Idaho sheep, moose and mtn goat results are up

I struck out on moose. Dang it! Oh well, congrats to you guys who did draw. I'll be expecting pictures of what you guys end up with this Fall.

Good luck to all,
Whhooooooooooooowhoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sweet Jesus!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going moose hunting again. My Dad drew it this year. Thats two years in a row. Me last year.
I drew unit 27-1. I know that the harvest in that unit is usually low. Plan to scout as much as possible. I only live 3 hours away from the unit in Cascade.

Any info from anyone on this unit would be greatly appreciated.

Congrats Flinger!! 2005 is turning into a good season for ya...the ram, then bear, now ya gonna get ya a moose!! I got faith in ya brother!

It's a small world if we are both looking at this website from Valley county, Idaho!
Congrats to those who drew, my wife drew unit 69 moose, season cannot come quick enough for her, good luck on your hunts

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