Idaho Results online

None of us drew. I put in for my brother, my wife and myself.

can look forward to the refund checks now.
Well i drew my first Moose tag as a resident, after putting in for 20+ years. I drew 14-1 up off of Slate creek. Does anyone have any past experiences with this hunt? all info would be appreciated.Thanks...
i have some info about the area you drew, ill give it to you when im done pouting i didnt draw my sheep tag............

Congrats on the tag and welcome aboard. Where do you live? I will be interested to hear your hunt story.


I drew that tag last year and had a great hunt. Resident or Non-resident? DIY or guided? Good luck and let us know how your hunt planning goes.
Im a resident, lived here all my life. A good friend of mine drew this tag last year and had a great hunt also. I am planning on a DIY hunt with a little bit of help from my buddy and any one else that have any suggestions.
mdbrown, thanks for the reply, am interested in talking to you. call me at 208-841-8166, and leave a message, and i'll call you right back. thanks again rick...
Just curious where these tags are being drawn. Give us some info, what units are you guys lucky enough to be hunting this Fall??

Better luck next year to those who did'nt draw. Short mag. Last year 6 out of about 1,700 non res drew a sheep tag. Not the best odds. Better than a lot of states. To bad it cost 150 dollars for such a slim chance. Good luck in the future.
LAST EDITED ON May-21-07 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]Dang...nothing for me. I just knew they were going to send me one of those unit 11 ram tags. Oh well, I have heard from one lucky guy that's gonna chase some monster rams. All I can say is yeeehaaaaaw.
I would have liked to see Glen or Bryan draw that unit 11 sheep tag. We probably would have been looking at a potential new state record in 2007. You guys capped off an awesome year in 2006! Has anybody heard who drew?
no word to me yet on who drew the 11 tags.
I have to admit I put in for a cali tag. I'm still looking for that 170+ ram. That said, any sheep no matter what the score is a great accomplishment.

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