idaho ram head found


Active Member
My buddy found a ram that scores 161" near challis. We were just curious what it is worth or if he is even allowed to sell it. It is in good shape the horns are just a little rough from the elements and the tips have just barely been chewed on a bit. It probably died this past winter.
Probably worth a few hundred. I assume you went to IDFG and got it plugged. If not, you better do so as soon as you can, so you don't get ticketed.
You cannot sell it legally as far as i know. Fish and game must tag it also. I have found heads up that way and left them alone for others to find.
From the regulations book (p. 28)

"Recovery, Possession and Sale of Bighorn Sheep Horns: Horns
from bighorn sheep that have died of natural causes may be recovered and possessed. All bighorn sheep horns must be presented to Fish and Game for marking with a permanent pin within 30 days of recovery. It is unlawful to sell, barter or purchase bighorn sheep horns obtained under these circumstances, or to transfer ownership of recovered bighorn sheep horns without a permit from Idaho Fish and Game."

The only locations equipped to pin are the regional offices.

Tom Keegan,
IDFG Salmon Region Wildlife Manager
Thanks guys this is all good info. I guess if he doest want to keep it he will just have to give it to me for free:)
Here is what the book says:

Lawfully recovered and possessed parts ? except horns
from bighorn sheep ? may be sold, transferred, purchased or
bartered, when accompanied by a statement on how it was
Edible meat from game animals taken from the wild may not be
purchased, bartered or sold.
Recovery, Possession and Sale of Bighorn Sheep Horns:
Horns from bighorn sheep that have died of natural causes
may be recovered and possessed. All bighorn sheep horns
must be presented to Fish and Game for marking with a
permanent pin within 30 days of recovery. It is unlawful to sell,
barter or purchase bighorn sheep horns obtained under these
circumstances, or to transfer ownership of recovered bighorn
sheep horns without a permit from Idaho Fish and Game.
Well now I guess I can't even get them for free unless we jump through a hoop or two. He is excited about them and is planning on keeping them now any ways.

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