IDAHO -Somebody help - what is really going on?



I know I could post this on the "Idaho" forum but I want input from across the board. I have heard all sorts of depressing things about the state of hunting here in ID. In the last 10 years, the number of record book animals, from ID, has really dropped. I have heard all sorts of things from all sorts of people. Example: - a local (SE ID)outdoor writer claims that up to 30% of fawns are killed by coyotes and that all types of game seemed to be missing this hunting season. Can somebody or everybody tell me in what is going on because it seems that almost EVERY type of game animal, big and small, is somehow declining in ID. Am I overreacting?

All I know is this was my worst season hunting in Idaho I can remeber. I hunt in northern Idaho for elk and whitetails, and numbers are definately down. I had about 12 hunting days total in November, including the week of the 14th-22nd (which should have been close to the peak of the rut) and I saw about as many deer as I normally see in 2 days in other years. No big bucks were seen, and only 3 small ones. Every area I went to there would be some tracks but they seemed to be nocturnal. I really didn't even see many does. Hopefully this is just a strange year, if not we are in for a long run.
hunted moose in northern idaho 2years ago and the deer were scarce every one said winter kill but there was predator sign every where so i think there is a number of factors.
Wolves!!!!! That and Idaho keeps raising there prices for non resident we didn't even bother this year and we have hunted Idaho for 20 years.
It is a travesty. Wolves and grizzlies have made a huge impact on the deer and elk populations. The wolf hunt this year did very little to help the cause. Only 5 wolves allowed to be taken in the Island Park unit, which is adjacent to Yellowstone and hosts a much larger wolf population than the experts will admit. Hunters killed 2 of those 5 on the first day or so of the season. It isn't going to get better as long as liberals like Judge Don Malloy pass laws to protect the predators based on his personal beliefs, and not biological facts.
I live in SE Idaho and this is my passion. You guys are not mistaken by blaming it on the wolves. However, coyotes and mountain lions are still killing more than the wolves...more of them.

We've got serious problems.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
There are many areas that have no wolves or grizzly bears, some have no black bears, lets think a little deeper shall we? How about too many hightec hunters, too many ATVs, too many tags, plant succession, unfavorable weather conditions, poor wildlife managment, politics, ect, ect. Most modern problems have a whole variety of causes, I think this one is no different
I hunted the LOLO unit two or three years about 2004-2007 and saw less animals and sign each year and swore off. This area certainly had wolves.
Admittedly the deer season was very poor - we seem intent on annihilating the herd everyway possible.

The elk, blues, ruffs, sharpies, sagies, and chukars have all been good to real good.

Idaho started pooping out in the early 90's. The animals in this state don't have a chance especially the deer. The hunting started getting crappy well before the wolfs.
>There are many areas that
>have no wolves or grizzly
>bears, some have no black
>bears, lets think a little
>deeper shall we? How
>about too many hightec hunters,
>too many ATVs, too many
>tags, plant succession, unfavorable weather
>conditions, poor wildlife managment, politics,
>ect, ect. Most modern
>problems have a whole variety
>of causes, I think this
>one is no different

Good points, Piper. As long as IDFG is still willing to sell out our herds for 2nd tags at non-resident prices, and as long as they allow unrestricted bowhunting in draw-only gun units, and as long as people keep building their ranchettes on winter range, and as long as sheep are allowed to overgraze drought-stricken summer ranges, it will only get worse. The wolves are a drop in the bucket compared to a lot of what else is going on.
everybody including me have opinions & we know what they say about opinions & assholes right??? I have lived & hunted in Idaho for most of my life & I am 47 the last 2 years in a row me & my boys have been almost 100 % on deer & should have been on elk during archery also this year we all had shots under 50 yards but only one of us was able to connect on a nice 300" 6x6 we filled 3 out of 4 tags on deer & again only reason for not being 100 % is I didnt see a buck I wanted too shoot..we saw the same every hunting season idiots shooting from the roads at 1st lite driving everywhere on their 4 wheelers & also in their trucks..& im sure some of those super hunters are also doing alot of the crying that they DONT know why there are no animals blues..get your lazy asses out & I said im 47 we walked 1 1/2 miles from the truck every single time just to get into where we were going to start hunting..we saw in excess of 60 bulls over 200 cows & calves..hunted the same area for deer other than the 4x3 my wife shot opening morning 3/4 of a mile from the truck we again did our death hikes but we scored & we saw everyday at least 10 bucks.. yeah we didnt see monster bucks everyday but we saw deer & lots of em..Idaho F&G needs to pull their heads out for damn sure the animals are fewer than ever the predators are everywhere.yotes bears wolves & lions & those wonderful poachers..we are going to have poachers until the courts start treating them like the thieves they are..I kill every yote I see all year long..still in the area we have hunted for the last 10 years we dont see very many bones piles & we walk alot of miles..IFG needs to drop the deer seasons back in my opinion to shorter seasons..make the TRUE hunters hunt I used to see 3 times the animals when deer season was 9 days long..unit 40 is another 1 of those units F&G has screwed & now they have included unit 22 one of idahos premier big buck units into that wonderful forkie only zones u CAN NOT manage deer herds by killing forkies & does..what Einstein came up with this idea??? anyways I have said some of my peace...we as hunters in Idaho need too stop bitching & start doing something I am a life member of Deer Hunters Of Idaho & we hear thye same stuff every banquet about lack of game yet we have meetings once a month at cabelas & there is never more than 7 people at our meetings...come & share your views & lets get out Fricking game back from IF&G.....
We hunted whitetails in Kamiah area this year. Hunting for 7 days we seen maybe a dozen whitties, only 2 of them bucks. 10 years ago we would have seen 150 plus deer in seven days. Anyway the wolves howled everyday. There's plenty of them. I wish I would have seen one, I heard lead posioning was going around up there.
Where to start??? Everything that has been said is a factor I believe Ihave lived in Southeast Idaho my whole life and watched the roller coaster, There are a lot of predators, droughts from the past, bad winters, bad winter ranges, not enough productive forage, roadkill, but the post I agree with most is we need to get off of our duffs and do something. I have talked to a lot of old guys who say I don't go anymore no game. Well what did you do about it? Young guys say the same thing. We need some pride and stand up for wht we truly love and help out. I've started and will continue to do more. Join Sfw or the group OLDHORNHUNTER mentioned just do something please don't sit back and whine it will just let things get worse. we definetly need to do something.
>There are many areas that
>have no wolves or grizzly
>bears, some have no black
>bears, lets think a little
>deeper shall we? How
>about too many hightec hunters,
>too many ATVs, too many
>tags, plant succession, unfavorable weather
>conditions, poor wildlife managment, politics,
>ect, ect. Most modern
>problems have a whole variety
>of causes, I think this
>one is no different

Well said!!!!!!!
Amen brother there are several excellent oranizations out there I am also a member of SFW & MDF both are excellent groups..U cant sit back & ##### & cry if u are not willing to put your 2 cents worth in..Nobody says u have to go out & plant bitterbrush or sage brush or help collar fawns or shoot predators..But if u have any ideas on how to make things better for the Game of Idaho than come & join a group or hell just show up & tell us some of your ideas...or be one of the people sitting on their asses saying Well hell we used to have alot of game but Dont know what happened...if u are not able to attend any of the meetings or banquets drop somebody a line here on MM & we will take it too our people & see if we can get some stuff done...Deer Hunters Of Idaho will be having our Annual Banquet in Feb in Nampa..if anyone is interested in getting more info please contact me
>Amen brother there are several excellent
>oranizations out there I am
>also a member of SFW
>& MDF both are excellent
>groups..U cant sit back &
>##### & cry if u
>are not willing to put
>your 2 cents worth in..Nobody
>says u have to go
>out & plant bitterbrush or
>sage brush or help collar
>fawns or shoot predators..But if
>u have any ideas on
>how to make things better
>for the Game of Idaho
>than come & join a
>group or hell just show
>up & tell us some
>of your ideas...or be one
>of the people sitting on
>their asses saying Well hell
>we used to have alot
>of game but Dont know
>what happened...if u are not
>able to attend any of
>the meetings or banquets drop
>somebody a line here on
>MM & we will take
>it too our people &
>see if we can get
>some stuff done...Deer Hunters Of
>Idaho will be having our
>Annual Banquet in Feb in
>Nampa..if anyone is interested in
>getting more info please contact

Do you know any info about meetings over here in the southeastern side?
Sportsman for fish and Wildlife
Idaho Chapter
Visit our Idaho SFW web site:

urrently I'm unaware of any Meetings or Banquets here in the southeast but some should be comeing up.
Idaho Members
SFW Officer
Nate Helm Idaho Executive Director (208)888-0988
Scott Allan Chairman of the Board (208)733-4160
Jack Oyler Vice Chairman (208)733-6450
Roger Blackner Treasure Valley Chapter (208)880-3400
SFW Chapter Member
Steve Alder Clearwater Chapter (208)746-6966
Curt Burgess Idaho Falls Chairman (208)201-1392
Dee Sienknecht Membership Administration (208)888-0988

Bob Newbold Pocatello Chapter (208)234-0736
George Warrell Mini Cassia Chapter (208)431-6172
Doug Palmer Magic Valley Chapter (208)432-9014
Doyle Sears Southeast Chapter (208)852-0708
Bill Stabley Special Delegate
well our sun valley chapter has been doing some reorganizing & is kinda up in the air dont know what they are doing..right now our boise chapter is doing most of everything..we will be having a meeting im guessing 1st part of jan in boise at cabelas I will get ahold of my buddy Drew Dayton he is the SFW guy for nampa & see who his contact is in SE Idaho

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