Idaho Winter Kill


Very Active Member
I talked to a friend from the Pocatello Region about deer and elk winter survival with all these on going storms. He said the area is experiencing extreamly deep snows for this time of year... worse he has ever seen... and that IDFG is feeding 800 elk at 2 feeding stations and over 3000 mule deer at 15 feeding stations. It sounds like the late severe winter storms and deep snow is starting to take a toll on the herds. He said the hardest time still lies ahead...due to something comparable to "winter stress" for the elk and mule deer to make it through this winter's late deep snows.

Sounds like the herd counts will be hit hard by these late heavy snow storms in Idaho. I remember back in the mid 1990's when the herds in most western states were really hurt and still to this day were trying to recover...Sounds like this 2011 winter kill may develope into a huge problem.

Heads up: Time to keep our ears to the ground in all western states regarding survival rates as they are established for the 2011 winter. As this can have significant impact on hunter success in your specific area.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-26-11 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]I guess I get to start the ball rolling, HEHE, do ya suppose by any chance the Fish & Game will back off on OTC tags and unlimited either sex youth tags to help deer numbers where needed? Or back off on late rut buck tags where needed? Or back off on late doe tags where needed? Nah, probably not,in Idaho it's a perfect world!!!!
+1 destroyer..THAT IS A GREAT IDEA..and a smart move if someone could convince IDFG to be pro-active and get ahead of the issue by taking a look and limiting the very hunts you have referrenced. Hope the Commission would take a good hard look before all the draws and seasons are set in stone for the 2011 hunting year.

Biggest problem is the $$$,$$$ F&G will loose from the lost revenue. They have a tough job and decisions to make quickly that will impact the herds. IDFG is spending huge $$$$ on a daily basis to feed game through out the entire state. On one hand they are doing their best to feed the game which cost's big bucks on a daily basis and on the other hand if they limit the tags they loose revenue that would help replace all the money going out right now.

Personally, I would vote for your idea of limiting the amount of game allowed to be taken. If this means everyone bites the bullet and would pay increased license and tag fee's so be it. Save the game first...and that is what IDFG is trying their best to accomplish. Then we need to have a plan and deal with the lost revenue and higher fee's as "fall out" later.

Hope for a warm and quick spring....anything at this point to help reduce exposure that will continue to weaken the game. Even as game survives this bad winter. Their physical recovery from all that is going on will leave the survivors weaker and with less fat that in a normal year. Going to be a tough 2011.

It seems that maybe we are forgetting that thousands of OTC deer and elk tags went un-purchased last year. If my memory serves over 7,000 deer and 3,000 elk tags went unsold to non-residents and residents willing to pay the NR fees. Unless this year is different than last year, and it probably won't be, the tough economy may help those herds recover.
The lost revenue to IDFG will hurt more than the weather. Those unsold tags are worth 5-6 million out of their budget, a few more years of that will cause major fee hikes.
"Where needed" is the key phrase, at least get rid of all these late buck and doe hunts,"where needed", and let hunters have their "opportunity" with the otc and be done with it, we can't seem to leave anything alone after the 1st of nov. What I don't like is an OTC hunt and then pile on a dumbass late hunt!! IDFG may get to sell more non-rez tags if the numbers would go up, and there's better quality.
The winter hasn't been as tough in the central and sw area. I guess you guys on the eastern side must have gotten the brunt of it.
+1 outdoordan,,,,, The deer and elk on our side of the state are in great shape and with all the snow up high there should be some great antler growth this spring/summer. The eastern side of Idaho gets a ton more weather (higher elevation).
The winter doesn't seem to have been real bad where I am at either (central). The critters are ready for spring, no doubt, but overall I think they made it through fair/good.

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