Idaho Deer Alliance



Recently, Deer Hunters of Idaho went under new leadership and has changed the direction of the organization, including the name. Idaho Deer Alliance (IDA) is the new organization name. George Nelson, former Mule Deer Foundation Treasure Valley Chapter chairman, is the new president of Idaho Deer Alliance.

George, with the help of myself and many other members and volunteers, will be reorganizing the approach IDA takes toward conservation of Idaho's wildlife (deer) resources and habitat. It takes all of us to make a difference in how our wildlife resources are managed. So sign up today and get involved. I have signup sheets if you need them. We need your support and help to make this organization a success in Idaho. If you were a Deer Hunters of Idaho member before you are now an IDA member, unless your membership has lapsed.

There will be a new website and a quarterly magazine for members in the future. It will take some time and effort to get things reorganized so please be patient. If you have any input on the direction of IDA please feel free to contact me or George at any time.


George Nelson (208) 703-6870
Travis Long (208) 412-0934

Thanks for your support! Good luck on the draws and happy hunting this upcoming season(s)!

I hope this is a good thing that your starting and wish you the best of luck. DHI in my opinion wasnt much of an organization. Im curious how the new leadership feels about the auctioning of tags for money that goes to wildlife. If your org.was to recieve these type of monies what would your uses be with those funds? Would you make every penny spent accountable and open to the public for review. Is the leadership compensated for their work? If so, how much and what for? Are the leaders fellow Idahoans and not outside interests from other states?
I dont think we need another org. like SFW seems to be! Please enlighten us I would be interested in joining a group of fellow Idahoans working for Idahos wildlife,resources,habitat and our way of life.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-12 AT 06:25PM (MST)[p]Sounds like another SFW! and you watch in a years or so there will be a tag grab, or atleast they will try! I hope my friends up there in the Great State of Idaho don't fall for it like we did here in Utard land!

Im sure Muley can speak for himself but they are not compensated for their time. all of the money goes to wildlife and stays in idaho. that is why he moved from MDF to DHI is because so much of the money has gone out of state and way too much money was going into pockets.

This is all from conversations personally with George.

As far as the tag grab auctioning thing, i have no idea about that. I personally dont think its a terrible idea as long as all the money goes to wildlife and they dont get too carried away and give half the tags like UT. Just my opinion tho, i know there are many that dissagree.

Back to the point, i think this is a good organization and i would encourage you to participate and check it out.

What exactley was the direction you where going , and what exactley is the new direction ?

Please be detailed in your answer.
You know I could support any group that gets tags that would guarentee that atleast 90% or even 85% would go back to F&G and be used in the field to help the Elk and Deer hurds!
I have not, nor will I ever support any group that auctions tags.

The whole sleazy practice should be done away with.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
I have been a life member of DHI for many many years this is a good orginazation that has good people associated with it & good ideas but lacked in leadership & group participation..they have worked hand in hand with IDF&G & the BLM as well as other programs & groups..hard to keep a club running when u only have a few people that are doing ALL the work..this organazation has NOT auctioned any big game tags EVER !! the only auctioned items with this org are the guns safes & misc auctioned at the yearly banquet..this org is also solely funded thru that once a year banquet..they have planted bitter brush cleaned up the blacks creek gun range done extensive work with F&G & BLM most recent project was the hwy 21 bridge & fence project..I can honestly say this org has deep rooted people with a single concern & that is Idahos deer herds...if you are a concerned Idaho deer hunter & want to help improve or maintain our herds this is the Orginazation to join ....
I met George at a show a couple weeks ago. He seems like a solid guy that want to help out the deer herds. I will support the new organization how I can.

I personally don't support the auctioning of more than 1 or 2 tags a year. I do, however, support a modest number of raffle tags to be sold as is currently funding the access yes.

i am not sure where he stands on this issue.
DHI & now IDA main goals have been to help out Idahos deer herds..Problem DHI had was getting more than maybe 8 to 10 people to do any of the projects !! maybe George will be more successful in getting new members or current members envolved ..pretty tough to plant 50000 bitter brush plants in a day with 10 people..
Where are they based out of? and how do they plan on involving southeastern Idaho? Bannock, Tex Creek and zones and so on. I know the whole state is going down and I want to see it all improve, because if just one zone improves it will get overrun. I would be open to listen and get involved so long as the plan is right. When is your next meeting?


Still waiting to see some answers. What are the goals for the organization and does the organization support privatizing tags (auction tags or private sale LAP tags)
Guys, sorry for the delay in responding! I have been busy with work and with helping out with some of the new things going on with IDA. All the questions and replies have been great! Certainly valid concerns and questions.

I will do my best to answer some of the questions. Goerge has some extensive experience with MDF, as you now know, and has seen what can happen to the funds raised in local chapters. MDF is a national chapter and much of the fund raising dollars go to the national organization with little returning to the state or local chapters that raised the funds. IDA is an Idaho based non-profit organization, which means that the the money raised in Idaho will stay in Idaho! That is a big deal in my opinion.

The guys that started DHI 20+ years ago have done a great job; however, there was a need to refocus the efforts of the organization on getting more involved in projects that help improve deer habitat and aid in the management of healthy deer populations in Idaho. Buyt all this can't be done successfully by a select few. We need the help of all our members to make anything we do a success.

We had our first "official" meeting tonight and it went well. We could certainly use more poeple attending to gather as many ideas as possible to ensure everyone's voice is heard. A small group of people can make a difference, but a big group of passionate hunters and conservationsists can make change happen. So we need everyone's opinions and input to make this a successful organization here in Idaho.

There are a lot of great things in the works with IDA. We are working on better member benefits, a quarterly magazine, a new website, and getting more involvement from the members. We want to make sure that member contributions are recognized and the money raised is going toward projects or efforts that benefit Idaho's deer herds, support future generations in getting into the outdoors, and ensuring those future generations have the wildlife resources available to them decades from now.

As far as the auctioning of big game tags, everyone has their own opinions on this subject. I myslef don't want to see it happen. If an auction for an Idaho deer tag brought in $50,000 and all that money was allocated specifically for deer habitat management then there might be some sound logic to an auction for a select number of tags. However, it then comes down to who has the deepest pockets and your average hunter may never stand a chance to ever get a tag like this. I don't think this should ever happen in Idaho. There are obviously pros and cons to an auction system, but it really comes down to holding F&G accountable for how those funds are used to improve habitat and manage game herds. IDA does not support the auctioning of Idaho's big game tags to the highest bidder. Leave that to Utah!

If you are skeptical about the direction or the integrity of IDA come out to one of our meetings and form your own opinion. The next meeting is scheduled for May 15th. We need every hunters perspective and input. IDA is going to be a great organization with everyone volunteering their time and spreading the word.

We have had some interest in forming chapters in other areas of the state and that's exactly what we need. If you are interested in forming a chapter in your area PM or call me at (208)412-0934 or contact George Nelson at (208)703-6870. Headquarters is here in the Boise area, but we want to see chapters throughout the area. That's what we need to make sure issues and concerns in your area are heard.

I may not have answered all the questions or concerns, but feel free to contact George or myself any time. I'm pretty stoked about the direction this organization is going! Get involved and help out! We appreciate the support. Please be patient as we continue to improve and develop Idaho Deer Alliance.


Travis Long


You hit the nail on the head. Thanks for replying to the questions. We really need the support of all the members to make everything work. IDA is absolutely concerned about Idaho's deer herds and the future opportunities for the next generation of hunters. But it takes more than just a few people to make a difference!


I agree that there is room for improvement on regulations. The only way IDA, or any organization, is going to have an impact on something like that is if we get more support and attendance of F&G meetings by our members. We have to rally the troops and work hand-in-hand with F&G. DHI members have been involved with many IDF&G projects and IDA will continue with those efforts. But again, IMO, it comes down to people getting involved, not just a select few.

>AT 06:25?PM (MST)

>Sounds like another SFW! and you
>watch in a years or
>so there will be a
>tag grab, or atleast they
>will try! I hope my
>friends up there in the
>Great State of Idaho don't
>fall for it like we
>did here in Utard land!

Abiggerfish2fry - I certainly understand your concern and no IDA will not be advocating or supporting the sale or auctioning of big game tags here in Idaho. IDA is an organization committed to the conservation of Idaho deer herds and habitat to ensure future generations can enjoy those resources for decades to come.

> I hope this is
>a good thing that your
>starting and wish you the
>best of luck. DHI in
>my opinion wasnt much of
>an organization. Im curious how
>the new leadership feels about
>the auctioning of tags for
>money that goes to wildlife.
>If your org.was to recieve
>these type of monies what
>would your uses be with
>those funds? Would you make
>every penny spent accountable and
>open to the public for
>review. Is the leadership compensated
>for their work? If so,
>how much and what for?
>Are the leaders fellow Idahoans
>and not outside interests from
>other states?
> I dont think we
>need another org. like SFW
>seems to be! Please enlighten
>us I would be interested
>in joining a group of
>fellow Idahoans working for Idahos
>wildlife,resources,habitat and our way of


I agree that DHI wasn't much in the past, but that is something that we are going to change! We are all Idaho hunters and want to see Idaho deer herds managed properly and want to help in conservation efforts wherever we can. I am an Idaho native and have hunted Idaho all my life. I love to mule deer hunt and I have three young kids that I want to see be able to hunt deer in future as well. That's why I am getting involved.

IDA wants to keep the money raised here in Idaho to support those conservation efforts. I personally believe in making everything transparent when it comes to how the money raised is spent. George has spent his time with the national organizations and understands the importance of keeping money raised in Idaho in Idaho! I have full confidence that IDA will be heads and tails better than it was. However, the organization is only as good as it's members. So we need the involvement of everyone to make this organization successful.

Come out to a meeting if you are available and check it out for yourself. I think you'll find that we're all working for the same thing when it comes to Idaho's deer herds and habitat.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 15th in Meridian. More to come on that.


>Where are they based out of?
>and how do they plan
>on involving southeastern Idaho? Bannock,
>Tex Creek and zones and
>so on. I know the
>whole state is going down
>and I want to see
>it all improve, because if
>just one zone improves it
>will get overrun. I would
>be open to listen and
>get involved so long as
>the plan is right. When
>is your next meeting?


IDA is based out of the Boise area. We certainly want to see more chapters started and involved in their areas. Thats exactly what we need in order to make changes and create influence in the areas we hunt. We want to see deer herds improve throughout the whole state. Not just over in southwest Idaho. If you're interested in starting a chapter in your area please let us know!


>As far as the auctioning of
>big game tags, everyone has
>their own opinions on this
>subject. I myslef don't want
>to see it happen. If
>an auction for an Idaho
>deer tag brought in $50,000
>and all that money was
>allocated specifically for deer habitat
>management then there might be
>some sound logic to an
>auction for a select number
>of tags. However, it then
>comes down to who has
>the deepest pockets and your
>average hunter may never stand
>a chance to ever get
>a tag like this. I
>don't think this should ever
>happen in Idaho. There are
>obviously pros and cons to
>an auction system, but it
>really comes down to holding
>F&G accountable for how those
>funds are used to improve
>habitat and manage game herds.
>IDA does not support the
>auctioning of Idaho's big game
>tags to the highest bidder.
>Leave that to Utah!

SOLD PM sent.
Muleycrazed, thanks for the response. Im interested in joining a group like this. I also am a native Idahoan and have never hunted anywhere else and really cant afford to so I like the fact that all money raised here stays here. If you could let us know when the next meeting will be and where, ill be there to check it out. Thanks and good luck to you guys.
As President of Idaho Deer Alliance I would like to introduce myself-my name is George Nelson and thank you for your interest and questions regarding IDA.
A little about me, and where I come from. I know some of you will shudder as I tell you: I was born in southern California. Growing up I didn't have a lot of hunting experience, mostly just fishing. I didn't even get my 1st deer until after I was married and my wife was with me in San Diego County. And then it began-the FEVER of hunting! For a lot of reasons I won't go into, we relocated to Nampa, Idaho about 22 years ago. Nampa has become our home. We have raised 3 children, 2 of which are great hunters! And we now have a grand-daughter anxious to join our hunting clan. We have had successful hunting seasons, some more than others. (Last year, I was considered the GUIDE, because everyone who went with me got something EXCEPT for me!) I don't believe my experience would have been as enjoyable if it weren't for organizations like DHI.
Having been with MDF for 2 years, (1 banquet), our project being partnered with others, on the HWY 21 underpass, we had been successful. We expanded our membership to over 250 members. Our 1st banquet had a 44% efficiency rating, and we had raised over $20,000. We enjoyed our time with MDF, but became disillusioned when we realized a large amount of monies raised here were NOT staying here in Idaho, 'MY BACKYARD' and YOURS! My heart is here in Idaho! I want to help improve the habitat HERE! I want to have an impact HERE! Not only do I hunt, but I also enjoy going on drives and seeing the beautiful sights of Idaho and the wildlife of all kinds! Deer, Elk, Bear, Birds, Antelope, even Fish! So the preservation of habitat is very important to me, and that's why I suggested that DHI became IDA.
Over the last few years, we have noticed a growing negativity toward hunters. Being with MDF we had support from NON-HUNTERS because we had focus on HABITAT IMPROVEMENT not on HUNTING. Yes we hunt, we know we do, but we are so much more than that! We can expand more, involve more, and simply do more, IF we align ourselves as wildlife benefactors. Hence the name Idaho Deer Alliance!
We know that there may be a concern and/or opposition to such a drastic change, however, we really feel that with both your patients and support, not only will our organization grow and benefit, but so will the wildlife we set out to support!
I will close by saying that I will take the time to respond to your questions, just please understand I have a lot on my plate. Not only have I been busy with the Alliance, but our 18 yr. old son is about to graduate High School...One important note for all of you to know though is that: IDA will never be affiliated with MDF or SFW as long as I am around!
Thank you all, I look forward to chatting more soon!
George Nelson
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:17AM (MST)[p]HeyZeus

I see that you didn't think much of DHI , but I don't see your name on the member list . Look I'm not trying to call you out , but it is not fair to sit on the outside and complain if you don't get involved to help make needed change happen . We would love to have members like yourself that are passionate about helping our deer and wildlife as we are .
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:09AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:06?AM (MST)


Please do yourself the favor of getting to kno me before you pass judgement on me and pretend to kno my views on issues .
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:03?AM (MST)


The group had just gone stale and didn't seem to kno how to move forward to get more people involved . We plan on letting the public as well as our State Officials kno that we are here . Not just watching them , but to help them as well . All in an effort to protect our wildlife and our rights as hunters and outdoors men and women .

Thank You for jumping in . It is the Life Members that I really want to understand how important you are to me and our group . Please make sure you can make next years banquet , I will make a point to thank all of you . If you have contact with others lifers please pass this on .
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:01AM (MST)[p] Thank you greatbasin .. Well I think we are Good Guys , Thank you for noticing and saying so .
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:14AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:12?AM (MST)


Stay Tuned , you will .
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:07AM (MST)[p]Outdoordan
Thank you stopping by the booth . Hope you got your membership started , if not let me kno and I will come to you if need be . Also check us out on Face Book to get updates for now . New Web Site is coming . Thank you again .
Well Said , OLDHORN ............... WE NEED HELP FROM OUR MEMBERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:10AM (MST)[p]MULEY204

We all have the Power . But it takes all of us . If 3 or 4 of us show up at F&G meetings and 30 or 40 of them show . Guess who gets heard ??????? It takes NUMBERS not just ideas typed on a forum page .
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:11AM (MST)[p]Blaine

Thank you for asking . We would love to have a chapter in your area . The more concerned members we have and more we all get involved in letting our voices heard , the more our State Officials will have to listen . Call me anytime you want to talk about getting it up and running .
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]MULEY204

Not nearly enough . As of now we only have our base chapter in the Boise area . However if you would like to help , we would Love to help you get up and going in your area . Thank you so much for asking . Contact me anytime . George
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]6speed
Sorry I didn't even kno this Site was going crazy until Wed, the 18th . I am working hard to answer all the questions and concerns .
George Nelson,

Have you personally went in and talked with the regional supervisor in your area or the IDFG commissioner YET ?

What are the goals of the IDA ? PLEASE be specific !

Is it planting bitter brush or regulation change Or both Or what !!!!

I am not scolding you guys, but you both got on here and gave up history , but have not talked about the future and what your opinion is about how to move forward. What is the goal of the IDA ??? I personally don't care about the MDF, SFW or the DHI and what they did. I want to know what the IDA is planning.

The G & F meetings are good place to vent, but is there really any value ? I would like to see hearing aids worn by the G&F at the meetings, I would bet there would be a packed house at every meeting from that point forward. Outside of the box thinking may be required to acheive desired goals.

George and Travis, Tell the forum what the IDA wants to do moving forward. What is the plan ? How many chapters in the state would you guys like to see ?
Idaho Deer Alliance, you dont even know who I am so obviously you cant find a name on the list. I also see that you didnt think much of DHI. If you did you wouldnt be changing the name of the organization or be changing the direction of the organization that is under new leadership! Just stick to making a good organization and stop nitpicking. I have to see what the org. is all about before I get involved to help make needed change happen if I cant agree with the changes or certain views of the leadership and the old/new org. There is still very good legitimate questions from people that I would love to hear you respond to, mine included.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 05:59?PM (MST)

Well Ok George!
I will not Judge you! (YET) Put your plan on the table and show where your funds go to and where the funds are coming from! and then let the people see who you are! you know I have not talked to one person on the Idaho Forum that did not make me feel welcome until you! So now that you have told every body your life story! Let me tell you mine! Sorry! my time is more set to help my friends! So I know that when I drew the Elk Super Tag this Last year, I got help from alot of the people that are posting with us right now, that gave me help even though they did not have to, and most people from other states would not have gave me the time of day, So for that they are me friends, and I could say I would them any time of the day on there hunt or anything else! So GEORGE! I hope you do some good for the people Idaho! And don't come on here and cry if some one is not so nice to you! Thank you for your time. Joe
>AT 06:02?PM (MST)

>AT 05:59?PM (MST)

>Well Ok George!
> I will not Judge you!
>(YET) Put your plan on
>the table and show where
>your funds go to and
>where the funds are coming
>from! and then let the
>people see who you are!
>you know I have not
>talked to one person on
>the Idaho Forum that did
>not make me feel welcome
>until you! So now that
>you have told every body
>your life story! Let me
>tell you mine! Sorry! my
>time is more set to
>help my friends! So I
>know that when I drew
>the Elk Super Tag this
>Last year, I got help
>from alot of the people
>that are posting with us
>right now, that gave me
>help even though they did
>not have to, and most
>people from other states would
>not have gave me the
>time of day, So for
>that they are me friends,
>and I could say I
>would them any time of
>the day on there hunt
>or anything else! So GEORGE!
>I hope you do some
>good for the people Idaho!
>And don't come on here
>and cry if some one
>is not so nice to
>you! Thank you for your
>time. Joe

Well Joe
In no way did I ever mean to make you feel unwelcome , I deeply Apologize for doing so . That being said these are your words ....< Sounds like another SFW! and you watch in a years or so there will be a tag grab, or atleast they will try! I hope my friends up there in the Great State of Idaho don't fall for it like we did here in Utard land! >.... That sir does sound very judgmental . Not only do I hope you stay here , but I would Love to have you and your Great friends as part of our Alliance . Our books and records , as they become established will always be open to all our members .
As far as Where funds will come from . We will raise them thru a yearly Banquet , Raffles thru out the year ( we currently have a Sako A7 300 WSM up for raffle ) . We will have advertising in our Quarterly Mag/News letter . Our hope is also to look towards area businesses for support , we kno this takes work and proof of the good we do for our wildlife .
Where the funds will go . Yes we do plan on working with F&G , BLM and Land Owners to Repair , Rebuild , Reestablish . Bitter brush , Water , Fencing as well as other plantings and winter range habitat improvements . These improvements could come from loss do to Fire , Construction/Human encroachment , Vandalism or Reclaimed farmland/ranch land . We also would like to have some sort of mentor program to help youth get more into the outdoors , hunting , fishing and habitat programs . This is our hope to help build a stronger future for all our outdoor sports . I also am a huge promoter of Highway under and over passes that are use for safe wildlife passage . These DO work very well , but they take a lot of work and money to build .
I am in No Way trying to start any kind of a War of Words . However I can not even begin to tell you how many People sit in front of their computer bitching about what others are or are not doing , all the while not helping where they could . I am not at all saying that is you . It just gets frustrating after awhile repeating the same thing . "WE CAN NOT DO IT ALONE , WE NEED ALL OUR MEMBERS AND CONCERNED SPORTSMEN/WOMEN TO HELP" The so called powers the be seldom listen to groups of 3,4,5 most of all if a group of 50,100 or 1000 is on the other side of the table . So Yes we need and want your help .
I hope this helps answer some of your question , Please don't hesitate to ask any in the future . Again I do Deeply Apologize for sounding like an unwelcoming ASS . Not at all my intention . George

PS: You kno if we had more members with our Passion , all of Idaho's and Utah's wildlife as well as the outdoors men/women would be on the way back to a Great Future .
George Did you even read my second post before you jumped in there and started a pissy match with me? If not Please go back and read! Ok you have now become my friend because you are a real nice guy! where is the money going to and how much is put back on the into the Elk and Deer hurds? and how much is really helping? OK I dont know you and you dont know me! But what I do know is what has haapened in my state, and I sure and the Heck dont want it to happen up there! You might have everything good reason to put hands up and give me a good stap in the end! But as a friend show me the money! how many $ hit the ground? of what you pull out of the people that live there in Idaho to help you! Look I am not trying to be a dickweed with you but, If you want to come on here and defend your self! Show US the MONEY! Your friend Always Abiggerfish2fry (Joe)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-12 AT 11:39PM (MST)[p]Well Joe I hope this helps , If not I truly am Sorry .

I like to think on a times 2 system . If we spend say $5000.00 to have a fund raiser , I want $10000.00 to come back in . The Goal for the break down would be , $5000.00 to repay the expenses . That leaves $5000.00 to work with . I would love to say that all of that goes on the ground for the deer , but it just can't happen . I want our goal to be in the range of 70% of it going on the ground tho . It might be slightly less or may be more . There are other expenses that do come up . Advertizing , Book Keeping , Promo Items (banners , shirts , hats , etc.) Fees to be in Sportsman/Gun shows (these get our name out , and drive up memberships). As well as youth programs . Our magazine/news letter is to be self supported by it's advertising .
Please Note at NO TIME is any money spent on salaries (we are ALL voluntaries). Spent to fix up any private property for some Fat Cat's hunting ranch . Or sent out to any so called special interest group (SFW).
You kno I am just a normal working stiff , I saw that our deer herds needed help so a volunteered my time to try and do something . I am starting to think I should have just jumped in a pool of Radio Active Waste Water , might have been easier . PS: I can't swim .
I sure hope that helps , Because I am done with this GD computer . I Don't want Private hunting , I Don't want special tags that only the Rich can buy . I Do want our deer herds to get Bigger and Stronger , I Do want all of us to have an equal opportunity to get out and enjoy hunting , and I Do want us to be able to leave the next generation a reason to be proud of us .

Really Everyone I have no secrets or anything to hard . If what I said didn't help I truly am SORRY ...... Feel Free to call me 24/7 I will answer any questions you have , then you can post my answers for all to read . ............ George
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-12 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]Well George!
I want to thank you for posting that! I give you a A- onyour post! I would have gave you the A+! If I could figure out the % number! but you did not make me see something that was a hard number! Look now that you have said what your plan is! I will now tell you about me! I worked as a Union Laborer in the local 270 for 25 years! (retired now) and I married a rich 27 Woman 14 years ago! Yep ever guys Dream! Now we own 11 Motels and a few rental! So I have came to see how both sides run in life, and I think it has made me a better man! So let me ask you one question and if you can provide this and post it! I will give you the A+ and even donate some money to IDA, if it turns out to be true! Post a P&L and I will stand behind you 100% and never dought you again! Joe
I'm glad to hear about the change, and I might have to consider becoming a member again. I've been a DHI member on/off for years.

The first time I bailed from DHI was when they spent a bunch of money on a rifle for a handicap guy so he can take a deer. No offense to that particular guy but I don't see how that helps the deer herds grow.

The second time I bailed was when the F&G was taking comments and asking for feedback on their 10 year mule deer initiative. Basically they setting management plans for the next 10 years. So I asked DHI what their response was and if this could be discussed at the banquet coming up in a few weeks. What they told me was they wouldn't have time to talk about that kinda stuff at a banquet. I came to the conclusion that the main concern of DHI is having a banquet and I haven't been back.
MULEY 204 nailed it IMO, when he said working with the F&G on changing the regulations will do more than anything else in the short term.

I mean bitterbrush is nice but, I can show you miles of winter range loaded with bitterbrush, but lacking deer in the peak of winter.

When it comes to setting policy (changing the regs) the squeeky (organized) wheel gets the grease. Look at muzzleloader rules: They went from basically anything goes except 209 primers and magnified round ball and patch only after the traditional guys organized their voice and requested restrictions. Then the non-traditional guys organized and got the rules changed back to allow better projectiles,etc.

So we need to organize our voice THEN approach F&G with recommendations. The problem is getting all of us to agree on anything.
"So we need to organize our voice THEN approach F&G with recommendations. The problem is getting all of us to agree on anything."


That ain't a camel toe, that's a moose knuckle!

I like your approach so far in trying to be transparent. Be careful because you will find many who want the opposite of what you do or more importantly what the concencus of your group wants so don't try too hard to please everyone, especially here. Also, watch or your words will get turned on you.

Try and do what is right for the deer/elk/Etc, and fair for your constituents and you will be ok. Avoid being greedy like so many are.









The F&G doesn't need a bunch of arm chair biologists telling them how to "fix" our deer herds. They need enough hunters to get together and form a consensus as to what we expect and then make sure they follow through with it . Trying to dictate regulations to them would be pointless.
Can you explain how us telling them how to fix our deer herds is different from telling them what we expect and making sure they follow through with it?

They are going to have to change regulations to fix our deer herds. We can tell them what we think they should do, or we could march around and tell them that we want our deer herds back and let them figure it out. Either way, they are going to do what they are going to do, but it can't hurt to tell them what we want.

That ain't a camel toe, that's a moose knuckle!
+1 Muley204, that's a good start, although I think we have a better start on what we shoud do than how we should get it done.

That ain't a camel toe, that's a moose knuckle!
>AT 08:29?PM (MST)

>Well George!
> I want to thank you
>for posting that! I give
>you a A- onyour post!
>I would have gave you
>the A+! If I could
>figure out the % number!
>but you did not make
>me see something that was
>a hard number! Look now
>that you have said what
>your plan is! I will
>now tell you about me!
>I worked as a Union
>Laborer in the local 270
>for 25 years! (retired now)
>and I married a rich
>27 Woman 14 years ago!
>Yep ever guys Dream! Now
>we own 11 Motels and
>a few rental! So I
>have came to see how
>both sides run in life,
>and I think it has
>made me a better man!
>So let me ask you
>one question and if you
>can provide this and post
>it! I will give you
>the A+ and even donate
>some money to IDA, if
>it turns out to be
>true! Post a P&L and
>I will stand behind you
>100% and never dought you
>again! Joe

I can tell you this . Sense we just took over in March , there really isn't much of a P&L to speak of . I can say tho that in February DHI had their last Banquet , they brought in approximately $24,000 and $9,500 left after all was paid . As we get going we will have to show as far as monies and how our programs do and don't work . Mostly because we want programs that do bring in real profits . We also want to move away from programs that don't . In the past we notice they never really tracked if individual fund raisers worked on there own , or just in groups . Sorry this really is all if have for now . We also will have expenses with the name change that will need to come as the year moves on .
Thank You , George .


LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-12 AT 11:54PM (MST)[p]Waiting on the details of the meeting on the 15th. I suppose in an effort to keep this thread going you could tell us the priorities of the IDA and perhaps explain or get ideas as to how to get more people involved. Other than this website I haven't heard anything about the IDA.
>AT 11:54?PM (MST)

>Waiting on the details of the
>meeting on the 15th. I
>suppose in an effort to
>keep this thread going you
>could tell us the priorities
>of the IDA and perhaps
>explain or get ideas as
>to how to get more
>people involved. Other than
>this website I haven't heard
>anything about the IDA.


We understand completely. We are working on the details for the May 15th meeting. It will be held in Meridian; however, we are working on a possible new location. As soon as we get that secured we will post a new thread with the details. Thanks for your patience!

As far as ideas or input for how IDA could or should approach deer conservation in Idaho, we are ALL ears! That is exactly what we need! Discussion, input and action! We need your ideas and everyone else that has concern about the future of Idaho's deer herds and habitat. I welcome the input on here or sent to my email: [email protected]

We understand that many on here are not here in the Boise area and cannot always attend the IDA meetings. Forums like these can and shold be used for these discussions. I like what I've seen so far on here and I think this is a great conduit for ideas for IDA. So please do share your ideas and thoughts on how you feel IDA should operate in Idaho.

I think George has done a good job of answering most questions on here so far; however, we may have missed some so I apologize if that is the case. Please continue asking the questions. We may not have all the answers, but we will continue to work with everyone who wants to see Idaho's deer populations and habitat perserved for the future.

Thank you,

Travis Long

Meridian, Idaho
[email protected]

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