour some gas on the fire, get every sportsmen to join with Foxworhty, Boggs, Malone, Carter, RMEF, MDF, SFW, etc, etc in this fight.

WHen we took on the Anti hutners and killed them in PRop. 5 in 1998, it shut them up for good in utah, i suggested other states do teh same, and you would not be having the fight in AZ right now, etc.

Exciting, everyday, some new warrior for sportsmen steps up. Thanks Gov. Freudenthal of Wyoming, Governor Otter of Idaho, Governor Herbert of Utah, SEnator McCain and KYle of AZ, etc, etc, etc.

The power of the Sportsman's Voice is beggingin to rumble accross this great country.

Glad to see you were doing your job in Washington Mr. Peay. Who was it you met with there to voice OUR (Hunters) concerns? Was it individuals, committee's, or what? And what were their reactions, rebuttals? We would love to know who it is you are talking with! Thanks again.
Obviously I didn't think things fully through and made an arrogant statement, and for that I apologize.

Personally, I don't agree with SFW and how they do business on more than a few things, however, I am glad they have banded together with the other orgs and are fighting this issue. It's obviously an issue that needs some fire power to stand a chance of winning.
Thanks for the link.....petition signed and I am emailing it to all of my friends as well as posting it on my FB page. Thanks again.
Fellow Sportsmen

The US Senators of WY, ID, UT and AZ are all in agreement on returning power to the states on teh Wolf Issue (S. 3919)

THe help that is really needed is with Montana.

Their Senators Bacchus and Tester only want legislation to let Montana and Idaho have state control, but their proposed legilsation still leaves the power and decision in the hands of the Federal Government officials to list of delist. So, in essence, their legislation can be tied up in court by the anti hutners forever. And their legislation doesn't achieve what they claim they are trying to do.

The Montana Senators, if they would get on Board, and support Montana Congressman Rebehrg, Utah Congressman Chaffetz and Matheson and TExas DEmocrat Chet Edwards bill All states would have teh authority to manage state by state, according to how each state would like, and the ANTI HUNTERS are locked out of court. Nothing to Sue.

Simply put the HR 6028 and companion bill in teh Senate S 3919 removes wolves from the Endangered Species Act.

so, if you all know any sportsmen or ranchers or people that live in Montana that care about jobs, herds of elk, moose, bighorn and deer, pets and livestock ask them to Ask their Senators to get off the sideline and in the game.

Is there some way we could influence the officials in Montana?

Petition, ban, phone calls, letters?

What are your thoughts on how to sway them.
they are both democrats...democrats DO NOT compromise........compromise is when everyone else does what democrats want.

Getting more and more Montana citizens to call the Senators offices and politely ask them to support HR 6028 and S. 3919, and telling them it is an issue important enough that how they vote on this issue will make a difference on how Montana Citizens vote, that is all most politicians understand or care about, what gets me re-elected.

so, as you have seen, we have pounded teh anti-hutners in teh Bozeman, billings and Missoula papers on polling questions, more and more Montana citizens calling the Senators Office makes a difference

thnaks for your help

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