idaho sheep results?- when

Idaho has been really good about getting results back very quickly...long before the June 10 date they post.

I have already signed up for vacation for the unit 11 tag so I wish the rest of you good luck for drawing that second one!!!!
Hey ramslam,
Glad you were able to block out that vacation time. I will sure be able to use your help when I draw! (I hope, I hope, I hope)
after 28 years trying to get a tag im starting to get a little discoraged? although my backpack is loaded sitting by the door with my rifle ready and my truck is running, now all i need is a tag.
Not soon enough! I know they say by June 10th, but as ramslam said, Idaho is good about getting them posted long before then. I would actually be ssurprised if they weren't up before the end of the month. Unfortunately I didn't get to put in for sheep as I applied for moose, but it should be the same day.

Good luck to all!
Ya ya Ramdreamer, you caught me! I have vacation days blocked out from June 11th until August 29th. The problem is the first day of school (Aug 30) is the first day of the season!! What luck. I wonder how my new principal will like me taking a personal day on the first day of school??!!??

Good luck to all,


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