Idaho unit 49 elk hunt



I'm hunting for the first time in Idaho this fall for elk. Booked the hunt three years ago and failed to research the wolf problem. I am hunting with a rifle and hoping that there will be some animals. Any input good or bad would be greatly appreciated. My outfitter says that there are plenty of animals.
I'm rifle hunting the 15th-22nd of october and besides the wolves I'm a little nervous about the moon phase. What are your thoughts.
been a few years since ive been there and it was going down hill then. great country, liked hunting it (archery). there were some pretty good bulls in there a few years ago. also lots of big mature 5 points too.

that will definately be the tougher of the 2 seasons but with an outfitter i think you should have a good time and see plenty of elk.

Blacks-Creek Pack Dealer
Thanks for the info Travis. Makes me feel a little better. I'm the one who set this hunt up three years ago for me and three friends, and talked to every reference who was on the outfitters list and all I felt were outstanding. It's all of the things that I have heard since that has me so skeptical.
Thanks again
Still some fine bulls in 49, but ain't nothing like it was just a few short years ago before the spike hunts and upping the # of cow tags.. Wolves aren't much of an issue yet,, but it won't be long before they are...Theres some good muley's running around in 49 if you can it would be worth it to get a tag..
Who's your outfitter??
The spike hunts kind of put a damper on the unit. 48 as well. They've eliminated those and the wolves in the area are pretty much under control. I hunted the unit a few years back and saw plenty of bulls. There were some real nice ones in there too.

My guess is you'll have a good hunt.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
robert hennefer with little wood river. I've had a lot of good reports and one really poor one. Any info good or bad would be appreciated
I was sure that was who you had. He used to go in on Mormon hill and I am sure he still does. I do wish you luck, you will need it.
Now you can take a wolf with your tag too right so that should help.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Bob is a pretty good guy, success depends on your guides, he has gone through alot of them because of the economy. But he has a good success rate and if you hunt hard and demand alot out of your guide you should be successful. I hunted 49 archery every year during the mid 80's and through the mid 90's and off and on every other year since. Lot's of good bulls. The wolves have them behaving differently now, yes the wolves are in there. I own a farm in 49.
Thanks for the info. Our crew of four is in pretty good shape and all of us have been shooting a lot. We booked this three years ago and all of the reports sounded great at that time. I'll let you know how we do.

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