Idaho Sheep


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-07 AT 11:40AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-07 AT 11:40?AM (MST)

I know a guy that has a unit 41,42 (Hunt 7003)sheep tag that needs a little help. He hasn't had any help (people to tal along with him)and he isn't finding sheep on his own. I may go down this weekend to help out but do not know the country at all. I know how frustrating it is when guys draw tags and don't seem to have the complete drive to take full advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opp., I think he just needs some guys to tag along with him and help him out... Can anyone please help me out by telling me where we could find some rams. Obviously We're not looking for the biggest ram on the unit, just a place where we can find some sheep, kill a ram, and have a great time. Please feel free to PM me if you would rather...
Thanks a bunch guys.
Go to the Idaho FNAWS website and get info for Tom Fischer and Chuck Middleton. They, or other board members, should be able to help.
I feel his pain. I got a sheep tag and thought I had a couple guys to help, but they ended up with conflicting hunts, thats life and can't blame them. But have a couple other potential's to lean on and hunt isn't til Nov. Also have the whole season to hunt if needed.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
kilbuc, I sent you a PM.

BBB, ramslam's advice is right on. Those Idaho FNAWS guys are good people.
I had a sheep tag in 2005 and posted a thread on the Idaho FNAWS website and got one hit. If you can get to Chuck, that would help. How late does the hunt run? I would love to go as I work in Boise a lot. If my schedule works out you would have another body for a few days. e-mail me.
I seem to remember a place called Battle Creek that had rams that others talked about. I did not hunt there and that may not even be the correct name. We didn't find rams until the fourth day. When you find them, there will usually be several together. Tell your friend to keep looking into canyons and side canyons.

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