Idaho NR?


I hear a lot of talk of Idaho not being a NR friendly state. Was checking out there website and there prices seem reasonable for NR fees. So my question is why do ppl say Idaho is not NR friendly? Is there something i'm not seeing on there website?
I have hunted out of state in ID,OR,NV and CO and I would say they are all about the same as far as the way the locals treat non-residents although NV might have been the best in that respect.

Some states have lower percentages of tags in draw units for NR's so maybe that is why?

As you said fees are reasonably similar to other states NR fees although they recently raised them.

They raised the fees some last year. Lots of guys are up in arms about it posting all kinds of negative stuff. Prices are still reasonable if you ask me. Idaho has some pretty good hunting left.

I say come on and hunt!

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
Idaho resident hunters were like the Motel 6 guys compared to Utah hunters. Utah Hunter Safety teachers make a kid quote from memory, "Ten good ways to screw up a Non-Resi's hunt" before they'll pass em in the class! :)

What makes me so upset about Idaho is that they keep jacking their prices up for the NR's but the resident prices have always stayed the same. I drew an elk tag last year and paid over $600 to hunt. Where my dad (who is a resident) buys a sportsmans package which includes a deer,elk,antelope,turkey,hunting lic.,fishing,bear,mt.lion,bobcat,caribou,eagle,walrus and whatever else tags they get for like $150. Whenever he starts giving me a hard time about hunting in his state I just remind him who keeps their "RESIDENT" prices so cheap.
I also have hunted Oregon, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming and Idaho. Probably what their talking about is how the non-resident hunter is treated out in the field. Idaho resident hunters go out of their way to be as-holes to non resident hunters, especialy if they have Califonia plates on their rig.
Don't get my wrong,in ten years of hunting Idaho, I've also met some really nice people. But when your driving down the highway, and sombody that you don't know, waves at you with their middle finger, it tends to piss you off. It seams like the ones with the worst attitude, were new transplants from Cali . Most of the people in the small towns were glad to have us there, spending a dollar, buying gas or food at their places. The one finger waves, were usualy around the bigger towns, like Twin Falls.
I lost my front licence plate one year, and it was amazing how many full hand waves we got out in the woods. But I know I'm from Cali, so our reputation precedes us. When anyone asked where we were from , I had to explain to them that I was from California, but only by 38 miles, almost to Nevada, and two hundred miles from any big city.
As far as the prices go, Idaho was always the first, of the above mentioned states to raise their price, but all the rest of the others followed.
We always had a good hunt though, SO DON'T LET A LITTLE FLIP OFF keep you from hunting the Gem state.
Just my two cents.


I think maybe it has to do where yer from. I drew an Idaho deer tag this year. I posted several times seeking some info on the area and received a number of replies. They were all from non residents who had hunted the area in the past. Not a problem, I suspect most western states are the same. While I was hunting, I ran into a number of resident elk hunters. When I'd stop to talk, the first thing they asked is where was I from. As soon as I'd say Wyoming, everyone of them got a grin or really opened up. A couple of guys wanted to chat about hunting around here. I had no issues. However, I think it would be a lot different if I would've said I was from California or Texas. As for their non resident fees, I wouldn't mind if they jacked the prices up even more if it meant fewer people would apply and my odds would improve...
Idaho is a great state to hunt it just that they keep jacking up the non-res fees?? When I started hunting Idaho a deer tag and license was around 125.00 bucks? It's getting out of control.Idaho like other states have gotten greedy. Now with the wolf problems it's just not worth the money. I miss hunting in Idaho but there are other states just as good and better for less money.
> I also have
>hunted Oregon, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming
>and Idaho. Probably what their
>talking about is how the
>non-resident hunter is treated out
>in the field. Idaho resident
>hunters go out of their
>way to be as-holes to
>non resident hunters, especialy if
>they have Califonia plates on
>their rig.
> Don't get my
>wrong,in ten years of hunting
>Idaho, I've also met some
>really nice people. But when
>your driving down the highway,
>and sombody that you don't
>know, waves at you with
>their middle finger, it tends
>to piss you off. It
>seams like the ones with
>the worst attitude, were new
>transplants from Cali . Most
>of the people in the
>small towns were glad to
>have us there, spending a
>dollar, buying gas or food
>at their places. The one
>finger waves, were usualy around
>the bigger towns, like Twin
> I lost my front
>licence plate one year, and
>it was amazing how many
>full hand waves we got
>out in the woods. But
>I know I'm from Cali,
>so our reputation precedes us.
>When anyone asked where we
>were from , I had
>to explain to them that
>I was from California,
>but only by 38 miles,
>almost to Nevada, and two
>hundred miles from any big
> Just my two cents.

X 100!

First thing I do is "lose" my front license plate before hunting outside of California.

I hear they have great opportunitys for youth hunters ? I was going to look into it. I have family up in the northern part of the state.
I hear the wolf problem has hurt hunting up there as well. What have you other guys heard ?
Thanks fo rall the replys. One more question when you a apply for a tag do you purchase it like wyoming or is it like utah were you don't pay unless you draw?
You have to buy the $160 non-refundable license to apply + an application fee, but on the controlled hunts you don't pay the tag fee unless drawn.
I buy a non resident Idaho licesne every year since I need it for a over the counter bear hunt I do every year . My only problem with Idaho is the fact their draw hunts are no a guarnteed 10 % to non-residents . There is a deer hunt I put in for 2 years in a row and no tags even went to non residents . In 10 years of applying there for there special or draw hunts I have only drawn one antelope tag . Granted all those years I have put in for good elk and deer units , so the drawing odds have been poor .
>Idaho resident hunters were like the
>Motel 6 guys compared to
>Utah hunters. Utah Hunter Safety
>teachers make a kid quote
>from memory, "Ten good ways
>to screw up a Non-Resi's
>hunt" before they'll pass em
>in the class! :)


Have you been drinking lol....
WoodRuff asked, "Joey: Have you been drinking lol...."

Not at all Ruff! There's always exceptions to the rule(you're one of em!) and far be it for any of the good ol gang that hang around MM to be that way...

Hell, somebody made a thread for the "NR Take" and the "R" guys done filled it plum up. Never did see hide nor hair of any NR opinions. Funny how they filled up the "NR Take" thread when they had 20 or so threads of their own... just saying

Young native American guy killing the heck outa Monster bucks and bulls off his Res and Colo state grounds, all on the up and up posting the pic's up for us to drool comes a bunch of fellers on their bicycles a circling around that never could pass a spelling exam or fart without letting everybody know they done it, and they gotta give this buck hunting SOB a hard time.

I guess they'd rather see more "NR Take" threads filling up than pic's of big bucks n bulls! Sometimes Ruff, things is just plain hard to figure!! Happy Holidays!

I have a hard time with ID as a NR. The nonrefundable license is pretty steep and I am stuck putting in for sheep or moose or mt goat. The odds are good, but expensive. I would do it every year if I was hunting otc deer, elk, or wolf (if it ever opens again). The problem is the otc hunting is costing more and the quality is going down. They only sold out like 2 nr zones for elk last year and had a ton of tags left over which never happened 5 to 10 years ago when quality was better and tags were cheaper.

Two years ago I hunted and tried to follow all the "road closed during hunting" rules. The locals didn't follow the rule or seem to care and law enforcement didn't either, unless you were a nr. I felt like it was at a huge disadvantage for the nr.
In my opinion Idaho is pricing themselves out of the Gouge the non-resident game. People don't mind paying if there is game to hunt. Nevada, Arizona, Colorado....all have expensive tags, but there is always tons of game. I have hunted Idaho a lot, and had some fun hunts there, but the last couple times have been beyond lousy hunting.

Think of Idaho as a 300 lb prostitue trying to still charge top dollar for services.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-10 AT 05:28PM (MST)[p]>WoodRuff asked, "Joey: Have you been
>drinking lol...."
>Not at all Ruff! There's always
>exceptions to the rule(you're one
>of em!) and far be
>it for any of the
>good ol gang that hang
>around MM to be that
> Hell, somebody made a thread
>for the "NR Take" and
>the "R" guys done filled
>it plum up. Never did
>see hide nor hair of
>any NR opinions. Funny how
>they filled up the "NR
>Take" thread when they had
>20 or so threads of
>their own... just saying
>Young native American guy killing the
>heck outa Monster bucks and
>bulls off his Res and
>Colo state grounds, all on
>the up and up posting
>the pic's up for us
>to drool comes a
>bunch of fellers on their
>bicycles a circling around that
>never could pass a spelling
>exam or fart without letting
>everybody know they done it,
>and they gotta give this
>buck hunting SOB a hard
>I guess they'd rather see more
>"NR Take" threads filling up
>than pic's of big bucks
>n bulls! Sometimes Ruff, things
>is just plain hard to
>figure!! Happy Holidays!

I'm just razzin' ya Joey. I have had a lot of bad experiences with Utah residents as well.

I told you a while back, you have an open invite to come up here and hunt deer or elk with us! All you need to do is show up up with a license!!!
Aaron 84, come on over and hunt! I was a NR for 3 years before I moved to this beautiful state. Honestly I have not ran into any crappy behavior from the resident hunters. IMHO if you come over and respect the rules, other hunters, and the area you are hunting, you should have no problems. I have heard stories though and there are always a few bad apples that ruin an out of state hunt for a NR. If you think about it, if you buy a license and tag for deer, you are paying almost 14 times the amount than the resident hunter. That should be a compliment to resident hunters. Good Luck! Smitty
look in the Idaho forum that will give you a clue on the attitude toward Californians.It's a on going story in my family my uncle's have lots of stories from the late 70's through today of poaching,carelessness,waste,etc.. When I moved back here in 03 my friend was a cop in council,Id they had to investigate a shooting where 2 guys riding four wheelers on a county road saw movement in the bushes,stopped and shot and then found out it was some kid what for deer to cross the road in that spot.Once they saw the kid they ran and left him there.My friends had the privilege of catching these guys. you guessed it Californians!My dad and uncle watched a group of guys mow down a whole herd of deer fawns,doe's,whatever was there.With assault type rifles with large magazines.My uncle was going to give them a piece of his mind so they followed them to their camp where there was a lot more guys so they got out there after they got some license plate numbers to turn over to F&G.Now I know not every Californian behaves this way but you can see where the bad attitude comes from. Every western state has a large influx of outta stater's from some where for the most part anyways.
Oh so in the area I hunt where the warden told me that %90 of the riding off trail or legal roads tickets he writes are to ID residents must not be accurate or maybe all of them were transplants.

Oh and the times (1989 and 1990) when we hunted the southwest corner and everywhere you drove you saw a dead and dressed doe beside the road where some idiot upgraded to a bigger or less shot up doe with their resident EXTRA doe tag. Should I underline resident?

The fact that I can see that this is the exception for ID residents and not the rule is what separates me from the tools who lump all the people from a given state into the same pile over what a few bad apples do. It doesn't mean I am better than the next guy just that you are worse than the next guy!

Wake up there are a$$holes in every state,group and hunting style (archery ,gun etc.) and if you want to change that then you need to stop crying on the internet and fix it one bad apple at a time. If you find some guy off trail where he shouldn't be call him in or kick his A$$ if you can and must but don't whine about it and point the finger at an entire group of people for what he is doing! Be a man!

It is nice to know that it's so easy to catch all the culls , murderers and poachers in ID just by looking at their license plate and if they are NR it must be them and if it says ID just smile and wave that must make law enforcement's job real easy.

+1 for huntin dad, I moved from California in 1971 to Idaho at the age of 25.The first thing i noticed was that most of the so called "OLD TIMERS" basically broke every law in the books!And from my experience most people caught over limits on fish,shot too many ducks and pheasants,and shot deer and hid them in various compartments in their campers, trailers and pickups! And everyone to a man would bad mouth NR'S for there being no game. I have lived in Idaho for 40-years,and you don't really hear that much about Californians anymore, because all the old residents are dead,and most of the new guys are from some other state.For those that can't find anything else to do with their pathetic life,get over it!!
If you think Idaho is reasonable now, you would've loved it a few years ago! I understand that Montana will be doing its part to make Idaho look "reasonable" this year, by raising its NR fees back to the top of the heap.
have hunted idaho as a nr for 22 yrs,the only issue i had was someone writing go home on my dusty camper shell,must of known i was killing smoker bucks in his forest.
LOL! bern I have had the "GO HOME" window tattoo a couple of times and one time it was accompanied by 4 slashed tires.

I have a very good friend that I met on an elk hunt. He was from Washington. I found a guy in the desert this fall that was from Virginia if I remember right. He was looking for a water hole for antelope hunting. I took him to his water hole and it took me about 1 hour to get him there and get back.
I am not going to make excuses for cutting tires and that kind of thing. I will say that some of the bad feelings might come from the way the Non-residents came hunting in the late 60's and all the way through the 1970's. We had a lot of Utah hunters just come on the place and hunt without asking. The Cali hunters were just as bad. I never remember my dad EVER turning down a guy to hunt on his place. If you sneaked on your were given the boot.
I think the non-resident "hate" most are talking about are very limited instances not as a "rule".
I went to Montana several years ago to bird hunt. When I went to the door I told them my name where I was from and asked to hunt. Almost every one said yes. I only had one guy charge me a fee. It was 10 dollars and he took me to the area to hunt and told me how to hunt it. Even if Montana wants more to hunt the big thing is they got game to go hunting for. That makes a big difference. I think my license was just over 100 dollars and I felt that at the end of the trip it was WAY more than worth the price. I just got my new sportsman?s pack for Idaho. I got my son's youth combo for Idaho. I bought fishing licenses for my Daughter and her soon to be husband for Idaho. I paid WELL over 200 dollars for all of it and to be honest I feel screwed. I am glad that fishing is good. That makes the sting a little better. Ron
Most of the people in fact almost all of the people I meet out of state are great whether they are residents or non residents. Especially after a little conversation they usually warm up. I just think they are not sure what your like until they talk to you and find out you are probably just like them.

We had a guy ride up behind us on an atv this year and when I pulled over to let him pass he stopped to talk. He had lost a jacket and asked if we had seen it in the road on the way up but as we talked further he had taken a slightly different route up and when I told him that and that we hadn't seen his jacket but if we did we would get it to him and wished him luck and even described another atv we passed that may have come up the road he did.

He was most concerned not about the jacket or the Rhino radio in his pocket but the hat that belonged to his grandson that was also in it. I think there was a story behind the hat but he didn't tell it.

He offered to let us keep the Rhino and jacket if we found it he just wanted the hat, which was nice I guess but the way it was offered it seemed as if he didn't believe me that we hadn't seen it and I assured him that if we found it we would return it as found.

I hope he found it but if he didn't I feel like he thinks we had it and that sucks to me not just that he doesn't trust me but that he probably has some reason in his past to not trust a fellow hunter.

i would agree there are good and bad hunters everywhere. in my travels i have found the utah hunters very good sportsmen. as for the california hunters most of sw idaho is now unfortunatly california. people in boise always ask where am i from. usualy they will say fresno? i will tell them i am a native and they are shocked. but good and bad are everywhere. as for tag fees ect. i think they are reasonable. i buy an extra " non resident " tag so i can kill two whitetails every year. i think 300 $ for the opertunity for extra hunting time is a bargain. i am brand new to the forum so howdy everyone !

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