Idaho bone


Very Active Member
Here's what I found in about 5 hours of shed hunting in SE Idaho this February. I didn't find any large bones but the 4 point skull was interesting because the full skeleton was still intact when I found it and the horns hadn't been bleached by the sun yet. I also believe I saw this same buck in early January get his butt kicked by another buck.
Nice brian!! I beats what I've found so far (nada).I hope to change that. I'm glad to see someone from my area of the state finding something.
nice going, BId...large 'finds' or small 'finds', it's all a 'hoot' ain't it? nice pic, too....thank you...
Doesn't SE Idaho have a shed season? I thought you couldn't pick up antlers until later in the year? Not accusing, just wondering.
It is better if everyone else just thinks the shed season still doesn't start until May 1st ;)
The F&G did away with the shed season a couple years ago. From what I have heard it was just too difficult to catch someone red handed. The F&G also had a hard time proving antler poachers guilty in court.
Here is our Idaho Bone from the 2004 spring season. We were on a two day adventure that produced some excellant finds. HornCrazy was able to find a set of moose antlers as well as an old Winter Killed Elk. He also found one side of a Mule Deer Buck and a little forky. I was able to find a set of Whitetail Horns and two other Whitetail sides. We had a good float and as you can see in the pictures our one oar did not last through the trip. What a wonderful invention: Duck Tape!

Good luck,




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