Idaho Mountain Goat

Just needed the .jpg at the end...Congrats on the goat!


First of all I want to say congratulations to my friend Paul. This was his goat hunt and had asked me to go along with him.

Well we spotted the goat around 7:30am and started out after him @ 7:55am. It took us two and half hours to get with in 400 yards of him bedded down looking our way. We decided to dump our pack frames and grab the video camera for the final stock. Trying to put a stock on a animal in the shale rock, in steep country is a little tough. (Hat's off to the archery guy's) Anyways we closed the distance to 300 yards and the goat had us pegged and stood up. So we started to walk a little faster and caught him looking right at us, broad side at 252 yards. I had the video camera rolling trying to find him, which was little tough for me, when I had just found him standing the first shot rang out, (I flinched like a little school girl), the goat was hit and he spun 180 degree's, so I told Paul to put another one in him. I had the camera all over the place and finally got the camera back on him when the second shot rang out. This time he was on film rolling down the mountain. Put him down like a sack of "potatoes". We didn't get back to the truck until 6:30pm, very tired, and a job well done.


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