Idaho moose tags to decrease


Long Time Member
After years of all of us bitching about decreasing antler size because of excessive harvest, IDFG is listening and proposing a 30% cut in bull moose tags, along with a 12% cut in cow tags for the various units in the Upper Snake Region (6). The Commission meeting to set seasons and permits should be next month, and new regs for the next 2 year period out by late March. Makes it harder for al the NR's, but at least you can get back to shooting trophy bulls. Go onto their website to enter your comments for the moose plan.
It's about time they decreased the number of tags. We have killed 4 bulls in our family and it used to be that when you went out to hunt you could find a decent bull but I have seen only one good bull in the past 3 years. I'm in an area where there has been good bulls and I'm out checking cattle regularly so I see them if they are there but they are no longer around like they used to be 10 years ago.

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