idaho mnt goat help



i just found out i drew a tag for unit 30, i have never been in the area any advice
I know a little about the unit. I will send you my phone number. Call the Salmon regional office and talk to one of the biologists.
I have a tip on one drainage Pratt creek??? good/bad? i would like to set up a base camp then hunt out of my pack from there. the map
shows a few roads going over the divide in Mt? I am planning a scouting trip but not sure how much snow it left in there.

any info would help thank you
I live on Sandy Creek, which is the next creek. I see goats all the time on the cliffs in winter on pratt creek
My neighbor shot a nice goat at the mouth of pratt creek 2 years ago.
Pratt creek is a good choice. That is where I would look.
Crow, thank you very much for the tip. how is the access in the area.
i have been up towards freeman peak several years ago it seemed pretty good access. how much snow is left up high. do you think it is to early for a scouting /bear hunting trip??
There are roads up every creek or on the ridges of the drainages.
Pratt Creek washed out years ago, so only 4 wheeler and cycles can get up. you can come in on the montana side if you like.
Geertson is another decent creek, but all in all the whole range is a good prospect.
Also the continental trail travels the whole hunting area.
Don't pass up goat mountain farther down the lemhi.
the snow is disappearing fast, but not sure that you will be able to travel in the high country..
My son shot a pope and young bear a couple weeks ago, could make book.
I know that dog men are still chasing bear. Best bet would be spot and stock, but bears are there. Or I could hook you up with a couple of bear hunters, but they would expect the coin.
Tell your son great job!!! those big big bears can be tough to find. i killed a 19 1/2 boar two years ago, could be one the hardest critters i have hunted. I think i do the spot and stalk around pratt or wimpy creek. looks pretty nice ( google earth). I need to start putting tracks in the country to get in shape and hopfully find a 9" goat or better
Having access trouble, trying to get into Pratt, Bohanan Creek and wimpy creek. all the roads are gated? any help or info.
Get one of the travel plan maps from the Forest Service. If they are forest service gates one of these maps will answer your questions. I know some roads don't open until June 15th. I'm not sure about those roads though.
The pratt creek road is washed out at the mouth of the canyon and has been for years. The gates are on private, but the easement is in place for entrance. So go ahead, Or better yet stop and ask phil.
Whimpey creek is open, you can drive to the top of the divide all year.
All areas are open, you can get there if you look around. You may have to head to west fork of wimpey creek to get into the head of bohannan.

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