Idaho sheep


Long Time Member
OK, It's getting to be time to think about applications so I'll start the fishing for information. Somebody's got to start it.

Does anyone have any advice on Idaho bighorn sheep? I really like Californias but know that things haven't been the best in Idaho for California sheep in a while. I would like to apply for Rockys but IF I drew it would most likely be a do-it-yourself hunt and obviously not every area lends itself well to that for a non-resident.

I have hunted sheep before. I would be hunting without horses, without a guide, backpacking is OK if it's reasonable. Kind of leaves out any large wilderness areas. Ideas? Californias OR rockys?

Any help would be appreciated. Just for discussion sake if nothing else.

I'm sure there are other guys on this site that know more about Idaho bighorns than I do. I haven't hunted bighorns and have only seen bighorns in a few of the units but am happy to share what I do know. If you haven't checked out the harvest data, draw odds and regs here are some links.

The success rate is low in most of the units considering the amount of work most of the sheep hunters put in. Less than half of the tag holders in 2003 got their sheep. The one tag that everyone wants is unit 11 (good luck at drawing it). Only a few of the tags in Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness would require extreme backpacking. To access areas in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness that are far from a road you could float the river or pay a pilot several hundred buck to fly you in.
The Californian sheep haven't been doing that great but I would be happy to buy a tag if I could draw one.
You can't apply for any other big game controlled hunt if you apply for moose, sheep or goats (there are a few exceptions). For this reason I haven't applied for these three species yet.

I don't know about the sheep in Idaho but if you draw let me know and I'll pack your rifle up the hill for ya....Oh, the California Sheep Units are the same this year as last, but with the addition of a John Day River hunt.. I would stick with Hart Mtn. or Poker Jim though... I have this feeling your going to draw this year....


I'm down with your feeling. I hope you're right. Just can't decide between Poker Jim and Hart. Check your inbox.


I appreciate your help. I have been surfing all over the Idaho website. Good stuff. Really can't decide. The California areas are much closer to me so they look pretty attractive. My son has spent a bit of time in those areas and talked to the Game Warden a couple of weeks ago. He didn't really paint a very great picture of California sheep in Idaho. But there is just something about them goofy Ca sheep that gets me going. Check your inbox too.
A new state record "harvested" California bighorn was take this past fall in Idaho. I was told unit 42 but I cannot confirm that nor have I tried. It scored around 173 and was a great looking ram.
NVB: I killed mine in 36A and my partner got his in 27. Email for some specific Q&A's.
Yeah Honker, Jer switched gears and lost a few on the turn. I followed him because of an earlier, different post (and everyone knows I shouldn't be driving or leading). But, yes, he was referring to Oregon.
Since we switched gears I will keep it going. Anyone know why so many nonresidents put in for sheep areas that don't offer nonres tags in Oregon? Reading their regs it looks like a 100+/-guys did this last year.
I've been wondering that too. I'm not sure, is it always final where the tags will be given to non-residents before the app deadline? I know they always or usually go to the same areas but maybe these guys are hoping for some different areas. Or maybe they are confused and think it's like other states where nonresidents are limited to a percentage overall and it depends on who draws what first. I think that'a how it is done in Idaho, isn't it? Makes you wonder, eh?

I sure hope a ton of them do it this year and I have the only app in for Poker Jim No 2. Ha Ha!! Wishful thinking. :) :)
>NVB: I killed mine in 36A and my partner got his in 27. Email for some specific Q&A's.

I am trying to decide what ID sheep unit to apply for. How tough is 27-3 to hunt? I understand that it is wilderness and that one option is to hire someone to fly you in to an airstrip. What's the territory like to get around in after you get to the airstrip? Are you able to get to the sheep without rapelling?
craig h i hunted elk next to 27-3 area no sheep where i was just goats steep big country take good mules is all i can say.
A friend and his Dad drew, and floated for their's. They flew raft and gear into Middle Fork, floated and hiked every canyon from top to bottom. Ended up shooting 2 legal rams on a gravel bar by the river with no effort at all. Another way if you don't fly in. You can also drive in to the Middle Fork Guard Station area, and then hike down into the breaks for them. many units and many ways, but none easy!

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