Idaho Sheep, Goat, Moose results up...

My buddy got a moose tag in the same unit I took mine from last year! Looks like I will to call another one in! WHHHHUUU.......WWWWHHHHUUUU!
Kicker, you beat me to it. That sucks for your dad.

I have to say I am as excited as all get out! I got drawn this year finally and get to go hunt moose! Unit 4. This will be my first ever moose hunt so needless to say I'm a little excited!

Hey Jaxon, way to go man. Hope you have a good time chasing those swamp donkey's. Maybe next year my Dad will get his chance.

Good Luck!

no sheep for me,5 more unsucessful notices for sheep to go. this one in my home state is the only one i had hope though.

I don't think you understand how the draw process works there buddy. I know 10 people drew and only 18 people applied for your dads unit but the odds were not 10 out of 18. Idaho throws everyones name in the pool and then draws a total amount of tags. They don't do it on a per unit basis. Thats what I understand from the Idaho fish and game. Example: If they were going to give 100 moose permits for the year and 1000 people applied statewide, your dad would have a 1 in 10 chance to draw a permit. THen those 100 people who's name came out would get the unit they applied 1st choice for provided the quota for that unit had not been reached yet.
Hope that helps ya out. I know I thought the same way you did there when I first read it.
where do you find out that there were only 18 applicates for a given unit to know that he was one of the unlucky 8
LAST EDITED ON May-23-06 AT 04:43PM (MST)[p]thecrittergitter,

I've had F&G employees tell me all kinds of contradicting info regarding "the draws".
Maybe I misunderstood what you said. Are you saying that people that select a hunt as a second choice can draw a tag that isn't under subscribed???

IF that's true?! That is a bunch of B.S.!!!!! I will go down to the F&G headquarters tomorrow and see if that is right. That makes no sense. One of the reasons for applying is because as listed on the F&G sight, the odds are better in certain units. I hope you are mistaken, my friend, but if not there is going to be a major fit thrown. Not that it will do any good. But it will make me feel better!

I'll let you know what they say.

I drew a moose tag which will be the first time for me chasing one. I'm looking for advice or some references/videos etc.. on field judging them. Any ideas?
good for you NV4X4 :)

BTW, 10 divided by 18% is 55.5% chance of drawing or 44.5% chance of not drawing.

And from what I have been told by IDF&G for many years now is; they draw by hunt number, so the only way you can possibly get a second choice hunt is if there is more tags than first choice applicants for that particular hunt. Hope that helps.
No Moose hunting for me this year. I get more no's and unsuccessful's now than when I was single, they also hurt more now too. Maybe one day it will be me. WAHHHHHH, WAHHHHH!
No goat tag for me this year. At least I will get a nice refund check in the next few weeks. Good luck to everyone who drew.

LAST EDITED ON May-29-06 AT 12:15PM (MST)[p]I checked with F&G headquarters regarding "thecrittergitter"s statement about Idahos draw process.

Here is what they said:
"The tags are drawn by hunt number; basically the same thing as by unit
number. Your dad was only competing with the 18 people that put in for
his hunt, not with the 6,000 or so that applied for all moose hunts

So apparently YOU don't understand how the draw process works here in Idaho "BUDDY"

LAST EDITED ON May-29-06 AT 03:39PM (MST)[p]"The tags are drawn by hunt number; basically the same thing as by unit"

Kicker, you have the concept correct but don't forget many units have multiple hunt numbers with differences like dates, boundaries, weapons choice and legal animals.

Maybe, next year will be our year? :)
That quote was a cut and paste from the email the F&G sent me. Not my words at all. So hopefully they have it right. HOPEFULLY


I sense a bit of hostility there:) I spoke with a guy named Brian at the Fish and Game headquarters. I can assure you from what I was told, that you are not competing for a moose tag with just guys that applied in that hunt code. Think about it, that would make the draw odds 100% in some units by the stats published on their website. If people look and see that only 1 tag was given for a unit and only 1 guy applied, well obviously thats where I would apply. Even the regs say that they only give out UP TO 10% of the moose tags to NR. I spent roughly 40 minutes talking to this guy going over examples. I would like to see your email that contradicts this. Also, go look at the stats for the last 4-5 years, you will see that some years they give a certain # of tags for some units and the next they may not give any. Your odds are not based on just hunt code applicants. So lets say you applied for unit X as a NR. Well, in 2006 they might not give out any permits for unit X. That means you don't get a permit. He was very clear in stating that everyones name goes into the same pool and up to 10% of the tags will go to NR.
So, a refresher from the Idaho Fish and Game as of 10 minutes ago. Here goes??.All the applications, Res and NR go into the main pool. The computer starts randomly selecting from the entire pool. It first checks to see if it's a res or NR application. Computer knows it cannot draw more than 10% NR so it will keep doing this randomly until all draws are done. So essentially, you have no better chance of drawing a tag than any other Non-Resident so really your odds are as good as how many total NR applied. If they give out 1 permit for unit x and say 4 NR applied, computer was going through and pulled hunter 1 out. Then a little while later, Hunter 2 was hit but the 10% had been met already, hunter 2 better hope he can find something else to fill his freezer with even though his application was hit. THis is why you see units that had tags given some years and some years not.

Hope everyone isn't confused now:)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-06 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i see the confusion. I and my father are RESIDENTS and i'm a native of Idaho. NOW i get where you are coming from critterman.

Sucks to be a NR!

It does suck to be a non-res in every state. But thats the way it is. I did'nt apply in Idaho this year. I was'nt going to fork over the 170 bucks to buy a license and apply. I hope to luck out on other states that I have points in. Thanks for researching the draw process. I think I know how it works now. Buy an expensive license for a 1-3% chance to draw a sheep tag as a non-res.
I started gathering that you probably were. But I gotta tell ya, Idaho still has the best odds for NR's so it doesn't suck too bad:)
NV4x4...I'm not sure how big the western bulls get, but remember, even a 40" bull can look big sometimes. One thing I've noticed over the years is that if the main beams angle upwards at all from the skull to the palms, then the bull you are looking at isn't very old, and probably lacks trophy quality. That's the way it is here in Maine. You want to make sure the palms appear WAY big compared to the animal's head. Looking head on, the eyes are about 10 inches apart; from the side, the palms want to be longer than the nose to ears; from the back, antlers can look wider than they are, so be careful. Palm width and length are more important than spread if you are looking for a B & C head, and the number of tines is what counts. Multiple (palmated) brow tines adds to the length of the palm for scoring. The tines (or antler points) aren't measured, the tines are counted for score. Spread is the number one topic for bulls amongst hunters, but the # of points and the palm dimensions in particular add up faster. Check out a B & C score sheet for moose to get a good idea. Oh ya, be sure to have fun. Guy

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