Idaho moose



Here is a story and pictures of my buddies moose hunt this year.


Hi all, this is a recount of my moose hunt,In case you're interested, here's my story and I'm sticking to it. Seriously this was so exciting I almost had a heart attack. Here we go. Once upon a time, no that's not right!In the beginning, whoops wrong story, sorry. Anyway as most of you know I bought a video on how to call moose. You know, how to sound like a lonely cow moose in heat. I thought It would be like calling elk and in some respects, I guess it was but I never expected the quick results I got when I let out a couple of lonely moans. I went to a swamp area with wallows, I had found during a scouting trip that looked promising. I found a good blind area (hiding place). Made sure there was a good tree to climb just in case. There are a lot of stories out there about moose chasing hunters down and hurting them, ya know. Me afraid? NO! well maybe just a little. I was alone after all. Anyway I digress. Back to the story. So I started calling, waited for about 15 minutes and nothing happened, no I'm not impatient just in a hurry; I was thinking of moving and calling some place else. Just as I stared to move I heard the low grunt of a Bull Moose moving in my direction, and fast. So I got back in my hiding place and made a soft cow call. I could still hear the bull coming in when I heard another bull grunting and trashing a tree, from another direction. Man he sounded close. Wow this calling stuff really works! I made a decision that the first good bull that step in the open was the one for me. After all a bird in the hand, well you know. I waited and waited, not calling anymore just waiting. Nothing happened and both bulls shut up. Just a minute ago these bulls seem hot to find a cow. I could feel the wind start to swirl and I thought,maybe they got wind of me. This is where I almost lost it, really! I made a soft cow call with a low grunt on the end just for good measure,directed my call in the opposite direction the bulls were coming from. This Bull Moose came running in, stopped just in front of my blind at about 10 feet, still grunting. These things look really big when you are in a kneeling position looking up at them from point blank range. All I could think of was stay calm you can't shoot shaking this hard. If he had started thrashing the bush I was hiding behind I was gone, ya know outa hear! And that would have been after I peed my pants. As it was he started looking for the cow, moved off about 10 yards and stood there broad side. My first thought was this is a keeper. Without hesitation I slowly raised my rifle, put the cross hairs just behind the shoulder and squeezed the trigger. Nothing happened, he didn't even flinch at the report. I cranked another shell in and sent another round in his direction. This time he step backwards and fell. I knew both shots were true, these things are just tough. As soon as I got my composure and I could see that he wasn?t breathing I cautiously approached gun at ready. He was done. Man what a beautiful animal and did I mention really big. It took me 11 hours to skin, bone and pack him out in a snow storm at that. I went back to camp to get the old dog for company during this long process. All that work almost killed my poor old dog. He went to his kennel when we got home and still hasn't come out yet. I'm sure the smell of moose steaks on the barby will get his attention.



LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-04 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]Thats awesome Greg, and a nice bull too. What unit in Idaho were you in. I was hunting 1-1. I guess I should be asking MT for the info, but you know...
During what month did you take the bull? Just wondering when the best time is for calling moose.

Oh, also what was the name of that video?

LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-04 AT 10:42PM (MST)[p]
Sorry I didn't get back sooner, Im in the process of moving. The bull was taken around the 20th of Sept. The bulls respond like crazy during this time. Don't waste your money on the video or the calls. You can make the call with your own voice. Just watch a moose hunting video that they use calling tactics in and practice making the call with your voice. Trust me it's not very hard. Thats how my buddy called this one in.


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