Idaho results when?


Active Member
I know somebody out there has it pretty much pegged for when the sheep,goat,moose results come out here in Idaho. I have never paid much attention as i never had anybody apply, but now the anticipation is killing me. Anybody help me?????

Last year (2006), results posted on-line on Monday, 5/22.

In 2005, I rec'd my refund in the mail on 5/27 - the warrant was dated 5/16/05.
Last year, I had checked on Wednesday 5-24-06 with no results available. I didn't check 5-25. I checked 5-26 Friday A.M. & found out that I had drawn! I know-lucky @#$%#&*
Last year it was posted on 05/22. That is when I also checked and found out I was drawn. Too bad I had more luck drawing a tag than harvesting an animal......


No sheep, it was a moose hunt. Awesome time but unsuccessful in the end. We drew the 1 week season so only had 7 days to be successful. Mark took what ended up being the biggest bull we saw this trip. Oh well..... I'll get my opportunity again. Can't complain at all.

By the way it was unit 4 in northern Idaho.

Good luck to all those that draw this year!

I could be wrong but from what I've been able to tell the results over the last 4 years have been posted as early as May 15th and as late as May 22nd.

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