Idaho Moose - 60A


New Member
I drew the antlered moose tag for unit 60A. I've been researching and looking to get some insight on a couple of things.

1) As I understand it, there is a decent amount of moose that migrate in and around the unit from up around Island Park. Does anyone have a rough timeline of when the moose begin to show up in the sagebrush flats north of Rexburg? I'm assuming that it's later in the year.
2) Is there any info on the typical migration funnels that the moose follow? Specifically, is there a tendency to see moose moving south either down Camas creek or Henry's Fork, or as it cools off do they just shoot across the flats?

The river is not off the table for me. I understand there are resident moose there (and probably migrating moose). This is just the first time I've seen the entire unit open and so I'm curious about the patterns in the central and northern portions of the unit.

Thanks for any insight, information, or wisdom!
I can’t help with migration patterns or timelines. But I can tell you that my limited amount of ID moose experience made me believe that River Bottom Swamp Donkeys can get a lot bigger than ones making their living in the mountains with wolves and grizzlies.
There are some nice moose all along the river corridor, but any local tag holders that know about them are pretty tight lipped. Little public land there, and they will already have landowner friends lined up for access already. There are some resident moose in the unit all year, and most will be in the head high sage brush along Camas Creek. Tough to locate, and they don't move a lot when it's warm. With the big fire a few years ago, lots of the cover burned. Come October with the rut and cooler weather, they will move much more. Most of the moose from Spencer east (61-1) will move down into the big sage flats of 60-A for winter in the area west of the Sand Creek road. I would really hunt the last 3 weeks of the season there.

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