Idaho Moose



I recently got back from a great moose hunt in Idaho. My friend Dale beat the odds on his first try and drew a tag. I took a moose last year and had so much fun on that hunt, I agreed to go along to videotape and our friend Roger agreed to come along and be our caller. Dale wanted to take a moose with his bow if possible, but also carry a rifle just in case.

We had made a scouting trip in July and saw a dandy of a bull.


We arrived on Saturday Oct. 1 around noon, got camp set up and went out for an evening hunt. At our second spot Roger called a bull to within 30yds. The problem was, it was too thick to see him, let alone get a clear shot.

The next morning we went out and had bulls answering right from the start. Dale passed on a small bull that Roger called in to about 8 yards. Dale was able to draw on the bull. It would have been a chip shot.

After two more hours of playing cat and mouse with some more bulls that were answering but wouldn't come in, Dale got a clear shot at a nice one. Even though it was early in the hunt, and we knew there was a bigger one in the area, this bull was just too big to pass up. Dale took him down with one shot through the lungs with his .300 Jarrett. We later ranged the distance at 116 yds. The bull is 51.5 inches wide and scores around 150 B&C. He's got just one forked brow, otherwise he probably would net book.


Dale, Roger and Me

Here is Dale with the last load.

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