Idaho Shiras Bull


Well, kinda new here, been lurking around and reading posts for awhile and just finally registered. I was lucky enough to draw a Moose tag this year for area 3 in Idaho. One of my brothers had been seeing good bulls the last 3 or 4 years while hunting elk so I did some scounting throughout the summer with him, my youngest brother and father. We saw lots of older sign and only ran into a few cows and calves on our trips and I must say I was getting a bit nervous as the season approached!

On my first day out I took this fella with my .308. We first saw him at about 250 yards at the edge of an old over grown clear-cut about 75 yards up from a nice creek bottom. My brother brought him 100 yards closer by letting out a few grunts and he presented me with a shot. We gave him some time and heard him crash. It turned out that my first shot was a little farther back than I wanted and went through his liver and barely caught one lung. So as we got about 40 yards from his location, I put another shot right behind the shoulder and the deal was sealed. I was disappointed with my poor first shot but he only went 70 yards and there was barely any tracking to be done. All-in-all, it was a wonderful hunt and I am glad that both my brothers and father were there help pack out the meat uh, I mean, share the experience! :)

Idaho Fish and Game measured him at 41"


Congrats on a nice bullwinkle. You'll be enjoying the meat for months to come!

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
Hey, that is a nice bull. Too bad it was first day...dang, your only moose hunt for years and years and its over!!! :0)

I love the gun too...been wanting one for a while.


I was thinking the same as the above post. Uphill pack or downhill? Looks like a nice bull with good palms. I get to try finding one in the morning.
It was a pretty steep uphill pack to get him out. He was down at 8:30am and we began the drive out at 8pm. It's amazing how large these beautiful animals are. All-in-all, it wasn't too much worse than packing out a big bull elk. I am sad in a way, that I won't be able to do this in Idaho again for a bull, it was a lot of fun.

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