Idaho Booner



I was able to make my Dads dream moose hunt come true. He finally got his first booner. Hopefully more of the story will be in one of the hunting mags this next spring, but in the meantime, here is his Idaho Bull. The only bad thing of the hunt was that it was day 2 of a thirty day hunt, but I just couldn't let him pass on this one. Please no comments about the tongue. Mine was hanging out farther than his after the two hours it took to winch him to the road.
Hey Bones,
I kept looking at your dad and I didn't see his tongue hanging out! LOL
Pass along to your DAD the congrats on his Bull Moose, I'm sure he was thrilled at taking the Bull. And thanks for posting the picture as well, real nice. Enjoy the steaks and hamburgers too.

Good Lord! Are you SURE you didn't step across the Alaskan state line? That thing is huge! Still waiting for my moose tag.
That is a huge bull ! Bet he had a lot of girlfriends with a tongue like that. :9
Awesome bull, congrats to your dad - and to you.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Thats a smokin Bull...I couldnt wait for you to post the story so I called and talked to your dad...He sounded excited about the up and coming elk hunt...see you there!
Congrats to your dad, thats what sons are for...LOL. Just a note, for pictures you can cut the tongue off but only if you are not a tongue eater, still a great bull.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Fletch.....Its on, we'll see you down here. It will be a good hunt. Lets drink a beer I need one. I'll fill you in later. Dad enjoyed talking to you.

Quite frankly, I was so busy looing at the horns, I never noticed the tongue. Later on when I was cutting him up, I'm like crap, the tongue is out in all of the pics, and I will catch crap fot that one. I am so glad that I was able to call in a big one for him to get. It was another great experience with my Dad.
AWESOME! Congrats to you and your dad. Nothing like building memories with your dad, and getting a big bull like that just makes it all the more Sweeter.
Thats one nice bull! Congrats to you, and your dad on a great hunt!


When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.
Thanks for all of the nice compliments. I'll pass them on. Here is the country, or about the exact spot where my Dad nailed his bull. If you look closely in the brush you might notice another bull that I called in standing in almost the same spot in the cut line. He will live another day, or until next year when the wife draws. : ) Ok maybe two years, the freezer is getting a little full. After the pic there is a close up and cropped image to bring the bull in a little clearer.
Great Bull! Has he been scored yet? What part of Idaho were you guys hunting?

Here is my 2005 Idaho bull from unit 1.
45" wide, low 140's net.

And one we called in later to 6 yards.

And another.
Awesome pics!!!!!!!!!!!!! and great bull yourself. We were in the same neck of the woods.
Hey bone.....what are the odds for a non-resi to draw that unit 1 tag over there? Do they have a point system for em'? Got 4 pts. for Wyoming, including this year, and 9 for WA. Gettin' impatient on drawing one of those. :)
The Idaho draw sytem is a little different than most. I hear they are about to change it all, so what I will tell you is how it was this last year. The way Idaho does its draw is that you have to choose which species you want to put in for for controlled hunt or special permit, so you have to choose from deer or moose, unlike Washington where you can do both. Then you have to front the $1500 to put in for the tag. You also have to buy a license before applying. Another $150 if you aren't buying it already(no refund). There is no point system. Evryone starts from scratch every year. I understand they are thinking about changing that this year though. All these factors make anywhere in Idaho easier to draw. The odds very every unit and every year. Overall, easier to draw than most states. I thnk when I applied the year before last, it was 30 non residents put in for that unit. They drew one Non resident tag and I got it. You can check the draw odds on their website. They have them posted for each unit and for each species. They also break it down for Non resident and resident.

I'm curious about how Washington is going to do it this year. I hear they are changing to the pick a species for draw instead of applying for all. What does that do to the people with 9 sheep points, 9 goat points and 9 deer points... I guess they forfeit???
Thanks for the info. Please tell me your kidding about WA. That's me.....9 pts each for sheep, moose, goat. I don't see ANY benefit at all in doing that! They would loose A LOT of Five dollar bills every June!
There you have it, the potential to lose all of your points for the last bunch of years of unsuccessful chances.
I entered Dads moose at the Sportsmans show. It scored 162 6/8 net. He won a blue ribbon for best shiras, and a plaque for best overall moose. There were a couple big Canadian boys there out of alberta, but they couldn't stand up to a big shiras. He is now entered into boone.

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