Idaho Muzzleloader Antelope


Long Time Member
I huntied 18 days for one of the good ones I had scouted. This is the result. 14 1/2 inches, tall prongs and wide; I'm very pleased.

One shot at him with the White Whitetail 50 cal., and 100 grains 777 with a Hornady 300 grain XTP.

Thats a dandy looking speedgoat Joel! Congrats! You have a pic with his head sideways!

No sideways; my photographer (buddy from Texas) had some problems getting close enough to get good pics. I will try to post another one I took of him holding the buck against his white tee-shirt. It shows up a lot better in that one.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-05 AT 02:23PM (MST)[p] Great goat! Congrats. that's a challenging hunt, but it is very fun too.
What was your shot distance? Did you put a tape on him?
Lasered before the shot - 205 yards. I shoot a lot all year at ranges to 300 yards. My particular gun/sight-in drops 10" at that range with the 300 grain XTP or Barnes.

Gross in the mid-70's.
Real good lookin buck ,congrats!! I gotta say the MZ antelope hunt here in NM is my favorite hunt.Hope Lady Luck shines on me in 06....Great job and thanks for sharing....NMHUNTNUTT

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