idaho soldier charged in killing an iraqi in bagdahd



Hey all, i know there are alot of people from idaho in here and alot that support the military. I know the soldiers dad, and it has affected their family alot. Here is a chance to show support for our troops, reguardless of what we think about the troops being in iraq. I have been in iraq twice. Once with the marines, and once with the army. I know all too well about having to make a split decision and the outcome that it can come to bite you in the butt. He did what his officers told him and now he has the possibility of life in prison. None of the officers that told him what to do have that hanging over their heads. He is a young father, and a young husband. Check the website and his story out and get this out in america.

thanks and happy hunting
I am real sorry to hear about this.
You know what makes me mad? You never heard about this type of stuff in WWII or Korea. It just wasn't relavent. We were at war. There are thousands of teenagers running around with guns, trained to kill. Every once in a while, things happen. I don't know the story behind this guy, but it seems like the media and our government is pretty quick to pass judgement, in order to stay PC. The military knows how to win wars. I just wish they would be allowed to do it.
I pray they are found innocent.

Associated Press Writers

WASHINGTON (AP) - Army snipers hunting insurgents in Iraq were under orders to "bait" their targets with suspicious materials, such as detonation cords, and then kill whoever picked up the items, according to the defense attorney for a soldier accused of planting evidence on an Iraqi he killed. Gary Myers, an attorney for Sgt. Evan Vela, said Monday his client had acted "pursuant to orders."

"We believe that our client has done nothing more than he was instructed to do by superiors," Myers said in a telephone interview.

Myers and Vela's father, Curtis Carnahan of Idaho Falls, Idaho, said in separate interviews that sworn statements and testimony in the cases of two other accused Ranger snipers indicate that the Army has a classified program that encourages snipers to "bait" potential targets and then kill whoever takes the bait.

The Army on Monday declined to confirm such a program exists.

"To prevent the enemy from learning about our tactics, techniques and training procedures, we don't discuss specific methods targeting enemy combatants," said Paul Boyce, an Army spokesman.

Boyce also said there are no classified programs that authorize the murder of Iraqi civilians or the use of "drop weapons" to make killings appeared to be legally justified, which is what Vela and the two other snipers are accused of doing.

The transcript of a court hearing for two of the three accused snipers makes several references to the existence of a classified "baiting" program but provides few details of how it works. A copy of the transcript was provided to The Associated Press by Vela's father.

The Washington Post, which first reported the existence of the "baiting" program, cited the sworn statement of Capt. Matthew P. Didier, the leader of a Ranger sniper scout platoon.

"Baiting is putting an object out there that we know they will use, with the intention of destroying the enemy," Didier said in the statement. "Basically, we would put an item out there and watch it. If someone found the item, picked it up and attempted to leave with the item, we would engage the individual as I saw this as a sign they would use the item against U.S. forces."

The Post said the program was devised by the Army's Asymmetric Warfare Group, which advises commanders on more effective methods in today's unconventional conflicts, including ways to combat roadside bombs.

Within months of the "baiting" program's introduction, three snipers in Didier's platoon were charged with murder for allegedly using those items and others to make shootings seem legitimate, according to the Post.

The Post said that although it doesn't appear that the three alleged shootings were specifically part of the classified program, defense attorneys argue that the program may have encouraged them by blurring the legal lines in a complex war zone.

The court martial of one of the accused soldiers, Spec. Jorge Sandoval Jr., is scheduled to begin in Baghdad on Wednesday. Also facing premeditated murder charges are Vela and Staff Sgt. Michael Hensley.

They are part of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, based at Fort Richardson, Alaska.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
I believe that if they baited and the enemy took the bait. The proof is in the puddin.
Another victory for the enemy and the liberals (they baited the enemy thats not fair, wa wa wa)thats BS!

Our troops are being baited every day on the roads of Iraq with IED's placed in different things.

This war is getting to political and we can't win a political war, might as well tie our troops arms behind their backs.

God bless the American GI!!
i just looked at my post it didnt happen in bagdahd, but that is where they are being tried, i dont know why they are trying them in iraq and not in usa. Basicly if i understand it correctly they are accused that they didnt bait this guy but shot him, and planted weapons on him...i dont know i wasnt there. Like stated above if he was baited and they shot him, its not like he was going to turn the item in, it would go to people to try and use it against the troops, if iraqis know about weapons, IED supplies and are not trying to do bad things with them they let americans know about would be suprised how many iraqis turn in their own families, sons, fathers, friends
Just an update on this another soldier that was charged was found not guilty on sgt vilas testemonie, sgt vila made a deal that if he testified whatever was said about the killing could not be used against him. Cpl Sandoval was charged with putting wire in the dead mans body. Anyways thanks to all that have actually responded and for your support of our troops....
Damn, these stories REALLY piss me off and we've been hearing alot of them. I hold President Bush solely responsible for this crap. He could put a stop to it and won't.

Yeah but what suprises me is people dont really seem to want to do anything about this, cause they dont support the war...on a side note the "war" has been over since may of 2003, we are now a peace keeping mission, for the "war" on terror....reguardless if you support the war his choices this is one of our own that did what he was told by a superior. I would have done the same thing if i was in his position...You dont see the iraqis that help the insurgants and still get paid by USA getting charged with murder....I guess we will all get charged eventually someday wrongs will be righted, happy hunting all

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