Idaho unit 77 moose tag


Active Member
My way-too-lucky Step Dad just called to let me know that he drew a moose tag in Idaho - unit 77. Over the last 10 years he has drawn 3 elk tags in AZ, a Manti elk tag in UT, a buffalo tag in UT, a Pansaguant deer tag in UT, and a mountain goat tag in UT.

At least I get to tag along (again). Can anyone give me some general information about the unit and where we can start scouting for moose? Do the moose rut in late Sept? Are they easier to hunt when they are rutting? Also, I have a SE deer tag - are there any parts of the unit that hold deer and moose?

Thanks a bunch.
I bow elk in the Bear River zone and hunt in 77 alot. There are some decent moose in 77 and I got no problem helping a guy out.

'UtHunting' would be another real good source for some intel as he and his Mrs have drawn the controlled elk tag over the years and have covered alot of 77........

Your step-dad is way to lucky!!! No wonder why the rest of us can't draw any tags. LOL... Have fun up in AK!!! I will check around to see what intel I can help out with.

CS Chris Snell AKA CowSlayer
No kidding - I do all of the research and make sure that he follows through with his applications then HE draws the tags. He also carries a $50 bill in his wallet and hands it to me once the animal is down so I'll clean, cape and quarter it for him. But how can I complain - he gave me a new TC omega muzzleloader for Christmas last year.

Thanks for your help.


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