Idaho bighorn poacher busted

Sounds like a slob that shot just for the sake of shooting any animal that presented itself.
Hopefully he will get jail time, hefty fine and lost of hunting for at lease ten years or more.

Rumor from ID has it that he was trying to feed his family in these tough economic times. Evidently, he lost his job, wife, and kids. Not sure if its true....
I would assume that theres lots of places to help with food before poaching.
Churches/Homeless Shelters/Relatives/Friends/ect...
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-10 AT 07:57AM (MST)[p]That is a tough situation, if his family really was hungry....... I am ok with someone taking a doe to feed their family. To me, that is why the animals are there. He was stupid to take a sheep. The whole situation is fishy, why did he leave it to rot? I do know I would have a hard time going to a stranger to ask for food. I was raised in a family that had 3 of us hunting. And sometimes we would all get elk and deer. That is a ton of meat. We would often donate meat to either struggling family members or freinds, and sometimes complete strangers.
I hate to see anyone go hungry. . . . At the same time I hate poachers, if they are taking animals with only the intention to kill.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
I heard the ewe was mocking his brand of truck, so he laid the hammer down on her... :D :D Wouldn't that be justified as well..?

Seriously, feeding his family..? I work for a state agency (Please don't hold it against me) and especially if he has multiple kids, there is plenty of money out there to get food, besides the other community resources that are probably available. I feel for people in harsh situations, I help them get out of them everyday.

I'm sure food had NOTHING to do with it. He saw it, shot it, and then the witness came out of nowhere to confront him and he bolted. The easiest story is usually the truest also...
The local paper says he was with a truck full of his buddies and that they drove away when the ewe started rolling...sounds more like a thrill kill to me. I say give him the max and go after his helpers too, if possible.

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