Idaho Ram fall down after BOOM !!




  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Yes. 3/4 or greater then 4 years of age.

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Wow great Ram Moosie havent seen that one yet.LOL Hey whats the story??? Hey if you have any video maybe you can let us see some. That would be awesome.


T-O-O-O Cool!!! Serious congrats sent your way! Can't wait to hear the story ...

Way to go Moosie!! Real good Ram and man you sure look happy!! congrats for sure! What unit was ya hunting in?
Nice Ram, Kinda makes the guy sitting next to it appear to be small! But he does appear to be happy! That Ram should make you one beautiful mount. Congratulations and enjoy!
Saw the whole story on HT! Awesome story! Congrats! Someday, that would be nice to get one of those tags! Need to start the process...
Congrats Dude!!!! Way to get er done!!! Certainly will make a great addition to that trophy room of yours.
S.S. , I'm guessing you haven't seen it yet ;) Good luck on your Elk hunt starting tomorrow (If I remember reading that right "SOMEWERE" ;)

Lv2hnt, Thanx for the kudos... But thats the Story : Idaho Ram fall down after BOOM !! :)

Sheepshooter, "That country looks pretty step ."

It is a Pretty step, I had to watch every step actually because it was also Very STEEP !!! *WINK*

Please Deer, That was in Unit 27-2. If you ever want your A$$ handed to ya in a Bag apply and hunt that unit !!! I'll even tell ya were to go to get one :)

Boskee, You saying I'm a Small guy ?!?! Don't make me start Posting Pictures of me !!! I'm 6' (PS, I did catch what ya meant but I like seeing myself on the Net, It's a Small "UNIT" thing I have some say .... *HEHE*)



Studpile, Thanx for the Kudos !!

RidgeT, The proccess in Idaho isn't a pref point thing. And out of state people only get 10% of the tags aloted. The 27-2 unit hasn't had an out-a-state person for 2 years at least. Besides the Guy that had the Governers this year hunting With Melton *The resident Outfitter*. (Who also Drew atag in the unit and Busted a Fine 170 class ram already !!!) But there is always about 40-50 Aplicants from out-a-state putting in. Cuz ya never know !!!! Some other units are more likely to get one (Or other states with Pref Ponts).

Csutton7, HAve I see your Name somewere before *WINK*. Thanx for the Kudos !!!!

BCboy, I wanted a Full size mount but Wasn't able to muster the Energy to pack it out. I'm, a PUSS that way.. *OOPS*. I think I have room next to the Sasquatsch I shot last year and the leprachan I shot the year before :) I should start getting busy mounting more things though ;)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Nice ram! Congratulations. BTW, how many push-ups can you do and are you still training for the Mr. Idaho competition?
Well they Said I couldn't compeete in the Competition due to the Drug and Homosexual charges pending but I'm fighting them. I got Johny COK-her-an on my side and looking into getting Kobe Bryant's lawyer too. I'll get off with a Slap and a 50k Fine and Be right back in the Saddle again.

I am up to 5 pushups though. One in the Morning 2 at lunch 2 in the Afternoon and One at night. Well, The one in the Morning is more of a Push "OUT" then an "UP"... But it counts I think.

BuckSpy, How did yer Ram chase go ? We chasing forked horns together next year ?!?! :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Season starts November 6th! I'm moderately excited at this point but I'm anticipating an emotional cresendo somewhere around Halloween. We are talking full blown morning sheep wood.

I just might go kill a forkie with you because your one of about 5 people around here without onion skin and you actually get my sense of humor. I might show you my honey hole. Deerking has seen it.

By the looks of those sculpted pecs in your junior muscleman shirt, I suspect you might do more than 5 pushups a day.
HEY now... I was just Joking about the Homo thing... Just because Deer King likes your "Honey Hole" doesn't mean I want to see it :)

Let's talk about chasin' Bucks next year. I'm sure I can Get a Primo Unit hunt with my 2 pref Points I have for Colorado :ROLL EYES: My wall is About fed up of these 17-19" 4 points I've been putting on it the last 8-10 years :) You got my cell #, It's in the General section under whats your name. Buuahahah !!!

On the Ram thing, Seriously good luck. Although Hunch tells me you and a few Buds probably know right were to go. Make sure you take some Pics and post them at all the sites you visit :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!

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