Idaho Going To Auction Tags


Long Time Member
Reading on a few other hunting sites that Idaho has some how surpassed the F&G--public input process and some group is using the legislature to get this past.

Any truth to that?

True - slipped in under the wire at the last commissioner's meeting. It wasn't even on the agenda.

Slippery slope - just look at their neighbors to the south. Might as well auction them all.
>Does the group have a name?

Congrats!!! In Utah we have gotten rid of all the record books,and measurements. We judge out animals by the ammount we can sell tags for them. You have 400 point bulls, we have $175k bulls. You have 200 point deer, we have $200k deer. This whole auctioning tags for the little guy to have a chance and to improve wildlife works wonderfully. In Utah we give every tom, ##### and harry tags to auction to "improve wildlife", and as you all know, Utah is the number one mule deer state in the country. I mean Utah has mule deer numbering one. These auctions really make wildlife so much better!!!!
UT definitely is the "Wh##$e of the West" in regards to auctioning off tags. Can't comment on the value of this process since I have no idea where the money goes.
tracker, Nobody else does either, except for Don Peay, even months after his pledge of transparency.

You can bet SFW had a part in the Idaho auction movement. They began a presence there in the last few years.
What the heck are you guys talking about?

Did some slime ball bottom feeding organization BRIBE their way into Idaho?
I send Idaho some Vaseline. Makes what is about to take place a bit less painful.

The Utah-style of having a private organization get 100s of tags and then allowed to keep the proceeds with no strings on how the money is spent is a recipe for shenanigans.

Soon ID F&G and the ID legislature will be waiting for direction from this private organization. Biologists and hunters will lose the ablility to influence. The private organization will speak on their behalf and will not necessarily be speaking for the average Joe but for dang sure will be looking out for Richie Rich and Otto Outfitter.

Good luck, Idaho.

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