Idaho is up!

This was my first year ever putting in for a controlled hunt and I drew a BULL ELK in unit 60-2!!!! There are only 100 tags available and over 1200 people trying to draw!!! I'm so excited!!!
Why parvo? Wolves won't be a big deal for me...where I will be hunting I have seen plenty of monster elk along with plenty of wolf tracks. If anything the wolves will push the elk to me. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-10 AT 08:30AM (MST)[p]
Well whats your definition of good? Lots of private ground bordering an indian res a garbage dump and a lot of residential and buisness property not to mention a state prison. Sounds pretty good to me. Good luck. Are you an out of tator, I mean stater?

jt- they are correct about the snow, pm me and I will give you some advice. Had the tag to years ago. Good luck to all those who drew.

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Idaho Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Bearpaw Outfitters

Idaho Deer & Elk Allocation Tags, Plus Bear, Bison, Lion, Moose, Turkey and Montana Prairie Dogs.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, whitetail, bear, lion and wolf hunts and spend hundreds of hours scouting.

Jokers Wild Outdoors

Trophy elk, whitetail, mule deer, antelope, bear and moose hunts. 35k acres of private land.

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